The Stepmom Diaries Podcast

Stepfamily Solutions
The Stepmom Diaries Podcast

The Stepmom Diaries podcast, hosted by Cameron Normand of Stepfamily Solutions, focuses on all things stepmom-related. As a second wife, stepmom to four kids, and successful businesswoman, Cameron Normand keeps it real with conversations about blended families, relationships, personal development, and much more. With her expert advice and down-home discussions, Cameron will inspire you to live into your best blended family life.

  1. 13/12/2024

    96. A Better Marriage Starts With A Better You, with Casey & Megan Caston

    "If you want a better marriage, it starts with a better you" (there may be affiliate links in this post - for more about what that means, click here) Our guests this week are known for their clever and relatable social media videos - but they are much more than that. Casey and Meygan Caston, founders of Marriage365, offer up some great relationship advice for couples. In today's episode, they give us their top tips for good communication, and you'll enjoy hearing their story.  And they've offered a special $250 discount for our listeners to their annual marriage retreat happening October 2-5, 2025. You can check it out HERE and put the code STEPFAMILY SOLUTIONS in the comment field to apply the discount.  About Casey & Meygan: Casey and Meygan Caston, founders of Marriage365, fell in love, got married, and started their happily ever after. They quickly found themselves facing deep challenges in their marriage due to childhood trauma, stubborn personalities, and poor communication. By year three, they were on the brink of divorce. Determined to turn things around, Meygan embraced the advice: “If you want a better marriage, it starts with a better you.” She focused on her own healing, habits, and boundaries, sparking a dramatic shift in their relationship. Frustrated by ineffective and costly therapy, the Castons created practical tools and resources to help couples strengthen their marriages. This inspired the launch of the Marriage365 app offering affordable and convenient support for relationships that has helped over 100,000 couples reconnect and reignite their love. They’ve authored five books, lead global marriage retreats, and offer one of the top premarital courses in the U.S. Married 21 years, Casey and Meygan live in Southern California with their two teenagers, enjoy the beach, card games, and walks with their dog. You Can Find Casey & Meygan:  On their website:  On Instagram: @marriage365 You can grab their book, 365 Connecting Questions For Couples, on Amazon! And Join Me In January! For additional support, join me in Alexandria, VA January 24-25th for Stepmom Live! - it will be a transformative 2 days of diving into stepfamily challenges like communication, conflict, and most of all, how to tame the chaos and save your sanity. And follow me on Instagram and TikTok for all my latest. Got a question for me or something you're struggling with in your stepfamily life? Submit a question to be answered on a future podcast episode HERE If you're looking for some help with stepfamily communication, make sure you grab Smooth Talking: 10 Essential Stepmom Scripts - it will give you the exact words to use when you're trying to talk about some of the tricky stepfamily topics that come up on the regular. Are you enjoying The Stepmom Diaries? If so, please consider rating and reviewing the show. It will help me reach more stepmoms just like you so they can get MORE out of stepmom life! It’s super easy – all you have to do is click HERE and scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “write a review.” Then just let me know what you like best! And the best part about leaving a review? If you send me a screenshot of your review, I’ll send YOU my 20-minute Stepmom Self-Care Blueprint. For FREE. It’s normally $49 and it’s a great tool to quickly set up a self-care plan you’ll actually use. Just head HERE to send me your screenshot and grab your blueprint!

