#7 Taras Kuzio on decolonising perceptions of Ukraine in academia


The guest of the seventh episode of Decolonisation is Taras Kuzio, a renowned British-Canadian political scientist, analyst, and expert on Ukraine. In this episode, Dr Kuzio joins Anastasiia Marushevska, editor-in-chief of Ukraїner International and co-founder of PR Army, to discuss the challenges of decolonising perceptions of Ukraine in Western academia, particularly in light of the dominance of Russianists in post-Soviet studies.

Dr Kuzio explores why Ukraine remained a blind spot in international academia until the full-scale invasion, why the traditional concept of the “post-Soviet” space is outdated, and how academic biases continue to influence Western policy-making on Ukraine.Ukraїner International is a non-profit media that works globally to promote democratic values. If you like the podcast, please support us: https://buymeacoffee.com/ukrainerinternational 📗 Or buy our merchandise and books, where 30% of the cost goes to support our work: https://store.ukrainer.net/en/ Follow us on social media:https://www.youtube.com/@UkrainerinEnglish Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ukrainer_en FB: https://www.facebook.com/ukrainer.eng 

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