Pure Dog Talk

Laura Reeves
Pure Dog Talk

Pure Dog Talk is the VOICE of Purebred Dogs. We talk to the legends of the sports and give you tips and tools to create an awesome life with your purebred dog. From dog shows to preservation breeding, from competitive obedience to field work, from agility to therapy dogs and all the fun in between; your passion is our purpose. Pure Dog Talk supports the American Kennel Club, our Parent, Specialty and All-Breed Clubs, Dog Sports, Therapy, Service and Preservation of our Canine Companions.

  1. 5일 전

    670 – Emergency Medicine Best Practices

    Emergency Medicine Best Practices [caption id="attachment_13516" align="alignleft" width="515"] Dr. Callie Harris at her "day job" in emergency medicine.[/caption] Dr. Callie Harris joins host Laura Reeves for a deep dive on emergency medicine, urgent care and which is right for you and your dog. “I got bit by the emergency bug,” Dr. Callie said. “This is when the magic started to happen, where I recognize I was an adrenaline junkie. I loved working with really scary crazy cases and I also enjoyed being part of the entire team in my exam room. With very frantic scared pet parents, I knew that I could provide not only life saving techniques, but communication strategies to try to promote calm. “This is what I tell that next generation of aspiring veterinary professionals, animal welfare professionals, anybody in the pet care industry, pets are attached to humans. They kind of have to be prepared to talk to other people because my patients, they don't get in their own cars, they don't drive to the practice, they don't fill out their own history forms. Guess who has to do that? The pet parent. So it's a whole thing. “At the end of the day, I have seen any and everything. Emergency veterinarians, we're definitely like the Cowboys of our profession or Cowgirls or cow people, where nothing phases us. We will eat while we're looking at a really gross wound. We can just get through anything. “The development of emergency facilities came about and so now you have practices that are just dedicated to seeing your non vaccines preventative Wellness types of appointments. We're really seeing the sick patients but even then, ER's became over inundated with cases, pet ownership skyrocketed. “So over the past handful of years is really when we started to see the uptick in urgent cares in the vets space. And so an urgent care is going to provide that middleman if you will. So this is going to be the facility that's going to still treat those ear infections, UTI's, vomiting and diarrhea, coughing, you know, your standard, “my pet is sick on a weekend or after hours and I don't know what to do.’ “The reason why you would bypass an urgent care is for those real critical scenarios such as my pet’s unable to breathe or my pet is bleeding out profusely, my pet got hit by a car, my pet has a really severe fracture. These are going to be the ones that I would urge pet parents to drive past the urgent care and go to an emergency.” Listen to the full episode to hear Dr. Callie’s adventure with Moon Pie the goat and more.

  2. 1월 13일

    669 – How to Climb the Mountain to Owner Handled Success

    How to Climb the Mountain to Owner Handled Success Antoinelle Vulpis joins host Laura Reeves to discuss how she climbed to the pinnacle of owner handled success, winning Best in Show at Montgomery Kennel Club with her Skye Terrier. Vulpis discussed the beginning of this journey in an episode with Laura five years ago. Today’s conversation brings the story full circle. “After our big win at Kennel Club of Philadelphia, I was thinking, we got some awesome momentum,” Vulpis said. “We got two more best in show after I spoke with you. I was like, this is incredible. And then the pandemic hit, so all that momentum and excitement just went away for me. For everyone, you know, it was just kind of a weird time. And then when we were lucky enough to have shows again, trying to pick that back up and make people believe again is kind of tough. So it was a little of a unique experience in that. “Then (I) realiz(ed) that I have these goals in mind, just these little things that I want to check off my checklist. I want to show him at my national. As a veteran. That was a goal of mine and that's what our whole plan was to do. And then I went to Canada too. I was like, let me get his Canadian Championship. Go to Canada with my girlfriends, have a girls weekend and try to get a title. So yeah, I literally only showed him in June (2024) to finish his Canadian title and then Montgomery. …if the judge can't see it, it doesn't matter… “(In Best in Show) we're showing to Lydia Coleman Hutchinson, the legend. I've shown to her several times throughout my dog's career, maybe half a dozen times. But just to be in the ring and like to put my dog on the table as you know, a 7 1/2 year old dog, like just knowing that she's seen him as a puppy, it was very emotional for me and I just kept on being like ‘Don't cry. Don't cry.’ “It's just such a full circle moment. And I felt so fortunate to just be in her ring again at this stage because this is going to be my last time showing him at the National. “(On his down and back) I took a knee, man. I mean, it was my Hail Mary. It was the last move, the last card that I had in my deck. So I just got down and just tried to manipulate the lead a little bit and to get him to react to me. And just to see like, ohh, mom is eye level, that kind of thing. And so if you get that, you can get the ears to react a little bit and just let him show off that beautiful top line and his long neck. So you just want him to just for a brief second show off these qualities that we know he has. But you know the answer right? I know my dog has it, but if the judge can't see it, it doesn't matter.” To hear all of Vulpis’ tips and tricks, listen in to the podcast today…

