She Sells Radio

Elyse Archer
She Sells Radio

What if Grant Cardone and Abraham Hicks had a love child? Well, it would be this podcast. Each week, join Elyse Archer, mentor to female business owners and sales professionals, as she shares strategies and ideas on how to sell in a way that feels natural and aligned for you as a woman, break through the six or seven figure income mark, and use your money in a way that creates real, positive change in the world. Because when women make more money, everyone wins. If you’re looking for actionable advice on how to grow your business and sales while stepping into your true personal power, this is the show for you!

  1. 2024/12/09

    357 - How to Embody Your Highest Self with Toni Jones

    As a raving fan of her music, I am thrilled to have Toni Jones join the She Sells community! Her music has become a mantra for the women in this community. We played her music on repeat at the Sedona retreat. We’re listening to her songs while getting ready in the morning, working out, walking into work, and today we get to learn even more through her experiences. Toni Jones served for six years as a Life coach and Mental Health advocate for women and youth. Now as an Affirmation Musician, she found creative ways to promote the message of conscious well being through her music. Toni started making music as a tool for her life coaching clients to practice healing on the go. After great response from her first album she decided to make music full time. She has since released five projects so far: Affirmation for the Grown Ass Woman, Affirmations and Chill, I See Me Mantras, and Get Cha Mind Right (the mental health mixtape) Toni’s music is healing music, she coined it as Affirmation music. Affirmations set to modern music, which is different from the traditional way of saying Affirmations and mantras that are usually set to relaxing new age music. By creating affirmations to modern music this allows the listeners to ride, be on the go and vibe, just dance to the music while still reciting healing words.   Show Notes: [2:46] - Pain and heartbreak has always been a point of entry for Toni’s evolution. [3:38] - Toni shares how she discovered narcissism and the inspiration for learning as much as she could to help other women through a wellness company. [5:50] - Within 24 hours of praying for direction, she knew she needed to create affirmation music. [6:58] - Toni never intended to become a musician. [8:37] - Toni describes the first experience of creating the first song for clients. [9:17] - Her first affirmation album was 9 songs created to help a woman grow. [10:38] - She had a mission to create something relevant but not corny. [12:58] - Because it was such a knowing, Toni was able to create her album with no fear. Before she knew in her head, she knew in her body. [14:51] - Toni did not experience imposter syndrome in the beginning but admits that she experiences it from time to time as her music grows. [18:20]  - What is an evolved way of doing business? [19:42] - Sometimes we feel that we have to sacrifice our wellbeing for the grind. [21:34] - Tap into how you feel when creating. [22:17] - The vibration of your business is important. [23:42] - An evolved way of doing business is putting yourself first. [26:21] - Toni highly recommends the book The Energy of Money by Maria Nemeth. This book changed her relationship with money. [29:06] - Learning and unlearning was one step. Embodying this new mindset was another step. [31:06] - Whether money is there or not, it is important to maintain the right mindset. [33:02] - Toni’s spiritual connection with God is what keeps her feeling worthy. [34:55] - You are worthy of healing without effort. Worthiness is a birthright. [35:50] - Toni lists some ways she taps into her worthiness. [38:19] - Once Toni saw how she developed her own coping mechanisms she began treating herself as a newborn who needed comfort and guidance. [40:47] - There’s a shadow and light side to everything. [43:28] - What is the focus of Toni’s affirmations lately? [45:31] - Practice listening to your intuition through meditation. [46:49] - There is so much noise going on in our lives, so you have to slow down and listen. [47:58] - You only get better. Look at your past and how much you’ve progressed.   Connect with Toni: Instagram  |  YouTube  |  Website  |  Facebook   Links and Resources: Instagram  |  LinkedIn  |  YouTube She Sells with Elyse Archer Home Page

