A New Approach to Pain with Olivia Sinaiko and Vanessa Blackstone

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Chronic pain affects an estimated one in five people, manifesting as knee pain, back pain, migraines, and countless other symptoms. Unfortunately, the pain management market is filled with questionable products, risky medications, and unproven treatments. On this week’s episode, my guests bring expertise in mind-body wellness, exploring new perspectives on how we experience and manage pain.  

Listen and learn:

  • How fear and anxiety can drive or intensify pain
  • Why feelings of safety and support are key to recovery
  • How mind-body approaches support healing, even in structural pain
  • Why a collaborative pain management team will offer more effective support than a single provider

LINK: The Pain Reprocessing Therapy Workbook


Olivia S. Sinaiko, LPC, and Vanessa M. Blackstone, MSW, are accomplished mental health professionals specializing in chronic pain treatment and co-authors of The Pain Reprocessing Therapy Workbook.

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