  3. 1월 6일

    668 – Pro Tips on Raising Orphaned Puppies

    Pro Tips on Raising Orphaned Puppies Dr. Marty Greer joins host Laura Reeves to discuss how to raise orphaned puppies. How to help dams not reject their puppies, increase milk production and deal with mastitis are all covered. Pro tip number one is avoid having orphaned puppies, Greer notes. Increasing the dam’s calcium intake, using Adaptil collars and saving placental fluid after a Csection are on Greer’s list of ways to encourage the dam’s maternal instinct to kick in. Pro tip number two is helping dams increase their milk production. “I don't know what there is magical about a Bratwurst, if it's the fat, if it's the salt, and I'm sure there's other things as well, but that's what I've had great success with. It helps them to eat better. It helps them to lactate better. The things that people use on the human side for lactation nurses are oatmeal and vegetables like sweet potatoes. So those are some things that you can do and they'll eat those sometimes when they won't eat their regular dog food. “But whatever you have to do to get them to eat, jump through hoops to make it happen. Because if she is eating and drinking, then you don't have to feed the puppies nearly as much. So you feed the machine that feeds the puppies. “Now the other things that help. Are fenugreek and that is in the Oxy Mama product that Revival has for improving lactation. And then Reglan which is metoclopramide, a prescription drug that you can get from your veterinary clinic. And one of the side effects is that it improves lactation. “So fenugreek and reglan make milk and oxytocin lets the milk be released from the glands so they work complementary to each other neither one replaces the other.” Pro tip number three regards mastitis. “I don’t wean puppies unless the bitch is really, really sick or there's a giant necrotic opening in a gland. I will typically let the bitch still nurse her puppies because the amount of antibiotic coming through the milk is infinitesimally small. “First of all, let's talk about preventing mastitis. That means bathe her with a Chlorhexidine shampoo 3 or 4 days before she has puppies. So she goes into this clean. Don't let her go out in the mud or herd your sheep into the trailer when she's got newborns. And put her on a probiotic because that's going to all reduce the risk of her developing mastitis. “If she ends up with mastitis, make sure she gets enough fluids. She needs to be on an appropriate antibiotic and I put them on pain medication to bring down the fever, to reduce the inflammation and that again is safe for the bitch to take and still have the puppies nurse. There's not enough that gets into the milk, but it's going to hurt the puppies. “It’s not just milk, it’s maternal skills as well. She's licking the puppies, she's stimulating the puppies, she's treating the puppies the way puppies need to be treated. No amount of human hand-raising can substitute for that. I know we do our best but it's still always best for a bitch to be with her puppies than it is to be separated if there's any possibility of making that happen.”

  4. 2024. 12. 30.

    667 — 2025 Kick Off and Looking for Potential

    2025 Kick Off and Looking for Potential As 2024 draws to a close, we’re left, as usual, staring into the abyss of a new year… upheaval nationally, internationally and even in our tadpole pond of purebred dogs has left all of us off balance at some level.  Poised precariously here on my rickety soap box, I hope you’ll join me on a journey of retrospection, through a few glimmers of hope and on to a couple new year’s resolutions. Eight years ago this month, the first Pure Dog Talk episodes dropped just in time for the AKC National Championship shows. I racked up 10s of thousands of steps dropping flyers on every grooming table, interviewing treasures of our sport and gathering support for this novel way of sharing 20th century knowledge in a 21st century way.    Pure Dog Talk was the very first podcast dedicated to purebred dogs. Today we have a couple million downloads and have reached nearly 400 thousand listeners globally. Several major corporate sponsors and a couple hundred Patrons keep the lights on and the mp3s rolling so that YOU can stay on top of news, interviews, reviews, events and ideas. We’ve shown up in the AKC Gazette (shoutout and thanks to the Gazette crew!) I just found myself quoted in a TikTok posted to a Reddit “millennials” thread  fgs… I love hearing from all of you all the time. About how Pure Dog Talk “saved your life” or made it better or saved your dog’s life. PS We’ve added a page to the website where you can upload your stories complete with photos! Check it out on the Testimonials tab at pure dog talk dot com. If you’d be so kind, indulge me while I take this opportunity for some shameless promotion. If you find Pure Dog Talk has helped you or someone you know, please consider joining our paid Patrons. This funding covers only overhead – website, audio editing and more – not me personally. When I launched the Patrons in 2018, I was paying for the podcast out of my pocket and eating a lot of peanut butter sandwiches.  A lot has changed since then (although, I still eat a lot of pb&j). The crowdsourced funds from Patrons of the show have enabled the growth and professionalization of the website, continued the outstanding production values of the pod and made us able to keep growing this resource to reach new audiences. Your Patrons membership adds value to the pod by initiating you into a devoted community of purebred dog enthusiasts including judges, handlers, owner handlers, newbies and master breeders. Patrons only After Dark gatherings each month let us hash out problems, share ideas, stand in community with one another and gain knowledge.  Visit https://puredogtalk.com/patron/ and select your Patron Package. You can join us for as little as $10/month or save 10% with an annual Patron membership. Come on over and join the best community in dogs. Aaaaaand, Starting Jan. 3, our new Patrons Only pod, Unleashed, delivers “let your hair down” episodes on all the hot takes in purebred dogs. Mailbag topics, commentary and insight with your favorite guests. In our first episode of the new show, Amanda Kelly joins me with thoughts  on "How Not to be a D*ck at the Dog Show”.... Patrons, BOLO an email with access deets!~ And, speaking of new stuff…..  We’re SUPER excited to announce that, after EIGHT years in the...

