BodhiSpeak with Jerry Walsh

Jerry Walsh

BodhiSpeak is a platform to share, discuss, debate, and converse over teachings and philosophy’s from different traditions and thinkers around the globe. We explore topics such as consciousness, art, spirituality, health, healing, psychedelics, esoteric studies, mysticism, politics, relationships, communal living and all things transformational--leaving nothing excluded.

  1. 2월 2일

    The Transformative Astrological Year of 2025 with Mateusz Bazgier

    Our very own Mateo Bazgier joins me in-house for discussion on the coming changing times and astrological insights of the year 2025 - a profoundly unique and extra - ordinary year of change and paradigm shift galore In Mateo's own words: "Originally I come from Poland. I was born into a family of astrologers, both my stepfather and my mother were full-time astrologers since I remember. I was saturated with this atmosphere since early childhood, but I started to study astrology when I was 20 years old. In 2015, I moved from Poland to New York, where I have been exposed to various teachers, including Maestro Manuel Rufino, A.T. Mann, Kypacha, Anne Ortlee, Mark Waltz, who represent different lineages, schools, and approaches to astrology. I’m a member of the Initiatic College and Golden Drum Community based in Brooklyn. For 10 years I have been studying sacred traditions of humanity under the guidance of Maestro Manuel Rufino and other Elders from different traditions and indigenous cultures. I’m also a multi-instrumentalist, sound engineer, and sound healer, which I combine with astrology with great success. I really love teaching astrology to groups, but my favorite form of practice is private 1:1 consultation session. When we can have a real dialog about important life events, we can create a space to go deep into certain aspects of the chart and see how it is reflected in a client’s life. Together we can get to an understanding of how the natal chart works in a client’s relations, work, business, study, and growth process and how to realign with one’s unique planetary blueprint.

    2시간 3분
  2. 1월 21일

    Songs of Healing and Prayer with Akwesane Songcarrier, Theresa Bear Fox

    Support the Akwesane Freedom School and Theresa Bear Fox to empower Native Youth!   Click Here For More Information!   THERESA BEAR FOX Shekon Sewakwekon, (Greetings everyone), My name is Theresa “Bear” Fox, my Mohawk name is Kenkiohkoktha, and I am of the Wolf Clan. My Mohawk name means I am at the back of a crowd of people or I am the end of a long line of people. I have five children. My oldest is a girl and I have four boys. I was born into a big family. There are eight boys, six girls and I am the youngest. My Mother and Father were hard working. They made sure we were always provided for. They always made sure we had a table full of food and clean clothes to wear. We didn’t have a lot of money, but I didn’t feel that we had to go without anything. I always felt like we were rich, because I was so happy and I always felt loved. We always looked out for one another, and at times my sisters were like my Mothers too. I try and raise my children with the same family values. I taught them to take care of each other. I taught them to respect their elders and to take pride in who they are.  I encourage them to learn our language and culture so they can teach their young ones someday. My goal is to raise good mothers and fathers. I  live in Akwesasne, and I love our community. I especially love how our people care for one another. If someone is going through hard times, the community comes together for a fundraiser and a lot of support. I always try to do my best to help out when I can. I am part of a woman’s singing group called “Kontiwennenhawi” which means Carriers of the Words. We get together once a week and we talk, laugh and learn songs. Our duties as a Singing Society are to help out in our community. We are often asked to sing for visitors or for the children in our community. We help out at fundraisers and donate money to people who are in need. We have a community fund account and we raise money by selling our CD’s or by singing outside of our community. Niawen kowa, (Big thanks)

  3. 1월 7일

    Arriving Home with Jo Confino: Student of Thich Naht Hanh, Journalist, and Co-Founder of Acclaimed Podcast, "The Way Out Is In"

