A New Direction

Jay Izso
A New Direction

A New Direction is a weekly podcast that interviews best selling authors from around the world in success and leadership to enhance your life, career, and business.

  1. OCT 16

    Dreams NOT Goals to Build a High Performing Team

    Dreams NOT Goals to Build High Performing Teams What's the first thing you think of when you read the word "dream"? Chances are, the first thing you thought of was something "fanciful" that isn't real. Or perhaps you thought of something that you do when you sleep, but often do not remember. What if I were to suggest to you that dreaming actually works better than goal setting? You probably feel like I just committed heresy! But what if dreaming actually improved your team morale, created higher production and led to more profitability. Now you think I am just crazy. I'm not. And on this episode of A New Direction Division Manager for Vector Marketing, and Best-selling author Dane Espegard joins me to talk about a structured way to get your team to dream that will turn them into high-performers. You may not understand it now, but it will be worth the listen to change you and your team into the people you always hoped they would be. Dane Espegard's book, "The Dream Machine: A Leader's Guide to Creating Teams of High Performers Who Achieve Extraordinary Outcomes" intentionally challenges our thinking. First, it challenges us with the idea that Dreamstorming is more effective than goal setting.  He makes a great case that explains through research and his own team results. Second, he challenges us that as adults we need to get past our skepticism of "Dreaming is just for Kids" and realize that dreaming as an adult actually contributes to our well-being on many different levels both personally and professionally. Dane does a great job giving us relevant, relatable research.  The book is solid.  If you have a "growth mindset" and an "open mindset".  This reader is convinced it works and is ready to implement immediately. Another great aspect to this book is that Dane Espegard doesn't just tell you why dreaming is important to achieving, but gives you the tools to do it! Literally, a step-by-step guide to creating your own dream retreat. The Dream Machine is a great book!  I'm so glad I read it.  Need to run, because I must create my 100 dream, dream list.

    59 min
  2. OCT 9

    High-Performing Teams Based on Navy Seal Training

    How to Build High-Performing Teams that Operates Like the Navy SEALs If you are in business and have a team, no matter how large or how small, we ultimately want a High-performing team. But have a high-performing team does not happen overnight. And it requires a kind of leadership that quite frankly is not so common in the work place. So, where do you look to find the best, high-performing teams? Perhaps one of the best places to look are the Navy SEALs. One of the elite forces of our military, the Navy SEALs, provide us a tremendous example of how a high-performing team functions under some of the greatest pressure. What if you could apply their principles to your business? Well, dream no more! Because in this episode of A New Direction U.S. Navy SEAL, Senior Chief RET, William Branum joins us to help you build a high-performing team, from his co-authored book "Mission Ready" William Branum and Brenda Neckvatal's book, "Mission Ready: Building High-Performing Teams from the Battlefield to the Boardroom" is an eye-opening look at how Navy SEAL teams operate and how you can operate your business using their principles. The first half of the book Navy SEAL William Branum takes us into a Navy SEAL gunfight and then compares the principles in the gunfight to the fight you face in your business. One of the main principles is SHOOT, MOVE, and COMMUNICATE.  While those principles appear to be straight forward, what you quickly learn is you cannot be just good at one of them to be successful you must be good at all three. To SHOOT in business is something we commonly do. Taking care of this priority, putting out this fire, handling this issue or problem.  But sometimes we can get so stuck shooting we don't move. But to MOVE is so important because we quickly realize if you stay in the same place to long...you will die.  We have to continually MOVE so we can out maneuver our opponent (whatever that may be) so that we can win. Finally, COMMUNICATE.  How often do we have a team meeting telling people what we want them to do and then end the meeting.  That's not communication.  In fact, as William describes, to COMMUNICATE means there is a response. Does your team really understand what you are asking?  Never assume. The book future explores some amazing topics, like "Leaders Don't Get Bullets", "Decentralizing Control and Command, the OODA loop and more. Great book for every member of your business.  But if you want to lead a team like the Navy SEALs, we all have work to do, and it starts with discipline and consistency.  Time to get Mission Ready. Please reach out to the sponsors of A New Direction. Thanks to their financial support, we are able to bring you these great experts and their books to help you live the life you always dreamed of.