  5. 2024. 12. 23.

    665 – Research Shows How Dogs are Affected by Human Emotion

    Research Shows How Dogs are Affected by Human Emotion [caption id="attachment_13446" align="alignleft" width="515"] Author Jennifer Holland with her dog.[/caption] Author Jennifer Holland joins host Laura Reeves to discuss her new book “Dog Smart: Life-Changing Lessons in Canine Intelligence.” This cutting-edge science narrative, chock-full of heartwarming case studies, is one woman’s quest to learn the true meaning of dog intelligence and how they are affected by human emotion. Holland interviews trainers and handlers of various working dogs doing their jobs. She was led by a seeing eye dog through the streets of Manhattan and took a sleeve hit in a protection dog training demo. “I have some video of it,” Holland said, “and my head just sort of flops around like a rag doll. And the dog did not want to let go. It took a little while to actually pry him off of me and I got a good bruise. “But again, what I was trying to think about was how you train this animal that, here we've, you know, raised them to be sweet and loving animals. I was told training them to bite a person is a really hard thing to do because they don't necessarily want to do that. “And so it has to be a game. It has to be a game for them. The sleeve is a sleeve. It's not a person and then to be able to train them to stop if they're in mid bite. And here they're getting that thrill and you have to tell them no, the bad guy has waved the white flag. It was remarkable to me that dog can stop and have that self control.” Laura commented that the part of the book that really jumped out at her was research showing that puppies who were given unhappy or negative sweat smell grew up to be unhappy negative puppies. And the ones that were given a happy sweat smell grew into well-adjusted, happy dogs. “(Dogs) are just so affected by us in that way,” Holland added. “Just the importance of our level of stress or for them the feeling that we're feeling good is important to how they respond and how they behave. It just shows that incredible kind of co-evolution that's happened and that bond that we have that really I think makes (dogs) particularly special.”

  6. 2024. 12. 16.

    664 – No Ghoulish Green Monsters Here

    No Ghoulish Green Monsters Here Author Dawn Secord joins host Laura Reeves to discuss the release of her new book “No Ghoulish Green Monsters Here.” Secord describes a lifetime in dogs, her time with Irish Setters and her childhood starting with Milk Bone snacks. “Combining my love of art and writing and looking back on being a child with so many kids not acclimated with dogs and not realizing what a wonderful opportunity it is to find companionship,” Secord said. “Find security and to use words to make the kids feel safe. And so in 1984 it was laid on my heart when I got my first Irish Setter that I was going to do a book about an Irish setter for children and share my love of my dogs. “I want to give parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles and nieces, whomever, a book to sit down and talk about dogs and talk about their fears. This first book has messages about facing fears because everybody's afraid of something. And I wanted kids to know it's OK to be afraid and talk about it. Don't be afraid by yourself. “The book comes with a free download that's on my website. So if they want to make it into an educational tool, it's got a glossary and it talks about Irish Setters. I even made maps for kids to learn how to read a map and some pictures and coloring book pages for the little ones, some things to research for the older ones. So I really wanted parents or adults, whoever they are, they have an opportunity to turn the book into an educational opportunity if they desired. “I really want to promote that having a purebred dog is cool. So that's one thing. For the writing, I feel that it's timeless and I want to make an impact.”

  7. 2024. 12. 09.

