A Light in the Last Days (Isaiah 60:1-2)

Verity New Testament Church of God
A Light in the Last Days (Isaiah 60:1-2)

A selection of sermons by Rev Dr Victor Thompson of Stratford New Testament Church of God, a new branch based in East London, England, UK. For prayer requests just email us with your request. To connect with SNTCG please email; stratfordntcg@gmail.com including your full name and location, and someone will reply within 24 hours.


A selection of sermons by Rev Dr Victor Thompson of Stratford New Testament Church of God, a new branch based in East London, England, UK. For prayer requests just email us with your request. To connect with SNTCG please email; stratfordntcg@gmail.com including your full name and location, and someone will reply within 24 hours.

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