    58 min
  3. OCT 3

    Nobody Cares – Climbing The Mountain of Accountability

    Climbing the Mountain of Accountability is Not Going to be Easy Here is a fact that is never said about accountability... No one can hold anyone else accountable, you are only accountable to yourself. We all talk about the importance of accountability. We think if we put someone in charge of another person, we will somehow motivate the through accountability. But accountability must come from you. And we have to learn to climb the mountain of becoming more accountable to ourselves. In other words, you need to "Own your stuff!"" At the bottom of the mountain of accountability is oblivion, a lack of self-awareness that you are not holding your self accountable. Followed by the next step blame, followed by excuses, it's too hard until we get to the top that says, "I am the only thing that stands in the way of my success and happiness. So are ready to reach success and happiness like you always desire? Then tune into this episode of A New Direction as Co-Author Salem Thyne talks to us about Nobody Cares...Until you do. Salem Thyne and Robert Hunt's book, "Nobody Cares (Until You Do): Living Beyond The Blame, Excuses and Doubts That Hold You Back" is the book for every person on the planet. This book clearly and strongly makes the case that accountability is not going to be something that is shared between two people...accountability is something that is up to each one of us individually. The authors use a mountain climb to explain the different levels we are mentally and emotionally at before we reach the summit of accountability. For example, at the bottom of the mountain, we start with a lack of awareness that we are not accountable to ourselves. Then we move to the next level, "blame", then up a short level to "excuses", then climbing to "it's too hard", followed up by "wait and hope" and the climb continues. As you begin to let go of these traits one by one, we slowly become more self-accountable.  And with that accountability comes freedom.  Freedom to choose how we want to live, because we own it. Throughout the book there are "Accountability Exercises" that will help yo dig deep into you, to help you navigate the climb. This book is so good.  Just do not buy it for yourself, buy it for your employees too. Remember, if we don't hold ourselves accountable, then any other attempts are accountability are nothing more than manipulation and micromanagement.  Because no one can hold us accountable. And by the way Nobody Cares...Until You Do! Please, Please Please, yes I am begging you to reach out to the sponsors of A New Direction. Thanks to their financial support, we are able to bring you these great experts and their books to help you live the life you always dreamed of. So, reach out to them and just say, “thank you for sponsoring A New Direction.

    57 min
  4. SEP 27

    Leadership Sharpeners – Major General John Gronski

    Your Leadership Can Become Dull Like a Knife in Your Home... You Need Some Honing Steal to Sharpen it. Leadership is never something we can fully master. It is an elusive journey to keep growing and going. Many times as leaders, we can get into a rut in our leadership. We can get stagnant. For whatever reason, our leadership has become bland. Then there are those that we lead. Perhaps they have lost faith in our leadership ability. For whatever reason, the followers don't have the same energy around our initiatives. Like a once sharp knife, our leadership has become dull. We need honing steel to sharpen our leadership. Where do you find that? In this episode of A New Direction, Major General John Granski (RET'd) joins us to talk about his little book entitled, "Leadership Sharpeners - Leading as an Iron-Sharpened Leader". General Gronski's new pocket book, "Leadership Sharpeners - Leading as an Iron-Sharpened Leader" is a must-have for every person. This is a small compact powerhouse leadership book that will engage you, inspire you, and if you will consistently follow the chapters in this book will change into the leader your followers always hoped you would be. General Gronski, combines his passion for leadership with outstanding research and his experience as a U.S. Army Major General to give us the most valuable nuggets to be a great leader. One of the most fantastic things about this pocket book is that he takes ideas that normally would be used in the military and as he says "civilianizes" it. The book is a great combination of practical and thought-provoking.  Dealing with everything from your mindset to your behavior. A perfect book for anyone, whether you are in leadership or aspire to grow as a leader in your business or family. Go to www.johngronski.com to get your signed copy, but you can also get your copy of Leadership Sharpeners on Amazon too! Please reach out and say thank you to the financial partners of A New Direction Show: EPIC Physical Therapy from every day aches and pains, to injuries to keeping elite athletes at the top of their game. EPIC pt has the cutting edge equipment and the certified staff to create an individualized treatment program specifically for you. They are my physical therapists and I think they should be yours too.  So if you want EPIC Relief, EPIC Recovery, and EPIC Results.  Start by contacting the great people at EPIC Physical Therapy….www.EPICpt.com Linda Craft Team, Realtors for more than 39 years they have been known for having “Legendary Customer Service”. Unaffiliated and independently owned and operated, they can recommend the best real estate professional to help you sell your home or buy your next home anywhere in the world. That is because they are not attached to a company, they are attached to what is in your best interest. So before you buy or sell, start with the “Legends” at Linda Craft  Team.  Just click on over to www.LindaCraft.com a href="http://www.coachingmavericks.