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  2. 2024/12/09

    356 - From Homeless to 8 Figure Entrepreneur with Stephen Scoggins

    From homelessness to heartfelt industry leader, Stephen Scoggins is an 8 figure serial entrepreneur of multiple businesses who has dedicated himself to serving the person he used to be.  Stephen is also an author and the host of the syndicated, top-rated, hit podcast Stuck to Unstoppable. He’s been featured in media like Forbes, Entrepreneur, Thrive Global, Evan Carmichael’s Top 10, and many more.  I met Stephen several years ago through mutual friends and we were working together on a consulting project. My first impression of Stephen was through his credentials, but when he mentioned that he had been homeless before his success, I knew there was so much more beneath the surface to this man that you might know at first glance. Today, we’re talking about how to cultivate unstoppable energy towards your goals, as well as how to build a self concept in alignment with achieving your biggest, wildest dreams.   Show Notes: [3:50] - Stephen shares a bit about his backstory and how his self image shifted through his journey. [6:19] - He was promised a dream but walked into his first experience of living in lack. [8:26] - We get to choose the identity we live in. Stephen describes his decision. [10:17] - The life of the entrepreneur is a journey of aspiration. [11:46] - His first aspiration was to become secure. [13:43] - The entrepreneurs that are bringing in the most income spend more time becoming more conscious of the subconscious. [15:27] - Stephen describes an experience that completely changed his money mindset. [17:56] - He has a daily routine that chooses for him what he is going to do to continue his personal growth. [20:20] - Look at all the things in your life that money cannot buy. [25:03] - We all move through seasons.  [27:30] - How many times as thought leaders are we pivoting on content? [29:24] - After speaking with one of his clients, Stephen had an epiphany. [30:56] - Once you’ve shifted from tactical thinking to strategical thinking, then you’re into scaling. [32:07] - Elyse has built her aspirational identity. [34:16] - “I am ready to be on the same level.” [36:10] - It doesn’t matter what table you’re at. It’s about being effective. [37:56] - “I am someone worthy of wealth because I am going to steward it.” [39:37] - Stephen offers online courses and training that takes you through building a business step by step called Unstoppable Online. [41:25] - We are uniquely qualified to make something out of nothing. [42:46] - If you continue to work on your aspirational identity, the next step will always be greater.   Connect with Stephen: Stephen Scoggins Home Page Unstoppable Podcast Stephen Scoggins on Instagram   Links and Resources: Instagram  |  LinkedIn  |  YouTube She Sells with Elyse Archer Home Page Abundance Mini Course Join the $10K Club Apply for the $50K Club Mastermind

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  3. 2024/10/10

    355 - My Life Changing Experience at Dr. Joe Dispenza’s Retreat

    Welcome to another Best Of She Sells Radio episode! This is one of the most viewed YouTube podcast episodes, and rightfully so. So much of my success is due to the learnings I’ve experienced through Dr. Joe Dispenza. That’s why this episode is so profound and exemplifies exactly what this show is about. I am rarely as excited as I am today to be presenting this episode. I went to an in-person Dr. Joe Dispenza retreat and learned so much. The challenge today will be if I can fit it all into one episode! In this episode, I share with you the ten main takeaways from the event and the profound impact it has had on my life already. The experience was incredible and as we continue on our own unique journeys, you can start to implement these changes into your life and meditation practices as well. I am not exaggerating when I say that this experience was absolutely life-changing. Listen on and I advise you to take notes because you’re going to want to remember this one.   Show Notes: [8:04] - Joe’s work is all about the scientific and spiritual connection in how we create quantum leaps. [9:11] - The body is an extension of the mind. You are working from the inside out to create change. Elyse experienced physical changes during the retreat. [11:15] - Elyse was able to experience this because of her focus on getting out of the way and healing the person she was working with. [13:59] - There’s so much more available to you than you realize. [18:26] - This event pushed Elyse and she realized how much farther she could go than she ever imagined. [19:50] - While there, meditation lasted several hours rather than the usual few minutes. [20:51] - Think of yourself as wearing a virtual reality headset. [22:08] - You can become addicted to a life you don’t even like. You have to be willing to lay down the character you play in the VR headset. [24:04] - Who are you pretending not to be? [26:00] - Nobody chooses you. You choose you. [28:52] - There are two different ways to create: matter on matter and energy on matter. [30:49] - The closer you are to source when you create, the faster it happens. [33:00] - Don’t expect any magic to happen in your life if you stand up as the same person you were when you sat down. [36:01] - Elyse also learned the power of minding your emotions and being attuned to them. [37:04] - People are only open to information equal to their own emotional state. [40:23] - The moment you think about your problems, you’re in the past. [42:43] - When you feel yourself going back to dwelling on a past problem, you have to be able to shift quickly. [44:20] - When you make these changes, your old self will fight you and try to keep you from moving forward. [47:03] - Stay out of your own way by letting go of your grip. [48:09] - Be conscious of your own language and when you are disempowering yourself. [51:42] - The divine in you will always match your efforts. [54:25] - If you want to experience the divine, you have to be divine. [55:46] - There is always more love to experience.   Links and Resources: Instagram  |  LinkedIn  |  YouTube She Sells with Elyse Archer Home Page

