Wellness + Wisdom Podcast

Josh Trent
Wellness + Wisdom Podcast

The Wellness + Wisdom Podcast is a global collective for humans to thrive in our modern world. In this podcast together we gather, apply and embody the wisdom needed for authentic well-being in the 21st century. Each episode is artfully crafted to go an inch wide and a mile deep into the "Pentagon of Wellness" - Physical, Emotional, Mental, Spiritual + Financial. Your host, Josh Trent, asks the questions few have the courage to ask so you can garner the truth about how to live a life of confidence, freedom + optimal wellness. Together, we'll walk the path of courage to cross the gap between knowing, and doing. Learn from world class leaders about: Breathwork, Behavior Change, Wellness, Nutrition, Behavioral Psychology, Habits, Mindset, Fitness, Health, Philosophy, Religion, Organics, Biohacking, Transformation, Psychedelics, Mindfulness, Meditation, Neuroscience, Mental Health, Spirituality, Personal Growth, Consciousness + More. Every episode is built from Josh's proprietary science + spirit lessons from The Wellness Pentagon™ , (EI²)™ Emotional Intelligence + Inventory and more. Please take a moment to subscribe by heading over to joshtrent.com/podcast or search for “Josh Trent” on any podcast player.

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    Alex Wolfe | Amanita Muscaria’s Hidden Healing Codes: Can This Ancient Mushroom Abolish Big Pharma? Legal Microdosing For A Mental Health Revolution

    Wellness + Wisdom | Episode 722 Could legal psychedelic microdosing be the natural key to tackling the global mental health crisis? Alex Wolfe, Founder of EONS, joins Josh Trent on the Wellness + Wisdom Podcast, episode 722, to reveal the incredible healing potential hidden in one of nature’s most misunderstood mushrooms: Amanita muscaria, and how it can help reprogram limiting beliefs, heal mental health issues, and guide you toward living more in tune with the Earth’s natural rhythms. "The Amanita muscaria is a sacred mushroom. It's been around for thousands and thousands of years. It's nature's technology and the organic intelligence that's upgrading the hardware with the software. And in microdoses, it's extremely beneficial for alcohol addiction, cocaine addiction, PTSD, severe anxiety, and depression, with 75 to 90% cure rates." - Alex Wolfe 20% OFF EONS | DIALED A fully-legal psychedelic microdose derived from the Amanita muscaria mushroom. Created with Quicksome™ technology, Dialed delivers a precise microdose of Muscimol, providing calming effects on the GABA receptor WITHOUT any hallucinogenic experiences. Dialed is both safe and fully legal in the US and other countries. This unique formulation also works on the subconscious level, helping to overcome limiting beliefs and negative habits, all while promoting a balanced circadian rhythm. It has been extensively studied in Russia and Eastern Europe, where it has shown to have calming and beneficial effects on mental health without the risks associated with other illegal or unregulated psychedelics. 20% OFF WITH CODE "JOSH20" In This Episode, Alex Wolfe Uncovers: [01:20] The Ancient Sacred Mushroom Alex Wolfe 616 Alex Wolfe | Legal Psychedelic Microdosing For Anxiety + How To Take Your Sleep/Psyche to The Next Level The secret benefits of Amanita muscaria mushroom. Why people get stuck in the trap of thinking. How Amanita muscaria is a gift from nature. Why mushrooms are the oldest, largest, and smartest living organism. How we're programmed with limiting beliefs. [08:15] The Codes of Nature How Josh's definition of wisdom has changed. Why nature is filled with divine wisdom. How our attention is a currency. Why Amanita helped Alex transform his life. How the mushroom allowed him to face his programs. Why material goods, food, and sex were filling a void for Alex. [16:35] Removing Old Programs How Alex started paying attention to the voice that was keeping him stuck in the old programs. Why discomfort brings growth. How our programs want to keep us safe. We always have a choice. [20:35] Peace Is Power Why we earn wisdom through hardship. How surrender gets us to a peaceful state. Why there's no fulfillment in being the doer. How we can choose a different path. [25:35] What Blocks You From Manifesting Your Dreams Finding Joe (2011) Why