Brad Carr Podcast

Brendan Carr
Brad Carr Podcast

Brad Carr interviews the world's best leaders. Previous guests include Navy SEALs, #1 New York Times bestselling authors, CEOs, and more. Listen anywhere you get your podcasts, and please rate and review the podcast if you enjoy it. In 2018, Brad Carr teamed up with the Navy Leadership and Ethics Center to produce 12 podcasts with guests featured on the Navy Reading List and Navy Movie List. Those episodes are archived here. DISCLAIMER: The views and opinions expressed in this content are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of any agency of the U.S. government.

  1. 7 GIỜ TRƯỚC

    105. How to Defeat Narcissists and Manipulation | Dr. George Simon

    Dr. George Simon discusses the covert aggression of narcissists and individuals without conscience, the path to escape abusers, and the process of healing. 00:00 - People can fight dirty and look good 00:25 - How manipulation always works 01:48 - People hide their fighting 02:45 - Fighting dirty and looking good 03:30 - Narcissists use the same tactics 03:50 - Putting you on the defensive 05:49 - Narcissists use group manipulation 08:07 - Exposing Narcissists in groups 10:26 - Backlash after leaving an abuser 11:26 - Therapy with a Narcissist is traumatic 12:05 - Exit fast. No threats. 12:35 - How to find allies 13:21 - Saying "No" to a Narcissist is dangerous 13:52 - Most Important Thing: Building relationships with allies 14:36 - How victims overcome learned helplessness 14:56 - Slot Machine Syndrome and depression 15:23 - Manipulators control your attention 15:55 - Power lies in your actions 17:06 - Abusers can see their abuse 18:13 - Prepare for a SMEAR CAMPAIGN 19:47 - Looking good is easier than being good 20:54 - How Narcissists change your reality and history 21:34 - People believe lies when repeated 22:40 - Narcissist's fan club believes lies 23:06 - Narcissists cast a spell on you 24:11 - People who care too much or not enough 25:02 - Preying on people's conscience 27:22 - Signs of the Gaslighting Effect 27:39 - Believing in a fantasy with a Narcissist 29:03 - Look for previous victims 30:04 - Narcissism is not one-dimensional 31:59 - Gaslighting: the ultimate manipulation 34:41 - How to make Gaslighting even worse 35:14 - Stacking manipulation tactics in SMEAR CAMPAIGN 36:03 - Strategies against SMEAR CAMPAIGN 37:37 - Fundamental Rule of dealing with manipulation 39:21 - When you recognize a manipulation 39:35 - The Greatest Empowerment: Accept that people fight 40:14 - The healthy form of fighting 41:39 - How to build personal power 42:54 - Internal validation is key 44:13 - Dr. Peter Salerno's question 44:57 - Chronic grandiosity is destructive 48:06 - Inaccurate psychology is harmful 51:15 - False paradigms keep victims stuck in abuse 53:34 - How to confront behavior in relationships 55:16 - How victimization starts 57:14 - First tactics of an abuser! 58:18 - Regret, remorse, and contrition 1:00:28 - How to build your character 1:01:37 - Dr. Simon's work 1:04:00 - What is healing? How do we get there? 1:06:26 - SHARE this episode. Raise awareness about narcissistic abuse. DISCLAIMER: The information provided is for educational purposes only and should not be considered as a substitute for professional medical or mental health advice from a qualified healthcare provider. ---------------------------- RELATED LINKS Dr. Peter Salerno on Narcissistic Abuse: Sam Vaknin on Narcissistic Abuse: Narcissistic Abuse Recovery: Narcissistic Relationships Episode: Dr. George Simon's book: Dr. George Simon's website: Dr. George Simon's channel: @georgeksimon 🔔 SUBSCRIBE to help get more guests on the show: ✉️ Get Immediately Actionable Tactics to Be More Strategic: -------------------------- #narcissisticabuse How to Defeat Narcissists and Manipulation | Dr. George Simon

