[A Course in Miracles] Lesson 6: DISTORTED Perceptions

Love & Learn

“I am upset because I see something that is not there.” A Course in Miracles Workbook, Lesson 6

What if your emotional reactions were not caused by external events, but by the stories your mind creates?

In this episode of Love & Learn, we explore Lesson 6 from A Course in Miracles Workbook. This lesson invites us to recognize that our upsets are often based on distorted perceptions, not reality. When we’re upset, we’re reacting to something our mind has created, rather than what’s truly happening. By acknowledging this, we open the door to peace and a deeper understanding of our emotions.

Key Insights on Lesson 6

  1. Distorted Perceptions: This lesson teaches us that when we are upset, we are reacting to a distorted perception rather than the reality of the situation. Whether it’s anger, fear, or anxiety, we are often upset because we see something that isn’t really there—something our mind has created based on past conditioning or fear.

    For example:

    “I am angry at __________ because I see something that is not there.”

    By acknowledging this, we create space to question the stories we’ve been telling ourselves and let go of old perceptions that no longer serve us.

  2. All Upsets Are Equal: The course emphasizes that all forms of upset—whether big or small—are rooted in the same kind of misperception. Whether we feel frustrated by traffic or deeply hurt by a personal conflict, the cause is the same: we are perceiving something that isn’t truly there. This idea allows us to see beyond the differences in surface-level emotions and recognize the underlying pattern.
  3. Practice Makes Peace: The real power of this lesson comes from applying it throughout the day. Whenever you feel any kind of upset, pause and repeat:

    “I am upset because I see something that is not there.”

    It might feel odd at first, but this simple practice helps interrupt the cycle of automatic reactions and opens up the possibility for more clarity and calm. This is how we begin to make real shifts in our thought system—moving from fear to love, one moment of awareness at a time. Keep practicing, and notice how it opens space for a new perspective to emerge.

Remember: Your emotional reactions are often based on stories your mind creates, not reality. By practicing this lesson, you can begin to see beyond the surface and access a deeper sense of peace and understanding.

Tune in and join us as we continue our journey through A Course in Miracles.


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