    663 – Show Safe Team Wants to Make a Difference

    Show Safe Team Wants to Make a Difference Board members of the Show Safe organization join host Laura Reeves to discuss the grassroots development of an organization that supports a safe dog event environment. “I think there were several of us that felt, you know, we're just frustrated because you wanna do something, you know, everyone wants to do something to make a difference,” said Show Safe Secretary Lindsay Fetters. “I think it was very easy to throw blame and throw the responsibility on other parties. And you know, something needs to happen, but it's somebody else's problem. “I think we all can agree that we really wanted to focus on education. We wanted to promote recognizing issues. We wanted to be able to respond to issues. We wanted to be able to restore things once we knew there was an issue. “We all put our egos aside. And, you know, we come from such a variety of backgrounds. You know, you have all ages, you have all interests, you have all levels of involvement in our sport, and so we were able to really look at what strengths does everyone bring to the table and kind of align that with what we need to get done and kind of run with it. And that's exactly what we've done.” “It's about boots on the ground,” said Show Safe Executive Director Diane Moore. “It's about raising the money and the awareness and the energy to actually accomplish something. Like Lindsey said, everybody wants to do something. They want to make the world a better place. But to take that into tangible steps, this board has done a phenomenal job. So we essentially have 4 initiatives and those four initiatives, the first one is education. “It's also going to be outreach and workshops. It's going to be education for clubs, for juniors, for people who report on the sport or on abuse and neglect, just all of those things where we can educate and just say, hey, look, these are these dynamics and this is how you recognize it. You know, our tagline is recognized, respond and restore.” The team also has created a toll-free number (1-888-474-9723) to call for immediate response staffed with someone who is trained to listen and trained to “say what's going on, what's your concern and to assess what you need to create safety.” “Our aftercare program is really about, OK, so something has happened, something has happened to you and you are part of the dog show community and you need some support,” Moore added. “So it's not right now, it's not immediate response. It's not like you're unsafe right now. It's historical mostly but it's impactful, it's impacting you, it's still with you and so we're going to be there to say ‘OK, what resources do you need?’ How do we help navigate this resource world and ultimately be able to assist you in paying for … mental health resources and survival resources and how do we bring that to you in a way that is you are in control.” “I'm second generation, so I grew up in this sport,” said Show Safe Director Jason Hoke. “Many of us have grown up with our parents and even our grandparents taking us to the dog show, leaving us in x-pens alone. We grew up feeling like everybody in this sport is our family and that everything is safe and in the majority of it, it really is. But what we want to do is be able to teach people things that can protect and educate other parents, other youth other elders to recognize where shortcomings are in dog shows in show locations, in areas within the show.”

  8. 2024. 12. 02.

    662 – Anxious Behaviors Linked to Gut Dysfunction in Dogs

    Anxious Behaviors Linked to Gut Dysfunction in Dogs Dr. Jason Gagne, board certified veterinary nutritionist, joins host Laura Reeves for a deep dive into dog food feeding trials, anxious behaviors linked to gut dysfunction and more. “It's one thing to open up the AAFCO book,” Gagne said. “The Association of American Feed Control Officials who set this model bill, as it's termed and says you need this much zinc, you need this much selenium and so forth. Then pet food company XYZ, whoever that may be, goes ahead and puts that much in or hopefully a little bit more to meet those requirements. “It's another thing to actually be the company (Purina) that does these feeding trials. Again, as I mentioned before, we're obtaining these ingredients, we're formulating our diets. We have very tight control over our ingredients specifications and have very high standards for who our suppliers are. But it's another thing to then take that diet that you make and feed it out to a colony of dogs and we do do that and we're proud of that. “The purpose of doing that and having that colony is to feed these diets. Because when we do that, we can measure the digestibility of our diets. We can assess the fecal quality and the fecal score, which I think is important to a lot of breeders and sporting enthusiasts. And we can even assess the performance on the diet. “It’s not just important to meet the AAFCO requirements, but it's more important really to optimize those recommendations for the betterment of the dog, right? We put those diets out there on the market after we've assessed, hey, we put this in the diet, we want to make sure it's actually in the diet. We can analyze the diet itself, but then again, we're analyzing what's going in and coming out of the dog as well. “This microbiome, what else is it doing? It's actually been linked to behavioral issues as well when it goes out of whack, that dysbiosis as you mentioned earlier. “We actually did do a study with dogs displaying anxious behaviors, and paired it with physiologic as well, so salivary, cortisol and we also had Holter monitors on them for heart rate. We were able to show that when the dogs were being supplemented with the bl999, they (had) a decrease in barking, jumping, spinning and pacing, which was anxious behaviors that they were displaying, versus when they were on the placebo.”

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Pure Dog Talk is the VOICE of Purebred Dogs. We talk to the legends of the sports and give you tips and tools to create an awesome life with your purebred dog. From dog shows to preservation breeding, from competitive obedience to field work, from agility to therapy dogs and all the fun in between; your passion is our purpose. Pure Dog Talk supports the American Kennel Club, our Parent, Specialty and All-Breed Clubs, Dog Sports, Therapy, Service and Preservation of our Canine Companions.

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