8-Step Podcast Interview Plan (Insider 197)

Build a Big Podcast - Marketing for Podcasters (A Podcast on Podcasting)

Unlock your podcasting potential with this episode of Build a Big Podcast!

Main Objectives of this Episode

  • Growing your podcast audience
  • Making a podcast that sponsors are interested in
  • Creating a podcast that people will miss if it's gone
Monetization Potential
  • How podcasting skills can be monetized
  • Information on Big Podcast Amp at bigpodcast.com/amp
Challenges in Content Creation
  • Increasing noise making it harder to grab attention
  • Risk of burnout from the "content treadmill"
Podcast Improvement Tips (7 Nonnegotiable Things)
  1. Clear Niche

    • Importance of clearly defined target audience

  2. Distinct Perspective

    • Necessity of a unique point of view for your podcast

  3. Non-Neutral Voice

    • The importance of having a clear stance on issues and meticulous editing

  4. Mostly Insights, Some Promotion

    • Balance of valuable content and promotion

  5. Personal Engagement

    • Avoiding generic address terms, speaking as if to a single person

  6. Use 'You' Frequently

    • Making the audience feel personally addressed

  7. Relax and Be Real

    • Showing genuine personality and sharing relatable stories

Editing Insights
  • Example of editing efficiency where up to 40% of recorded content can be removed

Advertising Tips
  • Integration of ads with useful content

Personal Stories
  • Sharing personal anecdotes without crossing professional boundaries
  • David and his wife selling items on eBay
  • Humorous eBay search incident with "dirty dicks" hot sauce
Podcast Information
  • Promotion of "Build A Big Podcast" and its focus on growth, monetization, and improvement
  • Podcast website: bigpodcast.com
Episode Highlights
  • Podcast rebranding
  • 7 non-negotiable podcast requirements
  • Guide on podcast interviews
  • New podcast "Talk Tuah" by Haliey Welch
  • Business blueprint and royalty-free music for podcasters
  • Classified ads to help grow podcasts
Podcast Rebranding Details
  • Discussion on the importance of environment on identity and behavior
  • Changes including new artwork and formats
Subscribe and Follow
  • Subscription details at bigpodcast.com/subscribe
  • Additional updates at extra.bigpodcast.com
Big Podcast History
  • Initial name "Big Podcast Daily" during a 30-day trial run
  • Renamed to "Build a Big Podcast"
Title Considerations
  • Challenges with naming a podcast about podcasting to ensure clarity

Future Content
  • More detailed discussions on rebranding to be shared on Big Podcast Extra and in the newsletter

8 Steps for Better Podcast Interviews
  1. Do Your Research

    • Importance of preparation

  2. Create a Flexible Outline

    • Having an adaptable structure for the interview

  3. Use Open-Ended Questions

    • Encouragement of storytelling

  4. Listen Actively

    • Importance of smooth transitions and acknowledging responses

  5. Maintain a Conversational Tone

    • Engaging in two-way interaction

  6. Be Adaptable

    • Willingness to deviate from the plan based on the conversation

  7. Monitor