Alex was avoiding the deep inner work through work. How he made it a priority for himself to look at his blockages. Why the creator wants to give us more than we can even imagine. How to remove manifesting blockages. [32:00] The Process of Neurogenesis How neurogenesis upgrades the human brain. Why Amanita muscaria amplifies neurons in our brain. How Alex balances the use of AI with the use of OI (organic intelligence). Why what we consume gets stored in our body. [36:20] Functional Healing The problem with DSM-5. Why there's a symbiotic relationship between the gut and the brain. How Alex healed gut dysbiosis naturally using functional mushrooms. Why healing the gut provides more mental clarity. [42:00] It's All Part of The Game How the media has started going against Amanita muscaria. Why the truth will always be brought to the light. How the darkness is the part of the game. Why pain is a good thing. [46:50] Medicinal Mushrooms VS Modern Healthcare System Why Amanita muscaria hasn't been part of the mental healthcare. How the Rockefellers created the modern healthcare system. How Jesus was using medicinal mushrooms. Why different ancient civilizations used mushrooms for healing. The hidden agenda behind pharmaceuticals. How the mushroom helps with addiction. [52:40] Is Amanita Muscaria Toxic to Humans? Why Amanita muscaria is only toxic in its raw form. How the mushroom knows why we're using it. Why heating the mushroom forms a new active ingredient. Microdosing with Amanita Muscaria by Baba Masha MD How the data proves that the mushroom has significant healing properties. [56:35] How to Return to The Rhythm of Nature Why skepticism blocks us from transformation. How the microdosing protocol is helping people with mental health and sleep. Why a 3-week protocol of microdosing Amanita muscaria resets the circadian rhythm. The importance of aligning ourselves with the natural rhythm of the sun. [01:01:35] The Benefits of Microdosing Mushrooms Stealing Fire by Jamie Wheal What benefits we get from microdosing. How microdosing codes and repairs the GABA receptors to reduce anxiety. Why we can build a relationship with the mushroom through microdosing. How the mushroom speaks to us. Why everything is connected and in relationship. How we can create an exchange between ourselves and the mushroom. [01:09:25] Amanita Muscaria for Healing Trauma + PTSD How Amanita muscaria helps with severe trauma and PTSD. Why the mushroom quiets the mind and takes us into a different part of the brain. How the effects of the mushroom act immediately. 427 Will Rezin | Trauma & Somatics: How To Heal Without Getting Stuck & The Myths About Psychedelic Therapy For PTSD How trauma takes away our safety. Why plant medicine journeys are not for everybody. [01:18:50] Blessings Lie On The Other Side of Pain Why we need to prepare ourselves for plant medicine ceremonies. What makes Josh grateful for the hardship he's going through. Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill What makes us ready to receive a blessing. Why pain is a release of programs that we've been holding onto. Most people don't know how to relax and release. [01:26:25] As Within, So Without How resisting feeling an emotion will keep us stuck in it. Why a baby's nervous system is affected in utero through the placenta. How science and spirituality are in a relationship of wisdom. Why we can't bypass the inner work. How the outside world reflects what's happening within us. [01:33:05] Become The Creator of Your Life What was Alex's darkest moment in life. Why food is the easiest coping mechanism to not feel our feelings. How shortcuts get us into a crisis. Why sex and food were consuming Alex's essence. How he chose to be the creator of his life. When we don't need anything, we have everything. [01:38:00] The Biggest PSYOP How Josh didn't believe in himself when he was younger. Why our biggest fears come from our ancestors and PSYOP. How we get trapped in belief systems to be controlled. Why the creator lives within us. How everything is designed to keep us from looking within ourselves. [01:43:10] Connecting with The Creator How forming a relationship with God transforms us. What helped Alex's sister escape the Matrix. How all religions and spiritual practices lead us towards the creator. Why all spiritual