    40 min
  2. 06/12/2024

    95. Stepfamily Holidays: Scrooge-Proof Your Season

    The Stepfamily Holiday season can be filled with landmines. Let's tackle them one at a time. If you’ve ever felt like the holidays in a stepfamily are more stress than joy, this episode is for you. We're going to talk about some of the hardest things that come up for stepmoms during the holidays - and I'm going to give you some tips to help make it through. And if you'd like more support for the holidays, I'm hosting a special live class called From Humbug To Happy next week inside the Stepfamily Circle. It will be an interactive hour filled with Q&A - and you'll walk away with practical strategies to navigate the stepfamily holiday season. To claim your spot, just pop over and Join the Circle HERE For additional support, join me in Alexandria, VA January 24-25th for Stepmom Live! - it will be a transformative 2 days of diving into stepfamily challenges like communication, conflict, and most of all, how to tame the chaos and save your sanity. And Don't Forget: Follow me on Instagram and TikTok for all my latest. Got a question for me or something you're struggling with in your stepfamily life? Submit a question to be answered on a future podcast episode HERE If you're looking for some help with stepfamily communication, make sure you grab Smooth Talking: 10 Essential Stepmom Scripts - it will give you the exact words to use when you're trying to talk about some of the tricky stepfamily topics that come up on the regular. Are you enjoying The Stepmom Diaries? If so, please consider rating and reviewing the show. It will help me reach more stepmoms just like you so they can get MORE out of stepmom life! It’s super easy – all you have to do is click HERE and scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “write a review.” Then just let me know what you like best! And the best part about leaving a review? If you send me a screenshot of your review, I’ll send YOU my 20-minute Stepmom Self-Care Blueprint. For FREE. It’s normally $49 and it’s a great tool to quickly set up a self-care plan you’ll actually use. Just head HERE to send me your screenshot and grab your blueprint!

    32 min
  3. 22/11/2024

    94. Smooth Talking: Improving Communication, One Step At A Time

    Stepfamily Communication Is Complicated. But Does It Have To Be? In this episode, we go back to a topic that comes up over and over again with the stepfamilies I work with: communication. We'll talk about why communication is so much more challenging in a stepfamily than in a first family, and a few things you can do to improve it.  And I've got a freebie for you to help with your communication. Smooth Talking: 10 Essential Stepmom Scripts will give you the exact words to use when you're trying to talk about some of these tricky stepfamily topics. For additional support, join me in Alexandria, VA January 24-25th for Stepmom Live! - it will be a transformative 2 days of diving into stepfamily challenges like communication, conflict, and most of all, how to tame the chaos.  And Don't Forget: Follow me on Instagram and TikTok for all my latest. Got a question for me or something you're struggling with in your stepfamily life? Submit a question to be answered on a future podcast episode HERE Want to go deeper into coparenting, dealing with your partner's ex, finding your own peace, and other blended family challenges? Join the Stepfamily Circle HERE Are you enjoying The Stepmom Diaries? If so, please consider rating and reviewing the show. It will help me reach more stepmoms just like you so they can get MORE out of stepmom life! It’s super easy – all you have to do is click HERE and scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “write a review.” Then just let me know what you like best! And the best part about leaving a review? If you send me a screenshot of your review, I’ll send YOU my 20-minute Stepmom Self-Care Blueprint. For FREE. It’s normally $49 and it’s a great tool to quickly set up a self-care plan you’ll actually use. Just head HERE to send me your screenshot and grab your blueprint!

    24 min
  4. 15/11/2024

    93. What DOES Work In Stepfamilies, According To Research

    What Do We Know About What DOES Work In Stepfamilies? In this episode, I'm joined by one of the preeminent stepfamily scholars in the world, Larry Ganong, Ph.D., who is out with a new book, called What Works In Stepfamilies: Creating And Maintaining Satisfying And Effective Relationships.  He also happens to sit on the Stepfamily Solutions advisory board and if you've attended any of our past Stepmom Summits, you'll remember him as one of our speakers.  The two coauthors of What Works In Stepfamilies are his wife, Marilyn Coleman, Ed.D., who is a celebrated researcher with an international reputation for her work on stepfamilies, and Caroline Sanner, Ph.D., an award-winning family scientist and one of the leading stepfamily scholars of her generation. The book uses a strengths-based approach and resilience perspective to offer guidance on what works in creating effective stepfamily relationships. It draws from over 2500 studies and gives a comprehensive overview of the research and best practices around what works to create positive and satisfying stepfamily relationships. It's a great discussion - and the book comes out November 21st, so definitely go check it out! About Larry: Lawrence Ganong, Ph.D. is a Chancellor’s Professor and Emeritus Professor of Human Development and Family Science and Nursing at the University of Missouri. He has co-authored over 350 journal articles, chapters, and 10 books, and has received 12 research grants from public and private institutions. Ganong is a Fellow at the National Council on Family Relations and the Gerontological Society of America. He has served on the Board of Directors of the National Council on Family Relations, the Council on Contemporary Families, and The Stepfamily Association of America. Ganong’s research program has focused on how post-divorce families develop and maintain satisfying and effective relationships. And Don't Forget: Follow me on Instagram and TikTok for all my latest. Got a question for me or something you're struggling with in your stepfamily life? Submit a question to be answered on a future podcast episode HERE Want to go deeper into coparenting, dealing with your partner's ex, finding your own peace, and other blended family challenges? Join the Stepfamily Circle HERE Are you enjoying The Stepmom Diaries? If so, please consider rating and reviewing the show. It will help me reach more stepmoms just like you so they can get MORE out of stepmom life! It’s super easy – all you have to do is click HERE and scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “write a review.” Then just let me know what you like best! And the best part about leaving a review? If you send me a screenshot of your review, I’ll send YOU my 20-minute Stepmom Self-Care Blueprint. For FREE. It’s normally $49 and it’s a great tool to quickly set up a self-care plan you’ll actually use. Just head HERE to send me your screenshot and grab your blueprint!

