The Right Time with Bomani Jones

Bomani Jones weighs in on sports, pop culture, social topics and more, with your comments on Mondays, friends of the show on Wednesdays and Domonique Foxworth on Fridays.
I did not give it 4 stars
Been listening to Bomani since the Triangle days, and will listen to him until the end. Even when he was grumpy sounding on the Evening Jones pods, I just chalked it up to idiots in the chat. Just a very well thought out and intelligent guy. He WILL make you think about something from a perspective that you hadn’t previously considered. Gotta be honest with you though Bomani, how you used to think of those fools from TEJ chat, I think that’s how a lot of us feel about your current producer. I’m sure he’s fine at all the production stuff (the show sounds great), but keep him off the MIC. Doesn’t seem to have much sports knowledge. Doesn’t seem to have much life knowledge/experience. I’m happy that you’re giving your man some paper by letting him do the ad reads for the sports betting, but his picks are so clownish that it’s not even worth listening to for entertainment purposes. Just an immediate skip. As soon as you say “Hey Larry (or whatever his name is because it’s so irrelevant I can’t remember in this moment) you got Prize Picks for the people?” It’s just skip/skip/skip/skip and the next pod fires up from the queue. Just so it doesn’t sound like I’m a complete hater, let me say that whenever you and Spencer Hall get together it is front of the line listening. The multitudes discussed are spectacular. Obviously, Foxworth Friday is a legendary spot and created a whole other universe from it. If I could make a suggestion for guests, I would ask that you expand out a bit on their subject matters. I know the company carrying your show is called “Wave Sports”, but they seem to give you a long leash. Let’s get some more people on to talk music (I’m not even a big music guy, but good conversation is intriguing), let’s get some more info shares on economics and finance (you’re well educated on the subject matter), and you seem to be really indulging in travel lately, let’s hear some people talk about some other cultures and travel exploits a bit. Football season is over, there’s lots of time to chat.
Lost me at AI
2 天前
Another great podcast getting sponsored by gambling or AI.
Always the right time
David Aldridge is rapidly becoming a favorite guest. Keep it coming, Mr. Jones.
Same old guest Same old stories….
I was hoping when the show came back it would be freshened up. Then Nick Wright came on as a guest. I guess Roy Woods is next. Wow another Nick Wright show…. Bomani needs to freshen up the show format. I just don’t like the show post ESPN. Also Bo is so liberal now. Where did that come from? On February 28 Bo told the “Calvin Johnson” story again…last day listening
- 頻道
- 創作者Wave Originals
- 活躍年代2015年 - 2025年
- 集數208
- 年齡分級兒少不宜
- 節目網站