texts point back to love. [01:49:15] The Role of Polar Opposites Why love can only know itself is by experiencing fear. Paul Chek | All Is God: Three Part Series Why we can't ever understand where God comes from. How we can bring out love into the world through vocation. The difference between intelligence and ignorance. How the sun shines light on everything but itself. [01:54:55] The Ultimate Code Why "I believe I am" opens up any door. How "I am" is the eternal presence. The triangle between God, Love, and I am. If we love life, life will love us back. [02:00:10] How to Join The Freemasons Why Alex was asked to join the Freemasons. How he attended 13 meetings with Freemasons and wasn't impressed by them. Why his body didn't allow him to go to the inauguration. [02:04:40] Intuition VS Fear How to discern between instinct and intuition. Why we can confuse intuition with resistance. How the truth is light and lies are heavy. [02:08:35] Relationships Are Teachers Why Josh felt afraid when he met Carrie Michelle. How other people come into our lives to teach us something. Why relationships are not always light and easy. MitoZen - 10% off with the code WELLNESSFORCE How Alex realized that he was missing space around his thoughts. Why God won't change our circumstances but can change how we hold the circumstances. Why Alex needed to clear his blockages because his partners were reflecting his blockages back to him. [02:18:20] What Makes A Relationship Last How love is eternal but it's also finite in our dimension. Why compatibility is essential to make a relationship work. The importance of the feminine and masculine energy dance. Why we can only experience the full spectrum of life through the opposite energy. The reason why relationships don't work out. 548 Dr. Stan Tatkin | Healing Toxic Relationships: What’s The Bite That Fits Each Other’s Wounds? 686 Mark Groves | Your Triggers Are Your Teachers: How To Answer The Call of Self-Mastery In Relationships + Life How the relationship starts is how the relationship ends. [02:26:35] Peace Is Power Why peace doesn't come from external success. How peace is cultivated from within. Why acceptance, forgiveness, and love provide us with peace. Leave Wellness + Wisdom a Review on Apple Podcasts Power Quotes From The Show The Infinite Abundance "Whatever your dream is, it's very achievable. It's very real. It's waiting. The Creator wants to give you everything. More than you could ever imagine. Even your biggest, wildest dream is too small for the Creator. It's infinite and abundant because the Creator is truly infinite and abundant. So whatever you're thinking, it's too small because you're in the conditioned mind." - Alex Wolfe Unlock Your Consciousness with Amanita Musc

    2 h 35 min
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    LLS | Spiritual Partnership vs. Ego-Based Love: The Secret to Lasting, Conscious Relationship

    Wellness + Wisdom: Liberated Life Series | Episode 721 Wellness + Wisdom Podcast Host, Josh Trent, and the Liberated Life Series Co-Host, Mar, delve into the concept of conscious relationships, emphasizing the distinction between ego-driven love and spiritual partnership. Join The Liberated Life Tribe We ALL have problems. Stop hiding. Start living life liberated. Learn how to set yourself free from self-sabotage, limiting beliefs, thoughts + behaviors so you will have lifelong confidence + clarity of purpose through a thriving community + practical tools, guiding you to play a new reality game. What you get: • Discover lifelong confidence, clarity, and a true sense of purpose with practical tools and a supportive community. • Learn to rewrite your reality + master a new “reality game.” • Unlock your highest potential in your physical, mental, emotional, spiritual + financial SELF beyond your wildest dream through accessing the power of surrender to trust life + create new results. Join the Tribe 🧖‍♀️ Experience Red Light Therapy at Home Save 10% on your SaunaSpace order with the code "JOSH10" Unlike the traditional methods, near-infrared light works with your body’s biology to create radiant heat from the inside out. By using near-infrared’s shorter wavelengths in a way that mimics natural sunlight, the light penetrates deeply to raise your core temperature faster.   ☀️ Live Life Well from Sunrise to Sunset with Organifi! Save 20% with code WELLNESSFORCE on everyone's favorite Superfoods brand, ORGANIFI, including their Sunrise to Sunset Bundle and their Women's Power Stack that includes HARMONY + GLOW for true hormonal balance and great health radiating through your beautiful skin. Click HERE to order your Organifi today.   🏃‍♂️ Complete Mineral Matrix: The Perfect Formula For Your Every Day Save 20% on MANNA Vitality with the code "JOSH20" + harnesses the power of nature through their Mineral Matrix blend, a unique composition of natural ingredients such as Shilajit, Ormus, and marine minerals. This blend is designed to support overall mental and physical performance, including cognitive function and energy levels, for an overall boost in vitality.   🧘‍♀️ Are You Stressed Out Lately? Take a deep breath with the M21™ wellness guide: a simple yet powerful 21 minute morning system that melts stress and gives you more energy through 6 science-backed practices and breathwork. Click HERE to download for free.   *Review The Wellness + Wisdom Podcast to WIN $150 in wellness prizes! *Join The Facebook Group Listen To Episode 721 of Liberated Life Series [00:00] Introduction to Conscious Relationships Josh Trent introduces the topic of attracting conscious, spiritual relationships Discussion on how most relationships are built on fear rather than love Explanation of ego-based love vs. spiritual partnerships Definition of spiritual partnership: self-awareness, knowing values and purpose Contrast between ego-driven fear and spiritual love based on freedom [11:00] Characteristics of Spiritual Union Importance of self-awareness and healing before entering relationships Discussion on the role of conflict in relationships and its importance for growth Explanation of how to 'call in the one' by becoming the person you seek Paul Chek's perspective on soulmates and the importance of truth in relationships Emphasis on healthy detachment and not rushing to find a soulmate [22:15] Practicing Healthy Boundaries and Authenticity Importance of setting and maintaining boundaries in relationships Discussion on the balance between desire and detachment in spiritual unions Why we need to say no to things not aligned with personal values Emphasis on showing up authentically in relationships Importance of continuous self-improvement and embodying relationship wisdom Leave Wellness + Wisdom a Review on Apple Podcasts Links From Today's Show  548 Dr. Stan Tatkin | Healing Toxic Relationships: What’s The Bite That Fits Each Other’s Wounds? 512 Alison Armstrong: Unconscious Emasculation, What Women Don’t Understand About Men + How To Get The Love You Want 521 The Truth About Living A Spiritual Life + Vision Quests | Mark Tollefson 630 Mark Groves + Kylie McBeath | Liberated Love: Release Codependent Patterns + Create The Love You Desire Liberated Love: Release Codependent Patterns and Create the Love You Desire by Mark Groves and Kylie McBeath 692 Paul Chek | Spirit Gym: How To Find The Truth of Your Soul + Live Your Dream IG REEL: Paul Chek: Are you ready for your soulmate? The Bhagavad Gita by Eknath Easwaran Josh's Trusted Products | Up To 40% Off Shop All Products Biohacking⁠ MANNA Vitality - Save 20% with code JOSH20 HigherDOSE - 15% off with the code JOSH15 PLUNGE - $150 off with discount code WELLNESSFORCE Pulsetto - Save 20% with code "JOSH" SaunaSpace - 10% off with discount code JOSH10 Ultrahuman Ring Air - 10% off with code JOSH Wellness Test Kits Choose Joi - Save 50% on all Lab Tests with JOSH Blokes - Save 50% on all Lab Tests with JOSH FertilityWize Test by Clockwize - Save 10% with code JOSH Tiny Health Gut Tests - $20 off with discount code JOSH20 VIVOO Health Tests - Save 30% off with code JOSH SiPhox Health Blood Test - Save 15% off with code JOSH Nutrition + Gut Health Organifi - 20% off with discount code WELLNESSFORCE SEED Synbiotic - 25% off with the code 25JOSHTRENT Paleovalley - 15% off with the link only EQUIP Foods - 20% off with the code WELLNESS20 DRY FARM WINES - Get an extra bottle of Pure Natural Wine with your order for just 1¢ Just Thrive - 20% off with the code JOSH Legacy Cacao - Save 10% with JOSH when you order by the pound! Kreatures of Habit - Save 20% with WISDOM20 Supplements MANNA GOLD - $20 off with the code JOSHGOLD Adapt