300 episodes

A New Direction is a weekly podcast that interviews best selling authors from around the world in success and leadership to enhance your life, career, and business.

A New Direction Jay Izso

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    • 5.0 • 39 Ratings

A New Direction is a weekly podcast that interviews best selling authors from around the world in success and leadership to enhance your life, career, and business.

    Change: How to Lead It and How to Manage It

    Change: How to Lead It and How to Manage It

    Leading Change in Your Business or Organization

    Change is inevitable. It's one of the guarantees we have in life. Even in our businesses and organizations, we must deal with change.

    The fact is no one likes change. We have a built-in mechanism to resist it. On some level, change violates our sense of comfort and freedom.

    If you are in leadership, what can you do to help make the change in your organization smoother? How can you help make change not so overwhelming?

    In this episode of A New Direction Best-Selling author Mindy Vail joins us to talk about her groundbreaking book on leading change..."The Mindshift Effect".

    Get your pen and pencils out and get ready to take notes it's going to be a practical lesson in leading change.

    Mindy Vail's book, "The MindShift Effect: Where Change Management is Redefined and Leadership is Refined" is a practical guide and toolkit for leading change in any organization of any size.

    Mindy leads in the Introduction of the book by explaining that to this point much of the work on Leading and Managing Change is very academic and there is a need to understand these concepts in an easy-to-understand manner.

    She accomplishes this brilliantly in The Mindshift Effect, as she takes concepts and theories and explains them in terms that will help any leader at any level be able to better manage the change in the organization.

    The fact is that change is inevitable, and you as a leader need to deal with change, but your people will be resistant to change because it is what our brain naturally does.  Hence, overcoming that for your organization becomes the challenge.

    Mindy Vail, gives you specific ideas and tools that you can use that help you be a more transparent and authentic leader that will help your people adjust to change more quickly.

    The Mindshift Effect one of those books you will want to keep on your bookshelf and refer to time and time again.  The information is invaluable and what is more you will be able to use it immediately.

    To learn more about Mindy Vail and her coaching program for change click right here The MindShift Effect: Change Management Redefined & Leadership Development Refined - Consulting

    Please reach out and thank the awesome sponsors of A New Direction:

    EPIC Physical Therapy the facility with the most cutting edge equipment and the certified staff to help you recover from an injury or surgery.

    They work with professional and amateur athletes, or just those of us who are ordinary Jane's and Joe's who want to move and feel better.

    When you want EPIC relief, EPIC recovery, and EPIC results then start with EPIC Physical Therapy by going to www.EPICpt.com

    Linda Craft Team, Realtors when you are looking to sell your home or buy a new home start with what their clients refer t...

    • 57 min
    Owners Prison: 3 Levels to Breaking Free

    Owners Prison: 3 Levels to Breaking Free

    Owners Prison: 3 Levels to Breaking Free

    If you are an owner of a company there is one thing that is absolutely true.  You are responsible for everything!  There is always a fire.  And there are no days off.

    But is that the way it should be?  When entrepreneurs start with an idea, they want to change the world, but as the owner of their own company eventually they make themselves a prisoner to their own ideas.

    And when you are in owners' prison, we shut out the world around us.  Our families are sacrificed.  Our friends are left behind.  And our time is determined by the very thing we own and created.

    What are we to do?  How can we free ourselves from owners' prison?  Is there any hope for owners' freedom?  The answer is, YES!

    In this episode of A New Direction, U.S. Marine, Champion Boxer, Black belts, entrepreneur and best-selling author Richard Walsh joins us to tell you his story of losing it all and regaining his freedom.

    This show is going to be so good.  Listen in and enjoy.

    Richard Walsh' book, "Escape the Owner Prison: The Contractors new way to scale, regain control and fast track growth while loving life" is a phenomenal guide to helping every entrepreneur start up and get growing.

    The book comes from the point of view of Richard Walsh' failure and how rebuilt himself as an entrepreneur and owner and yet excel as a husband, and father, and living a life of freedom.

