Veggies & Virtue

Is your child either screaming, crying, calling for you, or climbing all over you any time you try to get food ready to put on the table? Does it feel intimidating to offer new foods because you don’t know how to handle your child’s response? Do you wrestle with what behaviors aren’t that big of a deal and which ones are creating bad habits when feeding your family? Do you feel like your fridge is always full and yet you only ever offer the same few foods … simply because clicking “reorder cart” is way easier than having to rethink what to buy and make each week? I so get this, mama. That’s why, on this podcast, you will find simple meal and snack ideas (that don’t require a lot of effort or ingredients), practical tips for meal planning and prep amidst mom life, and dietitian mom feeding advice that is both evidenced-based and yet grace-laced. My mission is to help normalize that feeding your family is a hard job. And yet, amidst your everyday efforts, I want to encourage you and equip you with the hacks and know-hows you need to find ease around your child’s eating habits. I know you may feel internally anxious about what you are offering your kids and like it’s unattainable to get your child to eat enough variety. That’s why each episode outlines feeding basics that build upon one another to promote the nutritional balance and feeding behaviors you feel good about your child growing up with. Hey friend, I‘m Ashley Smith - registered dietitian nutritionist and a Christian mom who is also making dinner with kids constantly at her ankles. I built this business out of the necessity I saw for getting good nutrition in my own less-than-perfect eaters. From my first child being the kid who was picky early on and yet wouldn’t sleep without a full belly, to the breast feeding nightmares and onset of postpartum anxiety after my second child, to the food intolerances and survival strategies of pandemic parenting with my third child, I know feeding our families amidst the demands of each day can make us all crave instant wins. That’s why I wanted this podcast to become an easy button in your home so you could simply add to cart a few new ideas each week while experiencing my empathy in our shared experiences as moms. So if you‘re ready to find flexible meal + snack ideas that are manageable rather than monotonous...meal planning options that are easily organized instead of overwhelming (and have my busy mom stamp of approval on them)… and eating habits that empower you to regularly offer nutritious food while finding freedom, flexibility, and fun when feeding your family, you are in the right place! Pull up a stool at my kitchen counter and let me pour you a cup of coffee. It’s time to chat about the meal times, messes, moments, and ministry of motherhood. I am thankful you’re here. CONNECT: Instagram: @veggiesandvirtue Community: Email: Website:
Such a helpful podcast!
Wow, I could have cried w/ relief finding this podcast. Really practical tips and insight into the heart behind children’s (and our own!) behaviors, anxieties, etc, not just surface issues. Thank you so much!!
Game changing!!
This podcast has been game changing for our family. I have been diving into all of the veggies and virtue resources, and it there is SO practical (especially for families with picky eaters!) Ashley’s wisdom and expertise have been the missing piece to the puzzle for our food struggles as a family. We’ve had an extra tough time with food for my four year old son lately, and I literally just prayed before I typed into the podcast search engine that God would point me in the right direction. This was the first podcast to come up, and I’m so grateful that it’s from a Christian perspective!
I love that it’s a short, practical podcast from a Christian mom. It is so refreshing to hear her centered around prayer and living to glorify God
Best Mindset on Feeding Healthy Meals!
The prayer to begin the podcast just sets the best intention and helps me accept these changes to put into motion. I grew up in a home with no balance to my meals, think Mac N Cheese, top ramen and hot dogs. I’m looking to break the toxic food cycle and provide wholesome meals for my family. Ashley takes away the pressure and burden of being the meal planner for my 3 kids and allows the Lord to lead me into providing nutritious and obtainable meals to the table. Thank you for everything you put out there on your podcast!! ❤️❤️❤️
- 创作者Ashley Smith, RD, LD [Picky Eating Expert]
- 活跃年份2022年 - 2024年
- 单集183
- 分级儿童适宜
- 版权© Copyright 2021-2022
- 节目网站
- 自我完善半周一更