Avanti Wellness Podcast

Lydia Smith
Avanti Wellness Podcast

A podcast about creating balance in 3 key areas of Wellness, The Body, Mind & Spirit. We'll be talking about health, beauty, healing, self development, energy release, alternative health modalities, exercise through movement & activity, natural beauty, aging naturally and anything that contributes to our overall wellness.  On YouTube we are building a motivation and inspirational community that meets on Zoom on Sunday evenings.  I LIVESTREAM Rebounding Exercise and Motivational Videos in the mornings and in the afternoon and the community hops on and chats and connects.  It's is a fun way to stay engaged in your own journey, come be a part of our community.  Avanti is Italian for Advancing or Moving forward, so this podcast is intended to motivate, inspire and advance you to your greatest levels of wellness. Starting levels are different for each individual and our journeys are unique. We hope to introduce you to something new that contributes to your personal SELF advancement. Let's get started on the journey!


    A podcast about creating balance in 3 key areas of Wellness, The Body, Mind & Spirit. We'll be talking about health, beauty, healing, self development, energy release, alternative health modalities, exercise through movement & activity, natural beauty, aging naturally and anything that contributes to our overall wellness.  On YouTube we are building a motivation and inspirational community that meets on Zoom on Sunday evenings.  I LIVESTREAM Rebounding Exercise and Motivational Videos in the mornings and in the afternoon and the community hops on and chats and connects.  It's is a fun way to stay engaged in your own journey, come be a part of our community.  Avanti is Italian for Advancing or Moving forward, so this podcast is intended to motivate, inspire and advance you to your greatest levels of wellness. Starting levels are different for each individual and our journeys are unique. We hope to introduce you to something new that contributes to your personal SELF advancement. Let's get started on the journey!

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