51: The Behaviors of Successfully Implementing Change with Justin Garner, The Animal Behavior Management Alliance

Animal Behavior Conversations: The Podcast of The ABMA

This episode continues on "The Behaviors of..." series which dives into the human side of the animal care field. In this episode Justin Garner, Committee Chair for The ABMA, helps to give advice on how to successfully implement change. The discussion begins with ideas and advice on communicating ideas to others and how to then put those ideas into action. Justin and Shane also talk through ideas to overcome some of the common "roadblocks" to successfully implementing change including not enough time, we've always done it this way, and a lack of resources. Stay tuned in for a "Training Tale" about a ground hornbill's love for popcorn and how that almost prevented a new idea from coming to fruition. For questions or suggestions about the podcast email abc@theabma.org and to reach Justin contact him on the ABMA Community or email justingarner80@gmail.com  Let's talk some training and banter about behavior!

  • 3:10 Introduction to Justin Garner

  • 4:35 Realistically starting to make change

  • 13:45 Putting the focus on the animals and off yourself 

  • 18:50 Leading by example 

  • 28:20 Building relationships with your teammates 

  • 34:25 Potential Roadblock: “We don’t have enough time for this change” 

  • 41:20 Potential Roadblock: “This is what we have always done” 

  • 54:40 Potential Roadblock: “Lack of resources”

  • 1:00:00 Be real, show your passions 

  • 1:03:20 Not being afraid to fail

  • 1:06:55 Training Tales








