Advanced Technologies

Unfiltered: Life & Awakening Podcast

Hello and Welcome to Episode 73 of the UNFILTERED: Life & Awakening Podcast, focused on Self Healing, Awakening, and Awareness!

In this episode we take on the topic of Advanced Technologies by discussing the nature of our reality as it seems to exist today and the set of experiences we perceive to have based on our own awakening, awareness, and integration of self.

We discuss the nature of our current technology and how its limiting factors exist solely due to our limited nature of self-integration.

We discuss what it looks like to experience self from the standpoint of integration and how this process will completely change, rewrite, and alter our perception of technology, advancements into being, and the complete set of circumstances around our lives.

We discuss how this shift will play into the ideas of healing, both from the physical medical standpoint and our spiritual energetic application.

We further discuss how this type of advancement into self will rewrite and restructure other technologies, including space travel, transportation, education, and much more. The world as we know it will open up to the full scope of potential when we decide to see self from a complete standpoint of being.

Hope you enjoy listening, contemplating, and integrating self into this full expression.

With love, Tanya & Elliott

Links from the Episode:

  • Graham Hancock -
  • Fingerprints of the Gods -
  • Isaac Asimov -
  • Kardashev scale (3 types of civilization) -
  • Castle Doctrine -
  • Grotto of Massabielle at Lourdes -
  • Joseph of Cupertino (Floating Priest) -
  • Nassim Haramein -
  • Kevin Courtney -
  • Michelson–Morley experiment -
  • Planck Time -
  • Marcel Vogel -
  • Tayannah McQuillar on Open Minds (Rootwork interview) -
  • Arrival (2016 film) -
  • Bodies (2023 TV Series) -

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