    Every chapter of this book has something practical for you to think through.  Whether that be how you think about money, how you hire, branding, marketing, your value and worth, and so much more!

    This book is an outstanding guide to building your business from the ground up, sustaining and developing your exit.

    This book has tremendous value and I believe it should be for every entrepreneur whether they are starting or have been years in the business.

    You can connect with Richard Walsh by going to: sharpenthespearcoaching

    or contact Richard directly at richard@sharpenthespearcoaching.com

    Please reaching out and thank these sponsors for their financial support of A New Direction!

    EPIC Physical Therapy I love these people and I love this place!

    They have the certified staff that customizes a treatment program based on your individual needs and goals.

    They also have some of the most cutting-edge equipment as part of your treatment program to help you get back to the way you want to be, whether that be from injury or professional athlete.

    If you want EPIC Relief, EPIC Recovery, and EPIC Results just click on over to www.EPICpt.com

    Linda Craft Team, Realtors, their clients call them the “legends of customer service” the fact is for more than 39 years they have been at the top of the real estate game…

    ...that just makes them legendary.

    What is more they are still going strong!

    • 58 min
    22 Ways To Break Your Procrastination Habit

    22 Ways To Break Your Procrastination Habit

    Breaking the Procrastination Habit

    Let's be honest there are things that you don't want to do, that you know you should do, but don't do. And the reasons are many.

    You may say, "I don't procrastinate, I never do that in my job"! Okay, well how's that eating right thing going for you? How about those workouts you said you would do...someday.

    Oh how about not eating sugar, quitting drinking, stopping fast food, going to the doctor, learning a foreign language, an instrument, going to counseling, hiring a coach you need. Yep you put it off...that's procrastination.

    In this episode of A New Direction #1 International Best-Selling Self-Help Author Scott Allan joins us to help you break the HABIT! Yes, the Habit of Procrastination.

    Scott Allan's book "Do the Hard Things First: How to Win Over Procrastination and Master the Habit of Doing Difficult Work" is a complete toolkit to overcome procrastination.

    Do the Hard Things First (DTHTF) starts by taking a deep dive into what procrastination is and why we do it.

    Scott, wants all of us to start with a clean slate when it comes to this particular challenge, and part of that clean slate is stepping into forgiveness.  Forgiving yourself and your past.

    Then Scott moves us to 22 steps that you can take to begin the process, and he notes it is a process of getting ourselves in a position where we are doing the more difficult tasks first, rather than those things that have very little pay off.

    These steps are not all required.  In fact, you can pick as many as you want that work for you.

    I highly recommend you take a look at his step of the 80/20 Pareto Principle as a way to overcome Procrastination and the Premack Principle and Bundling.

    If you struggle having the hard conversations, or putting them off, or not dealing with your finances, writing that book you threatened to write or something else.  This book will be a refreshing help for you.

    You can get your copy of Do The Hard Things First, By Clicking Here!

    Would you do me a huge favor and go to our sponsors check out their web pages and tell them thank you for sponsoring  A New Direction…I would be so grateful.

    EPIC Physical Therapy has been sponsoring A New Direction for quite some time.  They are truly the “go to” physical therapists.

    With their certified staff and state of the art equipment and technology whether you just want to move and feel better, are recovering from an injury, or are an athlete who wants to be performing at the top of your game.

    • 57 min
    Bend & Break the Rules Like Navy SEALs & Entrepreneurs for Results!

    Bend & Break the Rules Like Navy SEALs & Entrepreneurs for Results!

    How Navy SEALs and Entrepreneurs Bend & Break the Rules for Results!

    Get a job at any business and the first thing you are told is the rules. "This is how we do things here."

    As we age we get even more rule oriented. Less dreaming, less risk taking, less creative thinking, and God forbid that you should challenge convention.

    The fact is we are a rules driven society. The fact is those that disagree with you, want to impose their rules on YOU, so you will do as they say and wish.

