Mx. Asian American

Asian or American? My name is Karen Zheng, and I am the host of Mx. Asian American. Mx. Asian American is a podcast detailing the Asian American experience in America. In each episode, I invite other Asian Americans to discuss issues relating to the community, everything from mental illness, career aspirations, racism to food, love languages, and pop culture. Connect with us:
Thank you Karen!
For giving a space for Asian American voices to be heard. 👏🏽🙏🏽
Amazing work!
I love how open and vulnerable Karen is as it allows her guests to open up as well. I love how she discusses so many topics that affect asian americans, especially mental health! Excited for more.
I enjoy the discussion. In terms of the discussion of speaking proper Mandarin, I think y’all are missing the point. This is an Asian American movie, encompassing a diverse cultural background of Asian Americans. It’s not just representing Mainland China. BTW, even in Mainland China, there are various accents. Open your mind and see a bigger picture!
Great Host! (And guest but I know her less well)
Go Karen! Keep up the good work!
À propos
- CréationMx. Asian American
- Années d’activité2019 - 2024
- Épisodes114
- ClassificationContenu explicite
- Copyright© Mx. Asian American
- Site web de l’émission