    1 giờ 7 phút

    104. Narcissism is Genetic. The Abuse is Deliberate. | Dr. Peter Salerno

    Dr. Peter Salerno discusses the genetic roots of Narcissistic Personality Disorder, intentional abuse, and how to recover 00:00 - Narcissists are deliberately abusive 00:12 - Narcissism is genetic 02:39 - Why blame childhood? 07:05 - Lying Narcissists have misled science 10:03 - Relationships with Narcissists cause trauma 12:09 - Signs of Narcissistic Abuse 13:50 - "Dark cloud over you" 14:53 - Isolation is primary to Narcissistic Abuse 16:31 - Isolation disturbs reality test 17:07 - Narcissistic Abuse is intentional 18:43 - Why does the mask drop? 21:15 - What do Narcissists want? 21:58 - Narcissists mate to exploit you 22:38 - Celebrity serial killers 23:53 - Narcissists' brains are lacking 25:30 - Brain wiring and development 28:13 - Missing neurons 28:59 - Brain deficiency in empathy 30:06 - What to do if in relationship with Narcissist? 31:07 - Find an outsider to help you 33:22 - Similar to leaving a cult 33:54 - How to get away from a Narcissist 34:50 - Covert Psychological Torture 36:06 - Narcissist fears being exposed 37:07 - You are Enemy no. 1 37:24 - Narcissists keep you isolated and quiet 37:49 - Isolation, Withholding, Smear Campaign 38:25 - Biochemical Hijacking 39:20 - The SMEAR CAMPAIGN starts day 1 40:16 - How to manage a SMEAR CAMPAIGN 43:00 - Rapid extraction of personal information 43:26 - Two kinds of predators 44:09 - Narcissists are capable of stalking 44:50 - What is biochemical hijacking? 45:32 - Slot Machine Effect 46:08 - Narcissistic don't have bonding hormones 47:04 - What to do after getting away? 47:28 - It will be a dramatic power struggle 48:00 - Expect manipulation. Get support. 48:50 - Find the right professional 51:18 - How to tell other people? 54:06 - Treating Traumatic Cognitive Dissonance 55:21 - EMDR 56:40 - Vulnerable people are targeted 57:37 - Narcissist appears as White Knight 57:45 - Goal: Become indifferent to abuser 1:00:45 - Should I move away? 1:01:56 - What resolves a trauma bond? 1:03:24 - How to have hope after abuse? 1:04:49 - Seek internal justice 1:05:47 - Long term goals after abuse 1:06:42 - Find Peter online 1:07:13 - What's it like to help survivors? 1:10:41 - Raise awareness about narcissistic abuse DISCLAIMER: The information provided is for educational purposes only and should not be considered as a substitute for professional medical or mental health advice from a qualified healthcare provider. ---------------------------- RELATED LINKS Sam Vaknin on Narcissistic Abuse: Narcissistic Abuse Recovery: Narcissistic Relationships Episode: Peter's book: Instagram: drpetersalerno 🔔 SUBSCRIBE to help get more guests on the show: ✉️ Get Immediately Actionable Tactics to Be More Strategic: -------------------------- #narcissisticabuse Narcissism is Genetic. The Abuse is Deliberate. | Dr. Peter Salerno

    1 giờ 11 phút

    103. The 7 Steps of Narcissistic Abuse Recovery | Richard Grannon

    Richard Grannon discusses Narcissistic Abuse Recovery 00:00 - Vulnerability to gossip 00:15 - Introduction: Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Toolkit 02:15 - STEP 1: What is Narcissistic Abuse? 02:36 - What does a victim experience? 04:41 - Do victims become narcissistic? 06:04 - How can survivors tell other people? 10:14 - STEP 2: Cult psychology and reality testing 12:37 - What is a Reality Test? 15:28 - Victim's Reality Test 17:41 - Strategies of isolation 18:04 - Trauma Bonding Process 18:51 - Poison in your ear 20:13 - STEP 3: Addiction to fantasy 23:00 - The fantasy is unfair. Exploitative. 23:48 - Pathological Narcissism is insatiable 24:15 - Breaking your spirit is the goal 24:40 - Breaking the shared fantasy 26:25 - Narcissists are cheap con artists 31:27 - STEP 4: Why Narcissists launch smear campaigns 32:25 - Murder and Narcissists (Ted Bundy) 33:11 - How does a smear campaign work? 34:38 - Defense against smear campaign 35:45 - Dumb people believe smear campaigns 36:26 - STEP 5: The Introject (voice in your head) 37:50 - Narcissists take authority in your life 39:23 - Childhood abuse changes your introject 40:14 - Recognize, Resist, Integrate the introject 40:54 - Habits are introjects 42:35 - STEP 6: Revenge and letting to 46:18 - Guilt of bringing others to the Narcissist 52:25 - Find Richard online 52:54 - STEP 7: Look forward to life after abuse 54:44 - Raise awareness about narcissistic abuse DISCLAIMER: The information provided is for educational purposes only and should not be considered as a substitute for professional medical or mental health advice from a qualified healthcare provider. ---------------------------- RELATED LINKS: Richard Grannon's book: Sam Vaknin on Narcissistic Abuse: Narcissistic Relationships Episode: 🔔 SUBSCRIBE to help get more guests on the show: ✉️ Get Immediately Actionable Tactics to Be More Strategic: --------------------------  #narcissisticabuse The 7 Steps of Narcissistic Abuse Recovery | Richard Grannon

