A General Chat: A World of Warcraft Show about Navigating Azeroth in Retail WOW and WOW Classic!

A General Chat
A General Chat: A World of Warcraft Show about Navigating Azeroth in Retail WOW and WOW Classic!

A General Chat: A World of Warcraft Podcast about Navigating Azeroth as a Human and Avatar! Hosted by Ha'Rainna SwiftSage and Avernym! We are your hosts: HaRainna and Avernym You can follow the show on Twitter at @AGeneralChat! You can email the show at AGeneralChat@gmail.com! You can follow Avernym on twitter at https://twitter.com/Avrenym You can follow HaRainna on twitter at https://twitter.com/HaRainna You can find the show notes and more places to listen at https://ageneralchat.crd.co/ ! And you can join us in game at www.murlocs.crd.co & on twitter @MurFamGaming!

  1. A General Chat #14 with BOOMYNATION: A World of Warcraft Show about Navigating Azeroth in Retail WOW and WOW Classic!


    A General Chat #14 with BOOMYNATION: A World of Warcraft Show about Navigating Azeroth in Retail WOW and WOW Classic!

    Welcome to A General Chat:  A World of Warcraft Podcast about Navigating Azeroth as a Human and Avatar! We are your hosts: Avrenym and Harainna! Todays Date is: April 10th, 2024 You can follow the show on Twitter at @AGeneralChat! You can email the show at AGeneralChat@gmail.com! You can follow Avrenym on twitter at  https://twitter.com/Avrenym  You can follow HaRainna on twitter at https://twitter.com/HaRainna  You can find the show notes and more places to listen at https://ageneralchat.crd.co/ ! And you can join us in game at www.murlocs.crd.co & on twitter @MurFamGaming!  Intro to Boomy: We would like to welcome to the show today, BoomyNation! For those not familiar with you already, tell us a bit about yourself and where folks can find you. Topics: HARAINNA  https://www.reddit.com/r/classicwow/s/adVzO7Kdte  AVRENYM https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/that-one-annoying-online-friend/1824269 HARAINNA  https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/s/g95MRtBjsZ BOOMY When The Game Leaves You! From one of my community members! Rexta3901: AVRENYM https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/3apntt/dealing_with_guild_drama_and_promotions/ HARAINNA  https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/s/JIEXSOAh6D AVRENYM No link but a screenshot Triggered? Curious of everyone’s thoughts on this little situation HARAINNA https://www.reddit.com/r/classicwow/s/CRG5qL6L2O  Organizational fatigue (20man)

    1 ч. 45 мин.
  2. A General Chat #13: A Warcraft Show about Navigating Azeroth in Retail WOW & WOW Classic!


    A General Chat #13: A Warcraft Show about Navigating Azeroth in Retail WOW & WOW Classic!

    Welcome to A General Chat:  A World of Warcraft Podcast about Navigating Azeroth as a Human and Avatar! We are your hosts: Avernym and Harainna!  Todays Date is: April 2 2024 You can follow the show on Twitter at @AGeneralChat! You can email the show at AGeneralChat@gmail.com! You can follow Avrenym on twitter at  https://twitter.com/Avrenym  You can follow HaRainna on twitter at https://twitter.com/HaRainna  You can find the show notes and more places to listen at https://ageneralchat.crd.co/ ! And you can join us in game at www.murlocs.crd.co & on twitter @MurFamGaming!  Shout Outs: Feedback:   In regards to our previous episode: @Mark5_O on Twitter says: As someone who has just come back to WoW after a year off, this episode really resonated with me. Loved it and keep up the great work!! And in response to our question on twitter last week “What keeps you playing WoW?” @BoomyNation says : EASY! Story, People, LOOT and....well, it's Home! Homealonetwo  answered our question off of Spotify  by saying  The winterspring frostsaber. Also my friends. Topics: HARAINNA https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/15ef6wy/comment/ju818q7/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button  AVRENYM: https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/1bph60z/i_find_myself_logging_in_feeling_overwhelmed_and/ HARAINNA https://www.reddit.com/r/classicwow/s/Weshc0mNha  AVRENYM https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/1boul9i/how_many_of_you_feel_guilty_from_playing_wow/ HARAINNA https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/s/Q78efBwdLV AVRENYM https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/returning-to-mmos/1818141 HARAINNA https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/s/xFgfDm73qY

    1 ч. 31 мин.
  3. A General Chat #12: A Warcraft Show about Navigating Azeroth in Retail WOW & WOW Classic!


