6 Tips To Hit Your Protein (It's Way Easier Than You Think)

Progress Not Perfection

In this episode, I'm going to go over all of the tips and strategies to help you hit your protein target

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There's a lot of misinformation in the fitness and nutrition industry, that's why I am here.

I am here to take all of the guesswork out of weight loss, mindset, habits, and nutrition to make it super easy and simple for you to reach your goals.

What's up, guys? I'm Jeffrey Pachtman. A chef, nutritionist, and personal trainer who coaches average everyday people online.

I break down and simplify the SCIENCE of fat loss and nutrition to make it easy for anyone to digest.

We are going to eat a LOT of tacos 🌮 , drink copious amounts of coffee and have a great time while we lose body fat, gain muscle, and enjoy some of our favorite foods while doing it.

Ready to ride? Hit that subscribe button and let's see how deep this rabbit hole goes.








