#513: An Update on Jared’s Fitness Journey with the Bomb Mom!

Vitality Radio Podcast with Jared St. Clair

How do emotional barriers, mindset, and accountability impact our health and fitness journey? On this episode of Vitality Radio, Jared invites his fitness coach, Melissa Vogel, back to the show to talk about his experience this last month on his fitness journey. They talk about how Jared has handled some roadblocks and setbacks, and they also celebrate his wins!

Additional Information:

#506: Jared’s Fitness Journey & New Products!

#493: The Mindset of Lasting Health and Fitness with Melissa Vogel

Bomb Mom Podcast

Bomb Mom Fitness

Visit the podcast website here: VitalityRadio.com

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Just a reminder that this podcast is for educational purposes only. The FDA has not evaluated the podcast. The information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The advice given is not intended to replace the advice of your medical professional.