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  4. 2024/10/08

    354 - Abundance Selling vs. Scarcity Selling with Ian

    As we move into a new phase with the podcast, we’re doing something a little different today. We’ve got some new things happening that are so exciting, but in the middle of the surgery, it looks like a murder. Have you ever had those moments where you see the vision, but there’s an in-between time that is hard to wait through. But in the meantime, we are bringing some of our absolute favorite episodes from the She Sells Radio archive to you. They stand out because of their impact and if you’ve heard them before, the content is more relevant than ever. You have evolved since you heard this episode, so let’s revisit Abundance Selling vs. Scarcity Selling with Ian Koniak. This special episode is a live training with Ian Koniak, a three time She Sells Radio Podcast guest. As the #1 rep for Salesforce, the #1 CRM in the entire world, for 19 years, it’s obvious Ian knows what he’s doing. He and I have worked together on his personal brand and I got to know him as a person. I have been absolutely blown away by who he has become through this journey and am constantly amazed by how he continues to grow. If you wanna know the sales mindset and strategies that multi figure sales reps use that have a lot of client opportunities and conversions that don’t have to hustle, this training is for you.   Show Notes: [7:16] - What is speaking to you about abundance selling vs. scarcity selling? [8:59] - Wanting something really badly sometimes makes it seem unattainable. [11:25] - Ask yourself what is sustainable. Can you work the way you’re working right now for the next 20 years? [12:31] - Learn the definitions of abundance selling and scarcity selling. [14:45] - When we place our self-worth on our sales, this is scarcity selling. [16:26] - When you’re seeking external validation, it is always going to fall short. [19:52] - Your agenda should be seeing if you can help somebody. [21:02] - Listen with the intention of understanding rather than listening with the intention of replying. [23:53] - Realize that you don’t need this customer to buy to survive. [26:36] - Say no to the things that distract you from being laser focused on your goals. [28:14] - If you are thinking about how much you need the sale, you are not thinking about serving the client. [30:09] - Your energy determines the outcome. [32:08] - Learn from the people who have the results you want but pay attention to their energy. [36:58] - The way we feel determines our actions and our actions determine our outcomes. [39:28] - The real gift and the real prize is becoming the best person you can be. [40:51] - Just because you think a thought, does not make it true. [42:52] - Success is knowing that you are doing the absolute best you can to become a better person. [46:40] - For Ian, he needed to lean into his fears. [48:23] - How can you show up where you leave nothing on the table? [49:46] - When you’ve done all you possibly can, there’s no such thing as failing. [51:53] - How can you turn it around when it seems like all the doors are closing? [54:18] - If you could have it any way, what would the outcome be? How can you make yourself a match for that? [56:25] - How do you keep a positive mindset on your journey to true abundance selling? [58:50] - Staying on the brighter side can sometimes be hard, but we have to count our blessings. [60:44] - Check out Ian’s Untap Your Sales Potential Coaching program.   Connect with Ian: Untap Your Sales Potential Coaching Ian Koniak’s Website Ian Koniak LinkedIn   Links and Resources: Instagram  |  LinkedIn  |  YouTube She Sells with Elyse Archer Home Page Abundance Mini Course Join the $10K Club Apply for the $50K Club Mastermind Money Mindset Live Event

