64. Toxic Positivity

OWN YOUR SPACE, with Jason Johnson

I was recently made aware of ”Toxic Positivity”…. as such that, for someone living with depression can feel even more isolated when people try to tell them “it will be ok”… “you will get over this”…. “Life happens for you you”. Yes, I believe all of that…. Power of the Mind stuff… However, when you live in a dark place of depression, it is extremely difficult to think this way. If you know someone living with depression, just be there for them and validate their experience. Just listen. They may not be ready to “problem solve”. They just want to be heard. They just want to know that what they are going through is real… and they want to be acknowledged. This is their journey. Don’t try to help them with solutions. (Not yet)….Just show up, meet them where they are. Love them, acknowledge them, be there for them. I hope you find this helpful. If you want to know more, consult a professional. I am learning and growing. This is my journey and I wanted to share it with you. Be Blessed. Be Love…. Thank you, my friend. I hope you find this helpful and it brings you value. Please leave me a review, subscribe to the show… share this episode with someone that you think might find it helpful…. and connect with me on social. I’d love to hear from you. https://www.facebook.com/OwnYourSpacePodcast https://www.instagram.com/jtjohnson360/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/jason-johnson-b56743a/








