Beyond The Lens with Richard Bernabe

Richard Bernabe
Beyond The Lens with Richard Bernabe

This photography podcast takes you ‘beyond the lens,’ exploring the arts, travel, conservation, entrepreneurship, creative culture, and more through deep-dive interviews with some of the world's most influential and inspiring people. Host Richard Bernabe is a renowned photographer, intrepid world traveller, explorer, author, and champion of wildlife and endangered species. He’s been hailed as one of the "Top 30 Influential Photographers on the Web" by the Huffington Post and Influence Digest's "20 Photographers Changing the World Through Social Media." He has travelled to more than 60 countries, capturing photographs and writing for clients including National Geographic, CNN, The New York Times and the BBC.

최고 5점
109개의 평가


This photography podcast takes you ‘beyond the lens,’ exploring the arts, travel, conservation, entrepreneurship, creative culture, and more through deep-dive interviews with some of the world's most influential and inspiring people. Host Richard Bernabe is a renowned photographer, intrepid world traveller, explorer, author, and champion of wildlife and endangered species. He’s been hailed as one of the "Top 30 Influential Photographers on the Web" by the Huffington Post and Influence Digest's "20 Photographers Changing the World Through Social Media." He has travelled to more than 60 countries, capturing photographs and writing for clients including National Geographic, CNN, The New York Times and the BBC.

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