Naturals - 15% off with discount code WELLNESSFORCE MitoZen - 10% off with the code WELLNESS FORCE Activation Products - 20% off with the code JOSH20 BiOptimizers - 10% off with discount code JOSH10 Fatty15 Essential Fatty Acids Supplement - Get 15% off with code JOSH15 Sleep BiOptimizers Sleep Breakthrough - 10% off with JOSH10 Zyppah Anti-Snoring Mouthpiece - 20% off with the code JOSH MitoZen Super SandMan Ultra™ (Melatonin Liposomal)+ | 10% off with WELLNESSFORCE Luminette Light Therapy Glasses - 15% off with JOSH Cured Nutrition CBN Night Oil - 20% off with JOSH20 Natural Energy MTE - Save 20% with JOSH TruKava - Save 20% with code JOSH20 Drink Update - Save 25% with discount code JOSH25 Lifeboost Coffee - Save 10% with JOSH10 EONS Mushroom Coffee - 20% off with the discount code JOSH20 EnergyBITS - 20% off with the code WELLNESSFORCE BUBS Naturals - Save 20% with JOSH20 Fitness + Physical Health Detox Dudes Online Courses - Up to $500 off with discount code JOSH Kineon - 10% off with discount code JOSH10 Create Wellness Creatine Gummies - 20% off with discount code JOSH20 BioPro+ by BioProtein Technology - Save $30 OFF WITH CODE JOSH Drink LMNT - Zero Sugar Hydration: Get your free LMNT Sample Pack, with any purchase ⁠Myoxcience - 20% off with the code JOSH20 Healthy Home SunHome Saunas - Save $200 with JOSH200 JASPR Air Purifier - Save 10% with code WELLNESS QI-Shield EMF Device by NOA AON - 20% off with the code JOSH Zyppah Anti-Snoring Mouthpiece - 20% off with the code JOSH Holy Hydrogen - $100 off with discount code JOSH SimplyO3 - 10% off with discount code JOSH10 LEELA Quantum Upgrade + Frequency Bundles - Get 15 days free with code JOSH15 TrulyFree Toxic- Free Cleaning Products - Get 40% off + Freebies with code WELLNESSFORCE Mental Health + Stress Release Mendi.io - 20% off with the code JOSH20 Cured Nutrition CBD - 20% off with the discount code JOSH20 NOOTOPIA - 10% off with the discount code JOSH10 CalmiGo - $30 off the device with discount code JOSH30 QUALIA - 15% off with WELLNESSFORCE LiftMode - 10% off with JOSH10 Personal Care⁠ The Wellness Company's Emergency Health Kits + More - Save 10% with code JOSH Canopy Filtered Showerhead + Essential Oils - Save 15% with JOSH15 Farrow Life - Save 20% with JOSH Timeline Nutrition - 10% off with JOSH ⁠⁠Intelligence of Nature - 15% off Skin Support with the code JOSH15⁠⁠ Young Goose - Save 10% with code JOSH10 Mindfulness + Meditation BREATHE - 33% off with the code PODCAST33 Neuvana - 15% off with the code WELLNESSFORCE Essential Oil Wizardry - 10% off with the code WELLNESSFORCE Four Visions - Save 15% with code JOSH15 Lotuswei - 10% off with JOSH Clothing NativeToWear - Save 20% with code JOSH20 Rhizal Grounded Barefoot Shoes - Save 10% with code WELLNESS Earth Runners Shoes - 10% off with the code JOSHT10 MYNDOVR - 20% off with JOSH   Free Resources M21 Wellness Guide - Free 3-Week Breathwork Program with Josh Trent Join Wellness + Wisdom Community

    34 min
  3. 4 MARS

    Rick William | EQ Mastery: The Hidden Cost of Not Feeling Your Emotions (The Neurochemistry of Suffering)

    Wellness + Wisdom | Episode 720 Could ignoring your emotions be the hidden barrier keeping you stuck and disconnected from your true potential? Rick William, Emotional Intelligence Coach, joins Josh Trent on the Wellness + Wisdom Podcast, episode 720, to unpack why most of us were never taught how to process our feelings and how this unconscious avoidance can fuel anger and shape our relationships, and how intentionally facing your vulnerabilities, setting up internal boundaries, and curating simple daily practices can open the door to your most authentic self. "If we don't have the capacity to feel a sense of love and connection to ourselves and to one another, that's the neurochemistry of suffering. And that neurochemistry of suffering is what leads us to reach and grab for whatever it might be to. Whether it's too much food or too much sex." - Rick William 🧖‍♀️ Experience Red Light Therapy at Home Save 10% on your SaunaSpace order with the code "JOSH10" Unlike the traditional methods, near-infrared light works with your body’s biology to create radiant heat from the inside out. By using near-infrared’s shorter wavelengths in a way that mimics natural sunlight, the light penetrates deeply to raise your core temperature faster.   ☀️ Live Life Well from Sunrise to Sunset with Organifi! Save 20% with code WELLNESSFORCE on everyone's favorite Superfoods brand, ORGANIFI, including their Sunrise to Sunset Bundle and their Women's Power Stack that includes HARMONY + GLOW for true hormonal balance and great health radiating through your beautiful skin. Click HERE to order your Organifi today.   🏃‍♂️ Complete Mineral Matrix: The Perfect Formula For Your Every Day Save 20% on MANNA Vitality with the code "JOSH20" + harnesses the power of nature through their Mineral Matrix blend, a unique composition of natural ingredients such as Shilajit, Ormus, and marine minerals. This blend is designed to support overall mental and physical performance, including cognitive function and energy levels, for an overall boost in vitality.   🧘‍♀️ Are You Stressed Out Lately? Take a deep breath with the M21™ wellness guide: a simple yet powerful 21 minute morning system that melts stress and gives you more energy through 6 science-backed practices and breathwork. Click HERE to download for free.   *Review The Wellness + Wisdom Podcast to WIN $150 in wellness prizes! *Join The Facebook Group In This Episode, Rick William Uncovers: [01:15] Feel Your Feelings Rick William Why most of us weren't taught emotional regulation. What happens when we don't allow ourselves to feel our feelings. Rick's struggles with his father figures. How he was using his anger as fuel for success. Why we put our authenticity and relationship at cost when we're fueled by anger. How Rick started to become more like his father and didn't feel like himself. [09:10] Is Bad Advice A Blessing Too? How the safe adult advice can hurt us. Paul McKenna How Rick found sponsors to pursue video games. Why our parents cast a shadow on us when they didn't allow themselves to live their dream. [14:15] Safety Is The Key to Thriving Why most of the challenges we face come from a lack of safety and generational trauma. How our safety gets robbed from us. Why safety is what creates a thriving environment. 512 Alison Armstrong: Unconscious Emasculation, What Women Don’t Understand About Men + How To Get The Love You Want Why true safety starts within us. What is hurting our relationships is what's healing them. What motivates us to do the healing work. [20:05] Personal Development Why personal development is actually collective development done individually. How we're separate individuals, but we are not truly separate. Why everything we have to learn about personal development has come from other people. How scientists recognized that reality is non-local. [26:05] Tapping Into The World of Non-Duality Why science is a search for meaning. How ancient studies included embodied experience. Why we're starting to feel what non-duality feels like. [29:05] How to Find Your Purpose Why we strive for purpose in life. How we don't need to struggle to find a life of purpose. Why it's important to learn to be with the full spectrum of emotional states. How we can build a resource of love through our heart. Why being able to be in guilt, shame, or fear will allow us to be authentic. [36:20] What Is Your Fuel Source? How the fuel source that got us to the first phase of our purpose needs to evolve to get us to the next phase. Why we might be proving something to ourselves through our career. How the fuel source of push creates external validation, which becomes the fuel. Why we should be able to self-validate without depending on others. How our personal fulfilment positively impacts the people around us. [41:15] Redefine The Meaning of Happiness 420 Mo Gawdat | Scary Smart: Artificial Intelligence, Mental Health, & The Future Why we're raised to believe happiness is something outside of us. How happiness is self-generated. Why Rick believed that success would make him happy. How he achieved internal sovereignty. Why anger and trying to prove drove Rick to become a bodybuilder. Why where we're coming from is what matters the most. [45:35] The Most Important Resource You'll Ever Need Why Rick gave up $3.2 million and doesn't regret it. How he saw better opportunities if he hadn't chosen the money. Why the money we make is never going to be enough. The real resource is resourcefulness. [48:50] A Transformation Is Coming How Rick always knew there was