9 Days in July

Nine Days in July is a new podcast documentary series that explores each of the nine days of the Apollo 11 Mission, day by day, in nine 60-minute-long episodes. While telling the story of the mission to the moon as it occurs, we also spin back, and spin out, into stories about Armstrong, Aldrin, and Collins, NASA, the Space Race, and the history of the world-at-large during those 9 Days in July.
Humans are slobs!
What is it with the human race that insists on leaving “Junk” everywhere we go??! They just drop all the stuff they no longer needed on the moon’s surface!! Sorry, but space would be better off without the human race throwing all the junk out in it come to think of it, so would this planet…
Factual, emotional, inspirational
Growing up my mom was always into the space program. I had a casual interest so I decided to listen to this podcast and I’m really glad I did. The narrator really connects past and present. You feel so connected to the story of NASA and the astronauts. I wish more of history could be shared like this. Five stars.
Appropriately Dramatic
It’s easy to forget that landing on the moon, or even making it to the moon, was never a certainty. We take that for granted in the 21st century. I look forward to re-listening to the series every July.
Gripping and informative.
I’ve always had an average fascination with space and space exploration, but this podcast has me googling for extra information or to look up images, etc. While some reviews say the narration is “over-hyped” or “sensationalist”, I would say it’s immersive and entertaining. I can’t say for sure I would be listening to this whole podcast if there wasn’t an entertainment factor to the education. Also, while other reviews have noted false information here and there, which is potentially true, don’t let that overshadow the clearly extensive research effort that went into this. As for including political commentary, you don’t have to agree with it to see its relevance, so I don’t get the impulse to complain and give 1-2 star reviews based on that alone. I’m loving this podcast.
- Channel
- CreatoriHeartPodcasts
- Episodes13
- Seasons1
- RatingClean
- Copyright2025 iHeartMedia, Inc. © Any use of this intellectual property for text and data mining or computational analysis including as training material for artificial intelligence systems is strictly prohibited without express written consent from iHeartMedia
- Show Website
- ProvideriHeartMedia + Entertainment, Inc
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