#753: 5 Time Saving Automations Every Entrepreneur Should Have

The Amy Porterfield Show

Learn step-by-step strategies for email management, scheduling, social media, and SOPs to save time and scale your online business.

In this episode, we discuss: 

  • (4:41) Automation saves you time, money, and precious energy. It eliminates human error and allows you, and your team to focus on the big picture. 
  • (7:32) Email automation. Only check your email once a day and set up an autoresponder for the other times. 
  • (9:06) Create guided responses for common email questions that you get. You can still add a personal touch. You can use Boomerang to mark your email to go away and come back on another day.
  • (11:15) Scheduling automation. Schedulicity is an online calendar that you can integrate with your calendar and create a personalized link with your availability.
  • (12:37) Automating social media and weekly content. A social media automating tool will allow you to plan out your social media all at once. 
  • (14:49) Managing emails from your community. ConvertKit is a good solution if you're just getting started. 
  • (17:00) Standard operating procedures or SOPs. These documents will save you a lot of headaches down the road when you hire and scale your team. 
  • (19:05) Compile tasks that can be passed off to a professional VA, even if it's just for a few hours a week. This will allow you to stay in your zone of genius.
  • (20:05) Action steps: Decide on one automation step that you can set up within the next 7 days. Send me a DM and tell me about it!

Resources Mentioned in the Episode

Boomerang for Gmail







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