A Year in Review with Dr Nina Fuller-Shavel and Octavia Hamilton

The Synthesis Clinic Podcast

In this episode Dr Nina Fuller-Shavel and Octavia Hamilton reflect on 2022 as they share their personal and professional challenges of the last year, as well as their achievements, successes and favourite podcast episodes.

About Dr Nina Fuller-Shavel:
Dr Nina Fuller-Shavel is an award-winning Oxbridge-trained medical doctor and scientist with over a decade’s experience in integrative health and in-depth additional training in nutrition, health coaching, functional, integrative and herbal medicine, Chinese medicine, yoga, mindfulness and other modalities. Dr Nina is a Fellow of BANT and the College of Medicine and the Director of Synthesis Clinic, specialising in complex multisystem women's health cases and integrative cancer care. Alongside her clinical and research work, Dr Fuller-Shavel provides training and mentorship programmes for nutrition and medical professionals.

About Octavia Hamilton:
Octavia Hamilton is a musculoskeletal physiotherapist with a keen interest in women’s health and cancer rehabilitation. Utilising a blend of ScarWork, acupuncture, Pilates and breathwork, as well as drawing on a decade’s experience in complex trauma rehabilitation, Octavia works to restore resilience and confidence in her clients.

To find out more about Synthesis Clinic, our philosophy and our multidisciplinary team, please click here. You can also keep up with any news via our clinic newsletter here.

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