A Missionary’s Caution about the Perspectives Course, with Josh Manley (Encore)

Christian Emergency Podcast

For years, the Perspectives Course has been a go-to training option for Christians eager to learn about cross-cultural missions. Thousands have been blessed by the insight delivered through the course and its training text, Perspectives on the World Christian Movement. Pastors, missions committees, future missionaries and even regular Christians hoping to learn more about God’s heart for the peoples have benefitted.

And while much of Perspectives is wonderful, you should be cautious about certain teachings embedded in the course. So warns Josh Manley, a pastor serving in the United Arab Emirates. Josh joins the Christian Emergency Podcast to highlight his concerns, particularly with Perspective’s favorable treatment of Church Planting Movements.

Church Planting Movements, or CPM, sound amazing. But as Josh points out, CPM is a specific methodology that, when looked at closely, may have problems. Is CPM more biblical or pragmatic? What do Christians taking the Perspectives Course need to consider? Listen in and learn as Josh unpacks this important issue, which has already made a profound impact on missions and the Church.

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To learn more about resources mentioned in this episode, see the following.

Josh Manley (Twitter): @JoshPManley

Revival and Revivalism: The Making and Marring of American Evangelicalism, by Iain H. Murray (Book): https://banneroftruth.org/us/store/history-biography/revival-and-revivalism/

Radius International: https://www.radiusinternational.org/

Capital Hill Baptist Church – Misions Training Course: https://www.capitolhillbaptist.org/resources/core-seminars/series/missions/

International Mission Board (IMB) – Missions Training Courses: https://imb.pathwright.com/library/

Christian Emergency Alliance: https://www.christianemergency.com/

Follow the Christian Emergency Alliance on Twitter: @ChristianEmerg1

Follow the Christian Emergency Alliance on Facebook: @ChristianEmergency

The Christian Emergency Podcast is a production of the Christian Emergency Alliance.

Soli Deo Gloria