something incredible coming for humanity. Why we're in a phase of transformation towards healing. Selfishness is only an illusion and our natural gifts are not selfish. Rick Rubin [53:50] The Role of Limiting Beliefs Why working on the parts that don't feel safe to be there will allow us to be whole. How the parts that are limiting us are there to protect us. The ways in which children create attachment styles is based on their environment. How Rick addressed his limiting beliefs and took actions to integrate the changes into his life. [59:25] How to Express Your Gifts What allows us to express our gifts naturally. Why cultivating internal conditions can help us express ourselves. How we construct and recondition the self. 704 How To Play A New Reality Game In 2025 Why we need to create safety in our body. The reason why most people struggle with meditation. Why we can't be present when we don't feel safe. The tools we can use to create internal resources to feel safe in our body. [01:08:30] Create Safety Within Yourself BREATHE - 33% off with the code "PODCAST33" How breathwork helps us meditate and puts energy in motion. Why we need to be able to connect to the feeling of safety and love. How we can train ourselves to access safety and love. [01:14:40] Plant Medicine Initiation It Didn't Start With You by Mark Wolynn 462 Ben Greenfield: Should You STOP Using Plant Medicines? Wisdom on Microdosing, The Muscle of Faith + How to Grow Your Spiritual Strength What we can do to prepare for a plant medicine journey. The importance of having a concentration practice and being in the heart. [01:20:15] Avoid These Plant Medicine Mistakes Why Josh went too fast with plant medicine. How Rick felt like plant medicine broke his brain. Why we can't skip the learning process. How to honor and respect plant medicine. What Rick was experiencing after his 10th ayahuasca ceremony. [01:27:35] How to Face Dark Energies + Entities 692 Paul Chek | Spirit Gym: How To Find The Truth of Your Soul + Live Your Dream How Josh faced his porn addiction during an ayahuasca ceremony. What allows a foreign entity to reside in our body. Why ceremonies don't need to be challenging or difficult. How Rick faced demonic energies that he didn't want to deal with during a plant medicine ceremony. [01:34:10] Create a Symbolic Register When plant medicine can become most valuable for us. How to get ready for the first plant medicine ceremony. The importance of creating a symbolic register. Why fear makes us lose our creative capacity. What we need in order to address our limiting beliefs. [01:41:00] Your Relationships Start With You How to know when love isn't enough to stay in a relationship. Why we need to be able to be aware of what arises within us The importance of building self-trust and inner knowing. Why self-sovereignty can allow us to have agency inside of different dynamics in our lives. [01:47:50] Cultivate Your Internal System Brick App How we can leverage different tools to help us learn how to use our internal system. Why doing the work will make it less interesting for us to engage in unhealthy dynamics. How to shift the dopamine addiction from external to internal resources. [01:51:55] The Future of AI Why we shouldn't find against AI and technology. How we can utilize technology to evolve. Why AI is still in its primitive days. 714 Ben Stewart | Story Creates Reality: How Can We Awaken In The Midst of Crisis + Write A New Story For Humanity? How we can teach AI to be what we want it to be. Why AI can give supportive advice to our problems. How AI is going to become the best of us as well as the worst of us. [02:00:35] The Epidemic of Loneliness Why we can use AI as a resource and to add value. Where the fear of AI comes from. 624 Teal Swan | Ancestral Healing: Multidimensional Genetics, Conscious Parenting + The Impossible Task of Single Mothers Why psychological work supports us in coming back to ourselves. How spiritual teachings are an important part of growth and healing. Why it's difficult to feel lonely after we've connected to ourselves and God. How we collectively elevate our consciousness and create harmony. Leave Wellness + Wisdom a Review on Apple Podcasts Power Quotes From The Show Safety Is The Key Ingredient "Safety creates the environment

    2 h 14 min
  4. 28 FÉVR.