    A General Chat #12: A Warcraft Show about Navigating Azeroth in Retail WOW & WOW Classic!

    Welcome to A General Chat:  A World of Warcraft Podcast about Navigating Azeroth as a Human and Avatar! We are your hosts: Avrenym and Harainna! Todays Date is: March 26th, 2024 You can follow the show on Twitter at @AGeneralChat! You can email the show at AGeneralChat@gmail.com! You can follow Avrenym on twitter at  https://twitter.com/Avrenym  You can follow HaRainna on twitter at https://twitter.com/HaRainna  You can find the show notes and more places to listen at https://ageneralchat.crd.co/ ! And you can join us in game at www.murlocs.crd.co & on twitter @MurFamGaming!  SHOUTOUTS: @HoaxWRA , @BoomyNation, @Jashazzard, @AscaParaGuild, @BriccoStud,  and @FeloonGamer !!! Thank you so much for the retweets, recommendations and likes! @AGeneralChat What makes you play #WARCRAFT in any of it's forms? What keeps you playing? We'd love to hear! We often cover these topics on our show, and would love your input! Hoax@HoaxWRA @AGeneralChat The escape from reality as it's one of the few things that can completely take my mind off of work. Additionally, I love the aesthetic of the game. It's timeless and beautiful to look at in my opinion. HARAINNA What makes you play wow(any version)? https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/1bo53rl/what_makes_you_play_wowany_version/  AVRENYM https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/we-can-do-better-toxic-behavior-needs-to-end-and-we-as-a-community-need-to-step-up-and-put-an-end-to-it/1814684 HARAINNA https://twitter.com/ZuanVT/status/1772087223086883131?t=MWb56pVqM4B-PxAnIDNFtg&s=19 AVRENYM https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/1bi7ho2/anyone_else_have_difficulty_sticking_with_games/ HARAINNA r/wow https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/1bnx83l/to_all_the_new_players_in_m/  AVRENYM https://www.reddit.com/r/classicwow/comments/1bjdi86/guild_was_4_days_old_when_leader_went_awol_for_18/ HARAINNA “Guild Drama Story” https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/15ef6wy/best_guild_drama_stories/  AVRENYM https://www.reddit.com/r/classicwow/comments/1bkqgcc/first_time_wow_sod/ HARAINNA “Guild Drama Story” Iblackihiawk https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/15ef6wy/comment/ju887m3/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3

    2 ч. 11 мин.
  4. A General Chat #11: A Warcraft Show about Navigating Azeroth in Retail WOW & WOW Classic!


    A General Chat #11: A Warcraft Show about Navigating Azeroth in Retail WOW & WOW Classic!

    Welcome to A General Chat:  A World of Warcraft Podcast about Navigating Azeroth as a Human and Avatar! We are your hosts: Avernym and Harainna! Todays Date is: March 18th, 2024 You can follow the show on Twitter at @AGeneralChat! You can email the show at AGeneralChat@gmail.com! You can follow Avrenym on twitter at  https://twitter.com/Avrenym  You can follow HaRainna on twitter at https://twitter.com/HaRainna  You can find the show notes and more places to listen at https://ageneralchat.crd.co/ ! And you can join us in game at www.murlocs.crd.co & on twitter @MurFamGaming!  AVRENYM How are you guys dealing with boredom? HARAINNA  This man is punching wolves naked solo, and denied any help requests for no reason. AVRENYM How do you handle a bad player in your guild? r/wow u/CheddarBayBizkit HARAINNA https://www.reddit.com/r/classicwow/s/ihLJLbqC5d  AVRENYM Guilds? Are they a “good social aspect” or not really WoW General Discussion Forum Hyunnah, 70 DemonHunter HARAINNA ( AN OLDER POST) https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/s/c6kp2bXsu5 AVRENYM How many cancelled raids until you would bail from your guild? r/classicwow u/Rohkey HARAINNA (Older but still relevant) https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/s/tBLg4KvkdR AVRENYM (SoM)Experience with ninja looting raid leaders? r/classicwow u/ItchyReference1074 HARAINNA https://twitter.com/Panda_Norway/status/1769349483874131975?t=HfzKnljd5yW3MMawGxhupw&s=19