    And yes the military has a set of established rules, but one thing that may surprise you is when you are in "unconventional warfare" units, like the Navy SEALs you have to take a more unconventional, creative approach. And yes, even at times the rules of warfare are completely thrown out the window.

    How about you? Are you willing to "break" the rules of the game? How about "bend" the rules? Or maybe ignoring them altogether so you can achieve real results?

    On this episode of A New Direction Retired Navy SEAL Marty Strong joins me to get outside of the norm, disrupt standard thinking and embrace change, and bolster creativity.

    Marty's book, "Be Different: How Navy SEALs and Entrepreneurs Bend, Break, or Ignore the Rules to Get Results!" is a mindset changer.

    Marty Strong takes examples of his different roles as a Navy SEAL combat veteran, and instructor, and his different roles as a Business owner and Entrepreneur and trains us how to start thinking differently.

    And that is the crux of this book.  Think differently, and in order to think differently one must think creatively.

    To begin thinking creatively Marty Strong gives us the history of how it is against our norm to think differently.  We have been conditioned and trained to live by rules, to be obedient.  Not make waves.

    However, it is in our wave making creative thinking where we will find the greatest results.  It is where your profits will be.  It is where life takes on purpose and meaning.

    Marty also cautions however, that when you start thinking differently, and take action on your thinking get ready for "blowback".  Get ready for the "naysayers".  Get ready to be shunned.  You will need a thick skin.

    At the end of it all when your thinking and action is different it is where you will find your authenticity and success.  I highly recommend this book!

    Please Thank Our Sponsors of A New Direction by LIKING Their Pages on Social Media

    EPIC physical therapy, they are my physical therapists and I believe they should be yours too.

    They are going to design a customized treatment program specifically for you, and they care enough to make certain you follow through with it.

    When you are ready for EPIC relief, EPIC recovery, and EPIC results go to EPIC physical Therapy. www.EPICpt.com

    Linda Craft Team, Realtors, for more than 39 years they have been helping people all over the world protect their dreams and make new ones.

    Let’s be honest, most people will never think about the price of the home they purchased and sold…but we all will think about the memories that were made in that home.

    Linda Craft and her team continue the tradition of being the “memory makers”.  When you are ready for your memory head on over to a href="https://www.lindacraft.

    • 57 min
    Resilience in 4 Personalities – Which One Are You?

    Resilience in 4 Personalities – Which One Are You?

    Resilience, You, Your Work, and Your Life

    More and more people in the workforce including executives are starting to realize the toll that wellness, stress, and severe health issues are taking on their jobs and their families.

    We all feel it, and we need answers.  And that is where this week's book Resilience @ Work comes in.

    Four people sit around a fire at the beach after taking lessons to learn to surf. These people are as different as you and me and carry with them their different personalities.

    First there is Hurry, he is a hard worker, always on the go, but as the waves of work get higher and higher, for every step he takes, he gets blown back by the waves 3 steps back.

    Always trying the next "Get Rich Quick" Scheme, he doesn't have the resilience to take the long view.

    Then there is Worry, she is filled with anxiety, she feels her life has little meaning and as the bills pile up, she feels she is drowning in the sea of "no hope".

    Always worried about her appearance in front of others, she lacks the resilience to be her authentic self.

    Next comes Steady, she reads the waves an knows when to paddle and to ride them. She is agile and adaptable. But she was not always that way because she had to do a ton of work on herself to get her to this point.

    Finally, there is Ready, the eldest of the four. He found his purpose at a young age, but he neglected it. And after floundering around in the sea of life he finally has come to understand that he had these gifts all along, but simply was not using them.

    Do any of these four people sound like you? Perhaps there is a piece of all of them that you can relate to.

    In this episode of A New Direction Best Selling Author Simon T. Bailey takes well written book and assessment to help you discover who you are, and how you can help yourself become and live as the authentic person you created to be that will give you the greatest opportunity for success.

    Simon T. Bailey's book, "Resilience @ Work: How to Coach Yourself into a Thriving Future" is an insightful book into ourselves through the perspective of 4 people named Hurry, Worry, Steady, and Ready.