    55 phút

    101. How Narcissists Take Total Control in Relationships | Dr. W. Keith Campbell

    Dr. W. Keith Campbell discusses How Narcissists lie, control, and abuse others in relationships 00:00 - Narcissists control victim's minds 00:26 - Clearing confusion from relationships with narcissists 01:17 - What narcissists want in relationships 02:38 - Narcissistic supply or self-enhancement 04:37 - What is narcissism? 06:47 - Narcissistic personality disorder 07:33 - 2% of people (3% of men) are abusive narcissists 08:32 - Narcissistic relationship pattern 10:30 - Trauma in relationship with narcissist 12:11 - Why leave a narcissist? 13:24 - Gaslighting defined 14:16 - Reality testing is key to abuse 15:50 - Breaking people psychologically. Predators. 16:56 - Cults exemplify narcissistic abuse 17:53 - Ophans are isolated. Vulnerable to narcissist. 19:30 - Narcissists have relationship patterns 20:26 - Narcissists will leave a trail of destruction 22:45 - Why you are attracted to narcissists 26:22 - Celebrity narcissism research 29:29 - Narcissists launch smear campaigns 34:24 - Body changes from narcissistic abuse 37:40 - Doctor Strange: Pathological Narcissist 41:03 - Tony Stark: Mild Narcissist 45:20 - Bernard Tai: Narcissist 49:38 - Gaston: Pathological Narcissist 51:46 - Narcissism and Psychopathy 53:41 - Narcissistic self control enables evil 55:09 - Narcissists are often psychopaths 55:51 - Gilderoy Lockhart: Grandiose Narcissist 1:00:40 - A CLOCKWORK ORANGE and mind control 1:02:10 - Claiming to be "Alpha" is narcissistic 1:03:45 - Find Keith online 1:04:13 - How to not fall for a narcissist 1:07:06 - Support the channel DISCLAIMER: The information provided is for educational purposes only and should not be considered as a substitute for professional medical or mental health advice from a qualified healthcare provider.  ---------------------------- RELATED LINKS: Keith's book: Narcissistic Abuse Episode: Robert Greene on Manipulation: X: wkeithcampbell  Website: 🔔 SUBSCRIBE to help get more guests on the show: ✉️ Get Immediately Actionable Tactics to Be More Strategic: --------------------------  #narcissisticabuse How Narcissists Take Total Control in Relationships | Dr. W. Keith Campbell

    1 giờ 7 phút
  5. 31 THG 1

    100. How Narcissists Recruit and Control New Victims | Prof. Sam Vaknin

    Prof. Sam Vaknin discusses how narcissists use group psychology to recruit and control victims 00:00 - Groups amplify the narcissist 00:17 - Mapping narcissistic abuse 01:25 - Pathological Narcissistic Space 03:51 - Entrainment and Brainwashing 07:09 - Introject (voice in your head) 08:41 - Physical presence and entrainment 09:29 - Dance and entrainment 09:55 - Groupthink, Cult Psychology 10:28 - Groups are easier to entrain 11:35 - Narcissism is religion 18:13 - Narcissist's preferred careers 23:00 - Narcissists will teach for free 24:36 - Narcissists give to get 27:55 - Making victims two-dimensional 30:50 - Narcissist needs to annihilate you 33:53 - Sadistic supply 36:24 - Abuse is guaranteed. No exception. 40:26 - Lies and language 46:06 - Narcissists are skilled liars 48:13 - Narcissist monopolizes love 50:22 - Cult participation 51:08 - Testing the narcissist 57:27 - Identifying the narcissist 59:37 - More time. More damage. 1:01:10 - Secrecy is the abuser's weapon 1:02:39 - Victims are not smart 1:05:35 - Tell others, even if they won't believe you 1:08:49 - Can we unplug others? 1:12:35 - Need to be selfish after abuse 1:13:42 - Find Sam Vaknin online 1:14:08 - Self love is the opposite of narcissism 1:23:38 - Support the channel DISCLAIMER: The information provided is for educational purposes only and should not be considered as a substitute for professional medical or mental health advice from a qualified healthcare provider. ---------------------------- RELATED LINKS: Sam Vaknin's book: Life's Wisdom playlist: Robert Greene on Manipulation: 🔔 SUBSCRIBE to help get more guests on the show: ✉️ Get Immediately Actionable Tactics to Be More Strategic: -------------------------- #narcissisticabuse #narcissism How Narcissists Recruit and Control New Victims | Prof. Sam Vaknin

    1 giờ 24 phút
18 Xếp hạng

Giới Thiệu

Brad Carr interviews the world's best leaders. Previous guests include Navy SEALs, #1 New York Times bestselling authors, CEOs, and more. Listen anywhere you get your podcasts, and please rate and review the podcast if you enjoy it. In 2018, Brad Carr teamed up with the Navy Leadership and Ethics Center to produce 12 podcasts with guests featured on the Navy Reading List and Navy Movie List. Those episodes are archived here. DISCLAIMER: The views and opinions expressed in this content are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of any agency of the U.S. government.

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