    1 ч. 55 мин.
  5. A General Chat #10: A Warcraft Show about Navigating Azeroth in Retail WOW & WOW Classic!


    A General Chat #10: A Warcraft Show about Navigating Azeroth in Retail WOW & WOW Classic!

    Welcome to A General Chat:  A World of Warcraft Podcast about Navigating Azeroth as a Human and Avatar! We are your hosts: Avernym and Harainna! Todays Date is: March 9th, 2024 You can follow the show on Twitter at @AGeneralChat! You can email the show at AGeneralChat@gmail.com! You can follow Avernym on twitter at  https://twitter.com/Avrenym  You can follow HaRainna on twitter at https://twitter.com/HaRainna  You can find the show notes and more places to listen at https://ageneralchat.crd.co/ ! And you can join us in game at www.murlocs.crd.co & on twitter @MurFamGaming!  SHOUT OUTS: We’d like to shout out the following people for sharing the show! On Twitter we have: @ghorickeg , @Mark5_O , @TheGraceRegina , @ayligerwolf , @shantymangaming FEEDBACK: Email from Boomy: Y'all were talking about the basement dwelling jack wagons who live off of post negative comments or are just a-holes in chat. As a creator I see this from time-to-time. My advice. Ignore and remember you're life is far better than theirs. Let's them drown their tears in the hotpockets their mom made them. Love the s(h)ow, keep it up, ladies!!! HARAINNA  https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/s/mnaQ9Mhqtv  AVRENYM: https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/1b89xi9/i_think_raid_leader_should_be_a_legit_resume_entry/ Harainna https://www.reddit.com/r/wownoob/s/vXUgs6nwzQ AVRENYM: https://www.reddit.com/r/classicwow/comments/1b8xd57/should_have_disclosed_i_play_with_a_disability/ https://ablegamers.org/  Harainna https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/s/I5cHoU5CJl  AVRENYM: https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/1b8jac9/for_the_love_of_god_take_care_of_yourselves/ Harainna  https://www.reddit.com/r/seasonofdiscovery/s/eqzFudVma8  By Guildy Khonika A gnome warlock told me to "go die" after helping a mage out on Fozruk, 30 minutes later I received this message : r/classicwow (reddit.com)

    1 ч. 17 мин.
  6. A General Chat #9: A Warcraft Show about Navigating Azeroth in Retail WOW & WOW Classic!


    A General Chat #9: A Warcraft Show about Navigating Azeroth in Retail WOW & WOW Classic!

