#6 Sustainability = Profit? Bridging sustainability strategies and financial performance with Tensie Whelan

“Business & Society with Senthil Nathan”播客

Can embedding sustainability into your business strategy really boost your bottom line? Join us as Tensie Whelan, an expert in sustainable business practices, reveals how the Return on Sustainability Investment (ROSI) framework can drive financial performance through operational efficiency, innovation, and risk mitigation. She shares compelling examples from the apparel and automotive sectors, demonstrating that genuine commitment to environmental and social issues isn't just good for the planet—it's good for business. This episode delves into whether we've reached peak ESG and why material issues remain critical for long-term competitive advantage.

Why aren't businesses measuring the impact of their sustainability efforts, and how can they start? Tensie tackles this paradox by highlighting the shortcomings of current accounting systems and the necessity of showcasing financial returns within a capitalist framework. We explore powerful case studies from industries like automotive and pulp and paper, illustrating the significant financial gains achievable through sustainable practices. Dive into the substantial benefits within supply chains, consumer trends favoring sustainably marketed products, and effective messaging that resonates across political divides. From sustainable sourcing to the importance of certifications, discover how to make a compelling business case for sustainability investments.

More inspirations from Tensie Whelan:

  • Ongoing GreenBiz series
  • Tensie's LinkedIn and NYU Center for Sustainable Business(CSB's) LinkedIn
  • News and Insights page of CSB's website that has the latest publications from Tensie
  • Free, online asynchronous course created by Tensie, How to Embed Sustainability Core to Business Strategy and Drive Competitive Advantage

Book Recommendation: Doughnut Economics by Kate Raworth.

If you want to follow this podcast, please subscribe to the Business and Society with Senthil Nathan on Apple and Spotify. We welcome your comments and suggestions at bspwithsn@gmail.com.








