Aaron Alexander | The Align Method

Avalon Harmornia

Nose breathing only while working out and sleeping, taping your mouth, sitting on the floor: these are some of the concepts we get into and much more, in this the episode that challenged my way of viewing my health. I highly recommend you check out Aaron’s new updated extended version release of his book: The Align Method. I pride myself on my health, but he just expanded my view of it. I don’t say this lightly, there are some super sharp recommendations in this book. This is equally as true with his podcast: Align Podcast. 



⚡️ Book: https://www.alignpodcast.com/alignbook 

⚡️ Podcast: https://www.alignpodcast.com/episodes 

⚡️ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/alignpodcast/ 

⚡️ Website: https://www.alignpodcast.com/ 










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