    Welcome to A General Chat:  A World of Warcraft Podcast about Navigating Azeroth as a Human and Avatar! We are your hosts: Avernym and Harainna! Todays Date is: February 28, 2024 You can follow the show on Twitter at @AGeneralChat! You can email the show at AGeneralChat@gmail.com! You can follow Avernym on twitter at  https://twitter.com/Avrenym  You can follow HaRainna on twitter at https://twitter.com/HaRainna  You can find the show notes and more places to listen at https://ageneralchat.crd.co/ ! And you can join us in game at www.murlocs.crd.co & on twitter @MurFamGaming!  Feedback: If you listen on spotify, you can participate in our community feedback poll or questions!A huge thanks to Homealonetwo , Who shared a pet peeve of theirs with us! “Isn't too big of a problem in SoD, but having raid frames up as a healer. I'd like to watch the boss fight, not an Excel spreadsheet 🙃” We would also like to shout out Hoax@HoaxWRA on twitter for supporting and retweeting the show! HARAINNA https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/s/8d9gJYYQ8x  World of Warcraft is a game. Let people treat it like one. AVRENYM https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/1axfa3b/am_i_expecting_too_much_from_my_guild/ r/wow u/putyerfeetup Am I expecting too much from my guild? HARAINNA •Posted by u/SasTheDude https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/1b23e9s/the_duality_of_pugs/  The duality of PUGs AVRENYM https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/1azjr0e/why_do_so_many_people_complain_about_the_game/ r/wow u/Luvsicjoy Why do so many people complain about the game? HARAINNA Timmah73 https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/15ef6wy/comment/ju7lkbf/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3  AVRENYM The dichotomy of the playerbase! From to DDOS attacks to XP buffs! How we really do have a vast swath of people playing this game. HARAINNA Does anybody else not talk in Wow anymore? Scared of being Offensive? https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/does-anybody-else-not-talk-in-wow-anymore-scared-of-being-offensive/1793535  AVRENYM https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/1b2icxz/just_a_dungeon_rant/ r/wow /uStylieSanson Just a dungeon rant

    1 ч. 58 мин.
  7. A General Chat #8: A Warcraft Show about Navigating Azeroth in Retail WOW & WOW Classic!


    A General Chat #8: A Warcraft Show about Navigating Azeroth in Retail WOW & WOW Classic!

    Welcome to A General Chat:  A World of Warcraft Podcast about Navigating Azeroth as a Human and Avatar! We are your hosts: Avernym and Harainna! Todays Date is: February 20th, 2024 You can follow the show on Twitter at @AGeneralChat! You can email the show at AGeneralChat@gmail.com! You can follow Avernym on twitter at  https://twitter.com/Avrenym  You can follow HaRainna on twitter at https://twitter.com/HaRainna  You can find the show notes and more places to listen at https://ageneralchat.crd.co/ ! And you can join us in game at www.murlocs.crd.co & on twitter @MurFamGaming!  BRICCO https://twitter.com/BriccoStud  Bricco: Co-host of @3rdfactionshow with @mslistra Wannabe Pitmaster, WoW Pally, Twitch affiliate, #Loa of Hot Rods  https://twitch.tv/briccostud BoomyNation https://twitter.com/BoomyNation  https://www.youtube.com/@BoomyNation  linktr.ee/boomynation  Shout out to  Jashazzard@jashazzard https://twitter.com/jashazzard   Ascalon Paragon@AscaParaGuild https://twitter.com/AscaParaGuild  If you have any topics you would like to hear us discuss, or have run across some strange things in game yourself and want to hear our take on it, please send it in! And then she left the guild because ef that guy. https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/s/OGyKPRNFh3 What are your WoW pet peeves? https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/1arm9z7/what_are_your_wow_pet_peeves/ And all I wanted was to be helpfull and have fun raiding :( https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/s/BvfC1jZD1T  Use of addons is cheating, and it needs to be addressed https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/use-of-addons-is-cheating-and-it-needs-to-be-addressed/1552512 Guild drama...maybe https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/s/35q3EUmNyf  Thanks for the unscheduled maintenance blizzard https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/1aqsp05/thanks_for_the_unscheduled_maintenance_blizzard/ I’m not enjoying World of Warcraft as much as I used to and this is difficult for me. https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/s/eONspHFLgr

    1 ч. 32 мин.

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A General Chat: A World of Warcraft Podcast about Navigating Azeroth as a Human and Avatar! Hosted by Ha'Rainna SwiftSage and Avernym! We are your hosts: HaRainna and Avernym You can follow the show on Twitter at @AGeneralChat! You can email the show at AGeneralChat@gmail.com! You can follow Avernym on twitter at https://twitter.com/Avrenym You can follow HaRainna on twitter at https://twitter.com/HaRainna You can find the show notes and more places to listen at https://ageneralchat.crd.co/ ! And you can join us in game at www.murlocs.crd.co & on twitter @MurFamGaming!

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