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  5. 2024/09/16

    353 - Reinventing Yourself After 40 with Allison Hare

    Today, I get to bring you an absolutely phenomenal woman and human being. I’m interviewing one of our very first graduates of the $10K Club and it’s incredible to hear her story and learn about what she has built in just a few short years.   Allison Hare is a former corporate sales executive who left the corporate world to coach women - especially high-performing working moms - to redesign their best lives without burnout. As an executive consultant specializing in sales, personal branding, podcast coaching, marketing, and personal transition strategy, she’s the host of the award-winning, top 1.5% globally ranked podcast, Late Learner and a keynote speaker. She founded the Effective Collective membership designed to connect high-performing women that want to powerfully live, work, and play in full alignment. Show Notes: [2:13] - Allison looks back on feeling the pull to work with Elyse and how it changed her life. [3:53] - It’s incredible to see someone put aside the reasons not to and start reinventing themselves. [4:56] - Allison shares what she learned as a child that impacted her career in later years. She explains her background and how she found herself in corporate sales. [7:12] - She suppressed her creative side to choose what she thought would bring her financial stability. [9:30] - It got to a point where she could feel that things were out of alignment. She had to get to the bottom of burnout. [11:04] - Giving a platform to the thing that lights you up the most opens up everything. [12:03] - For many people, it is somewhere around mid-life where they feel the pull to make a big shift. [14:09] - Where do we even start? It can be scary to make big changes, especially “later” in life. [15:48] - There is grief that comes with outgrowing the familiar. [16:53] - Grieving needs to be normalized. Pain is the price of evolution. [19:09] - There is a misconception and belief that many people have that they are not good enough. [20:52] - Allison describes the framework called Boom, Room, and Bloom. [24:57] - Give yourself some room to experiment but think of it like a playground. [27:01] - Limiting beliefs will hold so many back. Allison explains how she reconciled this within herself. [28:19] - Success is a patchwork of creativity and accomplishment that are all in alignment. [31:41] - We don’t have to wait for the event that knocks us down so hard and so far to make a change. [34:54] - Life is the sum of your relationships, not your achievements. When you invest in the relationships that you want to cultivate, life gets richer. [36:28] - The wrong people may derail you. [38:25] - Check out the resources on Allison’s website as well as her podcast at    Links and Resources: Instagram  |  LinkedIn  |  YouTube She Sells with Elyse Archer Home Page Abundance Mini Course Join the $10K Club Apply for the $50K Club Mastermind Money Mindset Live Event

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  6. 2024/08/20

    352 - Abundance Habits in Selling

    Welcome to a transformative episode of She Sells Radio! In this special recording of a live session, we dive into the powerful shift from a scarcity mindset to an abundance mindset. This spontaneous, heart-led dialogue, originally shared on Facebook Live, was inspired by my own journey and the incredible changes I’ve witnessed in our community. For years, I struggled with a scarcity mindset, feeling like I never had enough. Can you relate? This mindset is common in the sales industry, where traditional teachings often emphasize scarcity, leading to anxiety and fear. But I’ve seen a magical transformation in the She Sells community as people embrace abundance—not just in their finances, but in their overall outlook on life. An abundance mindset isn’t about how much money you make; it’s about changing your internal view of the world. When you start seeing yourself as abundant and do the self-concept work, your sales, income, and peace of mind will shift dramatically.  In this episode, we explore how shifting to an abundance mindset can change your life and approach to goals. We’ll discuss the importance of choosing mentors who embody abundance and the need to ask different, more empowering questions. Let’s break free from old paradigms and embrace a new way of thinking.   Show Notes: [2:20] - Scarcity mindset has nothing to do with how much money is in the bank. [3:39] - When you start to do the self-concept work and see yourself as an abundant person, your sales and income will shift. [4:53] - There are a lot of people with large platforms that are teaching a scarcity mindset in sales. [6:11] - As a global community, we are all being invited to a shift in consciousness. We need to drop the old paradigm. [9:01] - Check in with yourself. Do you feel attached when in a sales call? Do you feel anxiety or fear? [12:01] - When hiring a mentor or coach, hire them because you want to learn how they think. [13:20] - There is so much content out there that pushes to “crush the competition” and that is an example of a scarcity mindset that is not helpful in reaching your goals. [16:16] - When you are ready to uplevel and expand, you will feel it. [17:52] - Study the people who have the results you want. [19:28] - You have to start asking different questions. [21:08] - Give what you want to receive.   Links and Resources: Instagram  |  LinkedIn  |  YouTube She Sells with Elyse Archer Home Page Abundance Mini Course Join the $10K Club Apply for the $50K Club Mastermind Money Mindset Live Event