    59 min
  5. SEP 19

    Conversations That Will Change Things

    How to Have Conversations that Really Change You and Your Business. Whether in life or business, relationships are important to our success. And relationships are built on our conversations. If our conversations are not authentic, trusting, safe, have commitment, and accountability, we will not build strong relationships. The fact is that we often take our conversations for granted. We would like to believe that we are communicating clearly, but our own biases actually keep us from being as productive as we need to be. So what is the answer? In this episode of A New Direction, Best-selling author Douglas Squirrel (a.k.a. Squirrel) returns to join us to dig into his best-selling book, Agile Conversations. Get ready because Squirrel is going to help you change conversations that will create more productivity that translates into more profitability. Douglas Squirrel's co-authored book "Agile Conversations: Transform Your Conversations, Transform Your Culture" is not difficult to do, but is difficult to commit too. What do I mean? What Squirrel is asking you to do is actually quite easy, but it is the willingness of the participants involved with the conversation that make this so hard. Each person must be committed to the process. You must be intentional in your behavior and action. But the results are phenomenal. The fact is, if any single one of us wants to improve, we have to do things that are uncomfortable.  If you want your business or life to improve, then having these conversations in this way take work and effort. However, we all know the results of hard work and effort...change, productivity, and from a business perspective that leads to profitability. Agile Conversations is a fantastic book, I have read it twice.  And I have to say it has made me more aware of my own conversational shortcomings and where I need to improve both personally and professionally. Great book, you can but it from Amazon. Or get your official signed copy by going to www.douglassquirrel.com Please thank the sponsors of A New Direction Podcast – Jay Izso EPIC Physical Therapy the facility has the most cutting edge equipment and the certified staff to help you recover or improve. Whether you have an injury or recovering from surgery, are a professional athlete or just those of us who want to move and feel better they can help When you want EPIC relief, EPIC recovery, and EPIC results then start with EPIC Physical Therapy by going to www.EPICpt.com Linda Craft Team, Realtors when you are looking to sell your home or buy a new home for nearly 40 years Linda Craft Team,

    58 min
  6. SEP 12

    Burn Out Break Away

    Taking a Break from Burn Out Work burn out is real. So often employers dismiss it and treat it as a weakness in the employee. But nothing could be further from the truth. Let me ask you this question, would you want to have a surgery from a doctor who is exhausted mentally, emotionally or physically? Of course not. Some professions actually do recognize the need to protect their employees from burn out, and offer sabbaticals. But not every profession does this practice. The fact is at some point in our career we will feel exhausted. The stress of life and your career has finally come to a pinnacle. Here comes burn out. You believe you can't quit, but at the same time you don't have the same effectiveness or efficiency to do your job. Burn out is looming, what do you do? On this episode of A New Direction, marketing executive and entrepreneur and executive coach Laura Nguyen joins us to talk about how to take a break from your burn-out, save your life, and still have a career. Laura Nguyen's book, "Career Break Compass: Navigating Your Path to a Balanced Life Through Intentional Time Off" comes out November 12th. The book is so insightful, and full of the research that Laura Nguyen has conducted.  If you ever thought that "burn out" wasn't real, or only for the weak...think again. Career Break Compass takes us on a journey to understand what burn out really is, the symptoms, and how we respond to it. Laura then takes us further along by helping us understand that we are not helpless, we have choices, they may be tough choices, but we can take a break. Career Break Compass gives us the step-by-step process to negotiate a break from work, how to plan your break, structuring your break and getting back to work after the break. This is one of those books that if you are struggling with burn out will help you get to the other side.  Truly a must lead for those struggling and for leaders for prevention. A New Direction is so grateful to our sponsors, please reach out to them and tell them thank you, and please LIKE their Facebook pages. EPIC Physical Therapy, whether you are recovering from and injury or surgery or a professional athlete looking to improve, EPIC PT is for you! When you want EPIC Relief, EPIC Recovery, and EPIC Results, check out EPIC Physical Therapy.  www.EPICpt.com and check out their EPIC Facebook Page. Linda Craft Team, Realtors for more than 39 years their customers call their customer service “legendary”. Linda and her team built their business on building relationships and understanding your home is full of memories that are important to you! That makes it important to her and her team. Check out www.

