(64)The New Era

Rebel Hearts Podcast

Today, I finally got to sit down and talk with my friend Julian aka The Cozy Representative on Youtube and we talk about how despite not understanding or agreeing with it, music is somehow or at least was when we grew up, gendered and we talk about how we both grew up thinking we didn't belong in the spaces we loved so much because how the music we loved was packaged to us and how despite that we learned not to let it define how we digested and listened to it. Follow Julian: https://twitter.com/dramaclubjulian https://linktr.ee/thecozyrepresentative https://www.youtube.com/user/julianryanberosh/featured Music Featured: In The Mourning "At What Cost" (https://twitter.com/inthemourningla, https://inthemourningla.bandcamp.com/releases) Nightlife "New Low" (https://linktr.ee/nightlife_xo, https://twitter.com/nightlife_xo, https://nightlife-xo.bandcamp.com/album/new-low) Intro Song: Bartees Strange "Flagey God" (https://barteesstrange.bandcamp.com/album/live-forever)

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