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  7. 2024/07/30

    351 - Top Sales Mindset

    Welcome to a transformative episode of She Sells Radio! In this special recording of a live session, we dive into the powerful shift from a scarcity mindset to an abundance mindset and how this can drastically impact sales. This spontaneous, heart-led dialogue, originally shared as a live conversation on social media, was inspired by my own journey and the incredible changes I’ve witnessed in our community. For years, I struggled with a scarcity mindset, feeling like I never had enough. Can you relate? This mindset is common in the sales industry, where traditional teachings often emphasize scarcity, leading to anxiety and fear. Have you ever thought about how you can avoid going into scarcity mode in sales when it’s the only thing you’ve been taught? The sales cycle is long, so how can you stay motivated when things seem to take forever? These powerful questions, and more, are asked by viewers of the live stream about mindset in sales. An abundance mindset isn’t about how much money you make; it’s about changing your internal view of the world. When you start seeing yourself as abundant and do the self-concept work, your sales, income, and peace of mind will shift dramatically.  In this episode, we explore how shifting to an abundance mindset can change your life and approach to goals. We’ll discuss the importance of choosing mentors who embody abundance and the need to ask different, more empowering questions. Let’s break free from old paradigms and embrace a new way of thinking.   Show Notes: [3:27] - Scarcity mindset has nothing to do with how much money you have or earn. [4:18] - When you start to do the self-concept work and see yourself as abundant, your sales will become more abundant. [5:23] - So much of what we are taught in sales is very much in a scarcity mindset. [7:20] - We are all invited to drop the old paradigms and step into a different way of being. [9:05] - Go where you are wanted. [11:03] - There is a huge difference between scarcity and abundant selling. [12:23] - When you are hiring a mentor or a coach, you want to know how they think. [14:35] - Any time you feel the need to crush the competition, you are working in a scarcity mindset. [18:01] - If you are feeling the call for expansion, don’t ask for a “bigger egg.” [19:08] - Study the people who have the results you want. [20:24] - If you desire more abundance in your life, you have to start asking different questions. [21:23] - Give what you want to receive. [22:42] - When you’re stuck in a scarcity mindset, you will constantly be anxious and worried about how you can make more money. [25:43] - Live streams will continue weekly on Tuesday mornings. [26:49] - This work is deep and it will change your life.   Links and Resources: Instagram  |  LinkedIn  |  YouTube She Sells with Elyse Archer Home Page Abundance Mini Course Join the $10K Club Apply for the $50K Club Mastermind Money Mindset Live Event

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  8. 2024/07/16

    350 - How to Thrive During a Challenging Season

    Hey everyone, welcome to our milestone 350th episode! Can you believe it? This is what happens when you're loving the process. The things we think will take forever to achieve sometimes happen before we even realize it. In today’s episode, we’re diving into a live stream recording from this week about thriving during challenging seasons. I want to share the transformation I experienced during circumstances that could have brought me down completely. Instead of just weathering a challenging season, let's think about how to thrive during or after it. Or better yet, how do we alchemize a challenging season? Alchemy is all about converting something of a lower nature into something of a higher nature. So, how can you alchemize a challenging season? Whether you're facing difficulties in your personal or professional life, there's a profound gift in every challenge. You just have to focus on it. I'll be talking about the three things I did to shift from a challenging season to a new season of absolutely thriving. This topic has been on my heart for a while now. It's amazing to think about the difference a year can make in terms of where we are and the challenges we've overcome. As a company, we're experiencing phenomenal growth. You'll hear about what this season has in store for the She Sells brand moving forward, the vision for the podcast, and how we're bringing that vision to life.   Show Notes: [2:54] - Alchemy is converting something in a lower nature into something of a higher nature. How can you alchemize a challenging season? [7:17] - What got you here, won’t get you to the next step. That is part of the process. [9:23] - We have had several live streams that you could attend live, but now we will be sharing them more frequently on the podcast! [12:03] - The live stream recording begins. [13:26] - What a difference a year can make. [15:01] - We can’t avoid challenging seasons, but we can harness them and use them for our own growth. [17:13] - Have you had a situation in your life when everything suddenly changes quickly and you have to figure out how to handle it? [18:52] - When we’re in it, we’re in survival mode. It might be hard to see the other side. [23:30] - Once you realize the gift you are receiving, you drop the resistance. [26:39] - We don’t get what we want. We get what we are. So become the person who has what you want. [29:10] - When you are in these hard seasons, you are becoming the person you want to be. [31:02] - You can start to see the parts of you that are not a match for the level you are aspiring for. [32:04] - When you set an intention for your next level of growth, you get to “mold the clay.”   Links and Resources: Instagram  |  LinkedIn  |  YouTube She Sells with Elyse Archer Home Page Abundance Mini Course Join the $10K Club Apply for the $50K Club Mastermind Money Mindset Live Event

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    What if Grant Cardone and Abraham Hicks had a love child? Well, it would be this podcast. Each week, join Elyse Archer, mentor to female business owners and sales professionals, as she shares strategies and ideas on how to sell in a way that feels natural and aligned for you as a woman, break through the six or seven figure income mark, and use your money in a way that creates real, positive change in the world. Because when women make more money, everyone wins. If you’re looking for actionable advice on how to grow your business and sales while stepping into your true personal power, this is the show for you!











