A Journey From Mexico with Oscar Romero

Modern Immigrant

I had the amazing opportunity to talk to Oscar about his immigration journey from Mexico. He had a very difficult experience of being separated from his mom when he was only 2 years old when crossing the border to the USA. 

In this interview, we talked about the impact that some of our immigration experiences can have on our mental health, the healing process of overcoming those challenges, and the importance of building a community so we don't feel alone!

Oscar also explained how it has been for him to be a DACA recipient and some of the misconceptions that people have about undocumented immigrants. 

Oscar is motivated by leaving spaces better than how he found them and that was such an inspiration to me!

To connect with Oscar and the resources shared in the interview:

Oscar's website: https://oscarromerojorge.com/

Oscar's Blog: https://myundoculife.com/

Mental Health Support in North Carolina: https://elfuturo-nc.org/

Mental Health Support in NC: https://sunriseamanecerservices.org/

To connect with us in Modern Immigrant: 

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/modernimmigrant/

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Youtube: https://youtu.be/GiYlk92FU78

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