    56 min
  7. SEP 4

    5 Conversations That Will Change You and Your Business

    5 Conversations That Will Change You We all say, "communication is important." The problem is, we still do not communicate all that effectively. If we did, our personal and professional relationships would be so much more effective and efficient. What is the biggest problem with our communication?  It is ourselves. We either do not have the right conversations, do not focus on the right part of the conversations, or we will not have the hard or difficult conversations. What is more we are often times hypocritical.  We think one thing and say another.  We make judgements without full knowledge.  We make assumptions about the other person. When you think about the conversations you have at home or at work, your thoughts are often not matching your words. You are not saying what you really mean... And hence a conversation was had, but there are no results. And our conversations should bring both alignment and change. How do we change that? Fortunately for all of us, Best Selling Author Douglas Squirrel joins us on A New Direction to talk help us with the 5 Conversations we need to have for real change. From his book "Agile Conversations". Douglas Squirrel's book, "Agile Conversations: Transform Your Conversations, Transform Your Culture" is absolutely one of the best books on conversation you will read. Agile Conversations is not for the faint of heart.  In fact, I will tell you this book is going to require you to do work.  And the work starts with you.  It is emotional work.  And it is not easy. This book lays out a complete and comprehensive strategy that if you will follow it, practice it, and continue to practice will change every conversation you have both personally and professionally. If you follow the guidelines and the outlines in a href="https://www.amazon.com/Agile-Conversations-Transform-Your-Culture/dp/1942788975/ref=sr_1_1?adgrpid=1332608911178290&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.pfz9L9f1RvKOx7-cjfUDhYHdopwYP23kO-ND_v0oSaM0EBIHdzQAyiG9zINvRdg1xjkdmbIwEE_WEGuFZhhr_qThEJaQmsssYGzE27MaB4R20fdfZAIrjuwbloIzDCCaOXEore8sC8CgIYs1bg6O_km6LFZ1xN4e3dG-ykzrc3Yi3kKUDAd-p-JEE644OKoNVRBuElslSLwlvU4qoQpLjnAv2hloyhRbH0_AXn3vGRY.-DjiUAbju9f_1V0lbUm0_T0FTUN12nMRv0O7lhg_kJ4&...

    58 min
  8. AUG 28

    6 Strategies to Help You Achieve the Possible

    Achieve the Possible Has life dealt you a bunch of lemons, and you can't seem to make lemonade?  Have things happened to your business that you are stuck? Has it come to the point that you are saying to yourself, it's not possible?  Do you need a reawakening to what is possible? Have you lost your vision? Maybe you never had one? Are you making an impact? How is your focus? How about your purpose? The fact is, there is not a thing you can do about what happens to you, but you do have control how you can respond to it.  And that is the beginning of redefining the possible. In this episode of A New Direction, Amazon #1 in Business Mentoring & Coaching Best-selling author Ron Alford joins us to talk about his revised and updated edition of Redefining Possible. Folks, get ready for the mindset change you have longed for. This show will provide techniques and strategies that will change your mindset and beliefs from what is not possible to what is possible. Ron Alford's book, "Redefining Possible: Proven Strategies to Break Belief Barriers and Create Your New Normal" is a guide to achieving the possible. Redefining Possible is a practical guide that will help you break down your own personal barriers that are keeping you from being all that you can be. This book is not for the faint of heart.  It is going to require change both in your mindset and actions.  But if you want to change the possible...change is inevitable. Ron Alford's 6 strategies for Redefining Possible are Focus, Ownership, Vision, Belief, Confidence and Faith...which ultimate leads to impact which changes the impossible to the possible. This book is not just a book to read.  Ron Alford also has exercises at the end of each chapter for you to start on the work of achieving great success. Get your copy by clicking right here! Please Thank The Sponsors of A New Direction by LIKING and Following their pages: EPIC Physical Therapy.  Whether you are injured from work, play, or you simply want to feel better about yourself and get better freedom of movement. EPIC physical therapy has the latest state of the art technology and equipment, coupled with a certified staff to help you achieve your physical goals and get you back to where you want to be and give you a direction where you should be going. When you really want EPIC relief, EPIC recovery, and EPIC results look no further than the people I use and trust EPIC Physical Therapy.  www.EPICpt.com Linda Craft Team, Realtors no matter where you live in the world, Linda Craft and her team can help you find the best professional in your area to help you sell or buy your next home. While most real estate professionals belong to a nationally affiliated company where they are obligated to use the people in their company’s network. Linda Craft Team are privately owned and operated.  That means they can find the absolute best professional from ANY company to ensure ...

    58 min
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39 Ratings


A New Direction is a weekly podcast that interviews best selling authors from around the world in success and leadership to enhance your life, career, and business.

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