Mysterious Maks is from Ukraine but currently resides in New York City, New York. He was a finalist in “Uri Geller’s Next Phenomenon” television show in the Ukraine. As a result of his notoriety on that show and others where he was featured that led him to be quite well-known and in demand among the Russian politico and the oligarchy. He also ran a successful brick-and-mortar magic shop in Kiev, Ukraine. All was looking bright for his future, but then, fate intervened. He traveled to the U.S. on holiday and the week after he landed, Russia declared war on the Ukraine. He is now stuck here and unable to return home and is only able to talk on the phone with his mother and family as he hears about the death and destruction going on in the background.
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This week, Mysterious Maks tells us about his journey to become a mentalist leading to his television experience and exposure where he met Uri Geller and how he got on the Next Phenomenon show. He also tells us about the kind of magic that is performed in Ukraine and finally, he tells us his story about how he got “stuck” in the U.S. and how he found a supportive group of friendly magicians in New York City who have helped him get by and encouraged him to continue with his dreams.
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- 프로그램
- 주기매일 업데이트
- 발행일2024년 11월 14일 오후 3:00 UTC
- 길이1시간 6분
- 에피소드870
- 등급전체 연령 사용가