    Jo Confino is a leadership coach, facilitator, journalist, sustainability expertand Zen mindfulness practitioner. Jo has worked closely for the past 16 years with Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh and his buddhist monastic community in Plum Village. He works at the intersection of personal transformation and systemschange; working with several organisations including Leaders’ Quest andFuture Stewards. His coaching practice focuses on supporting leaderswithin the fields of climate, biodiversity and social justice. He works acrosssectors, including NGOs, foundations and business and coachesindividuals as well as leadership teams within organisations, such asGlobal Optimism and Force of Nature. He is co-founder and co-presenter of the acclaimed podcast series ‘TheWay Out Is In’ and is the co-author of the book ‘Being With Busyness: ZenWays to Transform Overwhelm and Burnout.’ We sit down to discuss Zen Buddhism, Thich Naht Hanh and spiritual transmissions, global conflict, activism, community action, and the power of simplicity  Read more about Jo here: Besides facilitating events and conferences all over the world for the past20 years, Jo also runs smaller workshops and roundtables. As a journalist for more than 40 years, he was executive editor, Impact &Innovation and Editorial Director of What’s Working at the HuffPost in New York. During his five years there, he developed long-term editorial projectsbased on social, environmental and economic justice and was a member ofthe senior leadership team. Before joining HuffPost, he was an executive editor of the Guardian andchairman and editorial director of the Guardian Sustainable Businesswebsite. During his 23 years at the Guardian, he set up and managed aunique multi-stakeholder development project in the Ugandan village ofKatine, and helped create the Guardian’s environment andglobal development websites. Jo also created and managed the sustainability vision and strategy for theGuardian and its parent company Guardian Media Group. He is a fellow of the Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts,Manufactures and Commerce and completed an MSc in Responsibility andBusiness Practice at the University of Bath.

    1시간 13분
  4. 2024. 09. 19.

    The Elements of Sound with Master Musician, Adrian DiMatteo

    Elements of Sound explores the relationship between sound and consciousness at the intersections of science, spirituality and music theory. DiMatteo's approach draws inspiration from ancient and modern thinkers, scientists and indigenous wisdom-keepers, relating sound as both a primal mystery and a practical tool for communication, healing and transformation. Weaving together diverse perspectives, Elements of Sound compares global traditions of song, poetry, storytelling and sacred language. It invites us to consider how sound and silence frame our innermost thoughts, and to be aware that sound itself constitutes our beliefs, identities and the words we use to define reality. Influenced by such classics as The Mysticism of Sound and Music by Hazrat Inayat Khan and The Kybalion by Three Initiates, Elements of Sound penetrates the cosmology, esotericism and philosophy of sound and music, suggesting that thoughts are subtle forms of sound which impact our psychophysiological health. Drawing from decades of experience in academic, clinical and ceremonial settings, DiMatteo conveys the relevance of sound, music and language across human culture. Spiritual seekers, curious minds and students of music will find an oasis of inspiration in his work, along with a common language to discuss what might otherwise seem ineffable. Neuroscientist and cognitive psychologist Daniel Levetin wrote, "Music may be the activity that prepared our pre-human ancestors for speech communication and for the very cognitive, representational flexibility necessary to become humans." Music and language are prehistoric, but traces of our ancient origins remain preserved in the mythologies and aural teachings of humanity's living traditions. To learn, to express and to share are intrinsically human. They connect us through sound to the power of creation, and to vibration as a property of reality. Elements of Sound encourages us to consider how we relate to sound in our daily lives-what we hear, how we interpret it, and how we respond to the world within and around us. "Music is a limited term. Sound encompasses melody, harmony, speech, thought and a universe full of vibrations." - from Elements of Sound

    1시간 40분

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    BodhiSpeak is a platform to share, discuss, debate, and converse over teachings and philosophy’s from different traditions and thinkers around the globe. We explore topics such as consciousness, art, spirituality, health, healing, psychedelics, esoteric studies, mysticism, politics, relationships, communal living and all things transformational--leaving nothing excluded.

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