A Little About Me

Culture Lit

I’m your host, Octavia Marie. I’ve been toying with the idea of making a podcast for over a year now, but I couldn’t settle on what I would talk about.  I’m not a celebrity or an influencer, so who would listen to me?

Years ago a close friend asked me what truly makes me happy.  It took me a long time to answer that question.  

I’m happiest when I’m exploring, learning something new, or trying a new dish.

I also have a deep love of romance novels.  Romance writing has come a long way since my grandma’s book I used to sneak and read.  I decided to discuss the love stories of black women written by black authors because, at my core, I love a good love story.  There are things that people outside the culture don’t get about blackness - black women are not monolithic and our stories aren’t rooted in struggle and trauma.

Thank you for joining me.

Culture Lit is a community in celebration of black women and black love, and a reminder that black women deserve joy, love success, second chances, and all the beautiful magic the world has to offer.

Connect on Socials:

on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/becomingoctaviamarie/

on Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/xooctaviamarie

A Podcast Launch Bestie Production

Mentioned in this episode:

You can find all the books I've reviewed in this podcast in my Bookshop! Visit https://bookshop.org/shop/CultureLitPodcast to get your copy!

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