Abortion Messaging in Post-Dobbs America with Amelia Bonow

This Is Propaganda

Liberal “pro choice” messaging has historically conceded the moral high ground (“safe, legal and rare”). Amelia Bonow helped change that as the leader of the Shout Your Abortion movement. In this episode, she shares her journey and discusses why the persuasion war is far less important than educating people on the options they still and will always have, regardless of legality.

Find safe abortions anywhere at:

Learn more about Shout Your Abortion:

This is DoubleThink, conversations inspired by the themes of This Is Propaganda. If you haven’t yet, please listen to the Webby Award season one of the pod.

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Website: thisispropaganda.show

Instagram: instagram.com/thisispropagandashow

Email: propaganda@brink.com

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