A Grim Podcast of Perilous Adventure

A Grim Podcast of Perilous Adventure is the Professional Casual Network’s Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay Actual Play Podcast. We’ll be playing through The Enemy Within, which is widely considered one of the best campaigns of any RPG. Join Dan the GM as Dani, Tim, Alexander P. Nelson, and JB try to survive the perils of the Old World. We’re starting with a soldier, witch, stevedore, and a coachmen, heroes of renown far and wide- ok, they’re just people, but they will be thrown into situations that will make heroes out of them, or send them to the Gardens of Morr. Alchemists Tower by Kevin MacLeod Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/3350-alchemists-tower License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
I'm so happy this exists
Im a huge fan of the Warhammer Fantasy universe, mostly through Gotrek and Felix novels. Once Id read all of those (twice) and playing vermintide 2 wasnt cutting it i needed more Warhammer.... and so i bought the WFRP books (im a forever GM) and found this podcast. the PCN people are so fun and between the players and dan they do such an amazing job of channeling the world of warhammer, both the silliness and the grim darkness that looms over every decision the players make, whether it's to eat that extra pie or lie to the guards... again. Im only on ep 39 but so far every character shines, Mina especially with the best character voice and way of a speech i've heard in an actual play (ive lawled so many times), but of course there's lucky's charming chaos, carl's aggressive innocence and sense of honor, and bruno the hilariously crooked glutton who's still loyal to a fault. Thanks for making this podcast exist!
Nothing Has Made Me Happier
Than some of the great moments in this show, Dan and JB have an incredible Bad GM and Bad Player, relationship. Dani and Tim started as antagonists to each other but in later episode are the only two trying to move forward the plot. Character development for some of the characters has been awesome, less so for others (Bruno). Also heard Elite 8 Showdown is finally coming back and as E8S is the show that turned me onto GPOPA in the first place…. As the title states nothing has me happier.
Who will save us?!?
The Empire's in its darkest hour, shadows grow long and magic winds sour. A plot of treason and sin, a hidden menace lurks within. 4 heroes rise up to solve the mystery, delving deep into the Empire's history. Where will it take us? Nobody knows! Let's hope our 4 heroes can stay on their toes… Killing Chaos lords, burning witches, slaying beastmen hoards and reveling in the cries of joy and praise which seek to celebrate…better heroes than this lot. Tune into GPOPA as our “heroes” are run over by wagons, barely manage to survive walking up and down stairs without passing out, literally lick each others wounds, listen to the wise quacks of a magic duck, and constantly avoid the gun of their captain who doesn’t even know how guns work… GPOPA has everything you could want in an actual play as you question just how this ragtag group of players survive the weighted rolls and biased rules of their “terrible” GM Dan as they laugh the night away, making the Old World just a little less grim and perilous.
Worth a giggle now and then
10 episodes in and the worst thing I can say is that the GM lets the players (especially Lucky) get away with murder too often by not challenging them to make rolls when they have dumb ideas/blatantly lie to people, especially regarding magic (which people are generally suspicious of). Then again, sometimes it’s hard to put all the blame on the GM when the PCs all act like they ride the short bus (still not sure why two of them continually talk like cavemen) … but that’s classic PC behavior, really. So maybe less “grim and perilous” and more “dim but (sometimes) hilarious”. Not gonna teach someone how to properly play WFRP, but it’s worth an occasional chuckle when someone finally gets punished for their actions!
- CreatorThe Professional Casual Network
- Years Active2020 - 2025
- Episodes253
- RatingExplicit
- Copyright© Copyright 2025 The Professional Casual Network
- Show Website