    Each person has their own story and are in different places in life trying to find their authenticity and purpose.

    The book is a powerful allegory, filled with thought provoking moments that enlighten the reader to ask themselves to be more open to where they are at.

    As the book journeys on the reader experiences the impact of the fire side discussions between the members of the group and how they each move toward a new direction in their life and future.

    This book although very different gave me the feel of the best-selling book "Who Moved My Cheese".  I will say that this book dives much deeper.

    In addition, this book also comes with assessments so that you can get sense of who you are in the story and perhaps where you need to get some help and go to work on you.

    Great book click here to get your copy of Resilience @ ...

    • 58 min
    Energy and the 7 Levels That Determine Your Success

    Energy and the 7 Levels That Determine Your Success

    Your Energy Determines Your Success

    Every single day we bring some sort of energy in to our work place, home, and every conversation.

    Our energy is rarely if ever neutral. In fact, it typically is either destructive, or constructive. And that energy comes at different levels.

    But...what if we could harness the constructive energy, and understand that even destructive energy could have a place and purpose?

    And what if we could control the right level of energy that could powerfully influence productivity, change a habit, and increase motivation? Would that interest you?

    Well on this episode of A New Direction Best-Selling Author Rebecca Ahmed joins to talk about her latest book The Energy of Success.

    It's so good and you are going to walk away with knowledge and tools you never had before.

    Rebecca Ahmed's book, "The Energy of Success: Power Up Your Productivity, Transform Your Habits, and Maximize Workplace Motivation" is a fantastic read.

    The book is an eye opener, as it helps the reader become more self-aware of what type of energy you are bringing into the lives of others, as well as, what level of energy are you using.

    The fact is your energy is either destructive or constructive.  And depending on your level of constructive energy you may not be as constructive as you could be.  Meaning you have some limitations.

    As Rebecca Ahmed walks us through the 7 levels of energy from "Safety" to "Climax" we find that we all are in a constant state of growth should we choose to level up, or we can remain stagnant in our energy level and never achieve the level of success we have the potential for.

    The book is an outstanding read, full of practical guidance on how to level up your energy.  Order your copy  of The Energy of Success right here!

    Special Thanks to our sponsors of A New Direction…Please reach out to them and say thank you!

    EPIC Physical Therapy, they not only have the latest technology, they are certified and trained to have the latest therapeutic techniques.

    Regardless if you just need to move a little better, are recovering from an injury or surgery, a weekend warrior, or a professional athlete.

    EPIC PT will provide you with a customized treatment specifically designed for you.  Are you ready for EPIC Relief, EPIC Recovery and EPIC Results?

    Then head on over to EPIC Physical Therapy.  www.EPICpt.com

    Linda Craft Team, Realtors they literally are a locally owned independent real estate company, that serves the world.

    How can a small company serve the world?

    They have created relationships with the best real estate experts in the world to help you regardless of where you live get the best person possible.

    Head on over to www.LindaCraft.com

    Hey…do me a favor and please tell your friends to subscribe to A New Direction on their favorite podcast platform and give us a...

    • 57 min

Customer Reviews

5.0 out of 5
39 Ratings

39 Ratings

AnvilWorks ,

Brilliant host - outstanding podcast.

Just an absolutely outstanding interview. Jay you bring the enthusiasm, energy and are thoroughly engaging. Thank you for the time and detailed review of my book. You are a spectacular host and can't wait to do part two!!

Dina dear ,

Loved Thriving Interview!

I’m so glad I got to meet you at my Aunt Myrna’s funeral. Obviously, a funeral is a sad time, but her life was filled with friendship and love so I felt enriched by the experience. You are an inspiration and have found the perfect way to follow your purpose! As I make my way on this fabulous journey, I will definitely benefit from this book and your Podcasts. Thank you!

Gregory Mohr ,

Actionable information

Jay's videos are always very informative and he is a great host. Makes it a lot of fun to learn new things.

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