    50 min
  5. 08/11/2024

    92. Stepfamily Resilience in Crisis: Addressing the Emotional Toll of War

    How Does The Daily Trauma of War Impact Stepfamilies? The trauma inflicted on stepfamilies is an aspect of war not often considered - but has a very real impact. In this episode, we are talking with Sigal Kaplan, a family counselor in Israel specializing in blended families. Sigal has done groundbreaking and captivating work around the impact of the ongoing war on Israeli stepfamilies. About Sigal: Sigal Kaplan is a family counselor specialist who works with stepfamilies, as well as families dealing with divorce. She teaches a course at Kibbutzim College for counselors and educators about divorce and stepfamilies. Sigal also founded the "Children First" project (2014-2018), supporting children and families dealing with divorce.   She has a B.A in Education and M.A in Organizational Consulting. Sigal is certified in parental coordination and EFT (Emotionally Focused Therapy), and has certifications from the Adler Institute, the Ministry of Education, and the Step Family Foundation.  She is married to Aaron, stepmom to Noa, and mom to Ariel, Ben, and Zoe. You Can Find Sigal: On Instagram And Don't Forget: Follow me on Instagram and TikTok for all my latest. Got a question for me or something you're struggling with in your stepfamily life? Submit a question to be answered on a future podcast episode HERE Want to go deeper into coparenting, dealing with your partner's ex, finding your own peace, and other blended family challenges? Join the Stepfamily Circle HERE Are you enjoying The Stepmom Diaries? If so, please consider rating and reviewing the show. It will help me reach more stepmoms just like you so they can get MORE out of stepmom life! It’s super easy – all you have to do is click HERE and scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “write a review.” Then just let me know what you like best! And the best part about leaving a review? If you send me a screenshot of your review, I’ll send YOU my 20-minute Stepmom Self-Care Blueprint. For FREE. It’s normally $49 and it’s a great tool to quickly set up a self-care plan you’ll actually use. Just head HERE to send me your screenshot and grab your blueprint!

    35 min
  6. 26/09/2024

    91. What Happens When You Retake Control Of Your Stepmom Story

    What Happens When You Stop Caring So Much About Your Expectations? In this episode, we welcome back our old friend and amazing stepmom and life coach, Naja Hall. Naja and I always have fun catching up - and then we have a great discussion about her journey to finally become "unbothered" and what happens when you can finally get there.   About Naja: Naja is the founder of  VIPStepmom and Blended and Black. As a Certified Coach and Educator, she understands that the family is THE MOST influential entity of human development, and her work centers around helping individuals, couples, and families navigate some of life’s toughest transitions. As the host of  popular podcast, I know I’m Crazy with Naja Hall and author of the Amazon best-seller Girl, Bye! book series, Naja’s life’s work is to teach empathy, accountability, and emotional intelligence through the art of story-telling and genuine human connections. She’s a Stepmom of 3. You Can Find Naja: On TikTok On Instagram And Don't Forget: Follow me on Instagram and TikTok for all my latest. Got a question for me or something you're struggling with in your stepfamily life? Submit a question to be answered on a future podcast episode HERE Want to go deeper into coparenting, dealing with your partner's ex, finding your own peace, and other blended family challenges? Join the Stepfamily Circle HERE Are you enjoying The Stepmom Diaries? If so, please consider rating and reviewing the show. It will help me reach more stepmoms just like you so they can get MORE out of stepmom life! It’s super easy – all you have to do is click HERE and scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “write a review.” Then just let me know what you like best! And the best part about leaving a review? If you send me a screenshot of your review, I’ll send YOU my 20-minute Stepmom Self-Care Blueprint. For FREE. It’s normally $49 and it’s a great tool to quickly set up a self-care plan you’ll actually use. Just head HERE to send me your screenshot and grab your blueprint!

    44 min
  7. 18/09/2024

    90. Is Stepfamily Coaching For You?

    What Is Stepfamily Coaching, And Can It Help You?  Today we're going to talk a bit about coaching. What it is, how it can help stepfamilies, and how to find a good coach. I was actually a coach skeptic for a long time, but I'll tell you how my mind was changed. And if you’re interested in paying it forward and becoming a coach, or even if you're just a little “coach-curious” I’ll let you know that the doors are open this week to the Stepfamily Coach Academy.  Links Mentioned In Today's Episode If you're interested in giving back to other stepfamilies as a stepfamily coach, the doors are open for our next class of students inside the Stepfamily Coach Academy next month. Spots are limited, but you can find out more and apply HERE.  Follow me on Instagram and TikTok for all my latest. Got a question for me or something you're struggling with in your stepfamily life? Submit a question to be answered on a future podcast episode HERE Want to go deeper into coparenting, dealing with your partner's ex, finding your own peace, and other blended family challenges? Join the Stepfamily Circle HERE Are you enjoying The Stepmom Diaries? If so, please consider rating and reviewing the show. It will help me reach more stepmoms just like you so they can get MORE out of stepmom life! It’s super easy – all you have to do is click HERE and scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “write a review.” Then just let me know what you like best! And the best part about leaving a review? If you send me a screenshot of your review, I’ll send YOU my 20-minute Stepmom Self-Care Blueprint. For FREE. It’s normally $49 and it’s a great tool to quickly set up a self-care plan you’ll actually use. Just head HERE to send me your screenshot and grab your blueprint!

    23 min
  8. 04/09/2024

    89. Breaking Free From Stepmom Guilt

    Stepmom Guilt Is Just The Symptom I don’t know about you, but when I became a stepmom, I put a huge amount of pressure on myself. To be clear, I put a lot of pressure on myself in general, but it got worse when I became a stepmom. Because even if you aren't the type who puts pressure on themselves already, you'll start to when you marry or parter with someone who has kids.  So in this episode, I'm chatting about something that I have struggled with for a long time, and I thought it might resonate with you. And that’s stepmom guilt. We'll talk about what it is and a few things you can do to banish it! Links Mentioned In Today's Episode If you're interested in giving back to other stepfamilies as a stepfamily coach, we'll be opening doors for our next class of students inside the Stepfamily Coach Academy next month. You can get on the waitlist HERE.  Got a question for me or something you're struggling with in your stepfamily life? Submit a question to be answered on a future podcast episode HERE Want to go deeper into coparenting, dealing with your partner's ex, finding your own peace, and other blended family challenges? Join the Stepfamily Circle HERE Are you enjoying The Stepmom Diaries? If so, please consider rating and reviewing the show. It will help me reach more stepmoms just like you so they can get MORE out of stepmom life! It’s super easy – all you have to do is click HERE and scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “write a review.” Then just let me know what you like best! And the best part about leaving a review? If you send me a screenshot of your review, I’ll send YOU my 20-minute Stepmom Self-Care Blueprint. For FREE. It’s normally $49 and it’s a great tool to quickly set up a self-care plan you’ll actually use. Just head HERE to send me your screenshot and grab your blueprint!

    20 min
sur 5
52 notes

À propos

The Stepmom Diaries podcast, hosted by Cameron Normand of Stepfamily Solutions, focuses on all things stepmom-related. As a second wife, stepmom to four kids, and successful businesswoman, Cameron Normand keeps it real with conversations about blended families, relationships, personal development, and much more. With her expert advice and down-home discussions, Cameron will inspire you to live into your best blended family life.

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