    AMA | The Self-Care Scam: How Modern Life Fuels Burnout

    Wellness + Wisdom | Episode 719 Wellness + Wisdom Podcast Host, Josh Trent, and the episode Co-Host, Mar, discuss the complex nature of self-care, why the mainstream media often promotes superficial products rather than addressing genuine needs, the distinction between instant gratification and delayed rewards, and the importance of having an awareness practice. Join The Liberated Life Tribe We ALL have problems. Stop hiding. Start living life liberated. Learn how to set yourself free from self-sabotage, limiting beliefs, thoughts + behaviors so you will have lifelong confidence + clarity of purpose through a thriving community + practical tools, guiding you to play a new reality game. What you get: • Discover lifelong confidence, clarity, and a true sense of purpose with practical tools and a supportive community. • Learn to rewrite your reality + master a new “reality game.” • Unlock your highest potential in your physical, mental, emotional, spiritual + financial SELF beyond your wildest dream through accessing the power of surrender to trust life + create new results. Join the Tribe 🧖‍♀️ Experience Red Light Therapy at Home Save 10% on your SaunaSpace order with the code "JOSH10" Unlike the traditional methods, near-infrared light works with your body’s biology to create radiant heat from the inside out. By using near-infrared’s shorter wavelengths in a way that mimics natural sunlight, the light penetrates deeply to raise your core temperature faster.   ☀️ Live Life Well from Sunrise to Sunset with Organifi! Save 20% with code WELLNESSFORCE on everyone's favorite Superfoods brand, ORGANIFI, including their Sunrise to Sunset Bundle and their Women's Power Stack that includes HARMONY + GLOW for true hormonal balance and great health radiating through your beautiful skin. Click HERE to order your Organifi today.   🏃‍♂️ Complete Mineral Matrix: The Perfect Formula For Your Every Day Save 20% on MANNA Vitality with the code "JOSH20" + harnesses the power of nature through their Mineral Matrix blend, a unique composition of natural ingredients such as Shilajit, Ormus, and marine minerals. This blend is designed to support overall mental and physical performance, including cognitive function and energy levels, for an overall boost in vitality.   🧘‍♀️ Are You Stressed Out Lately? Take a deep breath with the M21™ wellness guide: a simple yet powerful 21 minute morning system that melts stress and gives you more energy through 6 science-backed practices and breathwork. Click HERE to download for free.   *Review The Wellness + Wisdom Podcast to WIN $150 in wellness prizes! *Join The Facebook Group Listen To Episode 719 With Josh + Mar [00:00] The Truth About The Self-Care Scam Self-care industry often sells products that don't address real needs True self-care involves taking time to know oneself Nature and disconnecting from technology as effective forms of self-care Pentagon of Wellness: physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and financial aspects Modern burnout crisis fueled by misconceptions about self-care Self-care should not be about instant gratification [11:30] Psychology + Neuroscience of Self-Care Internal vs. external locus of control in self-care practices Dopamine loops and addiction to novelty in modern self-care Marshmallow test: delayed gratification linked to life satisfaction and success Self-care is not about immediate gratification but delayed reward Importance of mindful approach to self-care vs. escapism The conscious mind processes 40-50 bits of info/second, unconscious mind 11 million bits/second [21:00] Practical Approaches to Self-Care Setting boundaries as a crucial part of self-care Making big life changes when necessary for well-being Gradual, continuous practices are more effective than occasional 'self-care Sundays' Importance of community and support groups, especially for women Men benefit from solitude and clarity in self-care Leave Wellness + Wisdom a Review on Apple Podcasts Links From Today's Show  Finding Joe (2011) 720 Rick William | EQ Mastery: The Hidden Cost of Not Feeling Your Emotions (The Neurochemistry of Suffering) Josh's Trusted Products | Up To 40% Off Shop All Products Biohacking⁠ MANNA Vitality - Save 20% with code JOSH20 HigherDOSE - 15% off with the code JOSH15 PLUNGE - $150 off with discount code WELLNESSFORCE Pulsetto - Save 20% with code "JOSH" SaunaSpace - 10% off with discount code JOSH10 Ultrahuman Ring Air - 10% off with code JOSH Wellness Test Kits Choose Joi - Save 50% on all Lab Tests with JOSH Blokes - Save 50% on all Lab Tests with JOSH FertilityWize Test by Clockwize - Save 10% with code JOSH Tiny Health Gut Tests - $20 off with discount code JOSH20 VIVOO Health Tests - Save 30% off with code JOSH SiPhox Health Blood Test - Save 15% off with code JOSH Nutrition + Gut Health Organifi - 20% off with discount code WELLNESSFORCE SEED Synbiotic - 25% off with the code 25JOSHTRENT Paleovalley - 15% off with the link only EQUIP Foods - 20% off with the code WELLNESS20 DRY FARM WINES - Get an extra bottle of Pure Natural Wine with your order for just 1¢ Just Thrive - 20% off with the code JOSH Legacy Cacao - Save 10% with JOSH when you order by the pound! Kreatures of Habit - Save 20% with WISDOM20 Supplements MANNA GOLD - $20 off with the code JOSHGOLD Adapt Naturals - 15% off with discount code WELLNESSFORCE MitoZen - 10% off with the code WELLNESS FORCE Activation Products - 20% off with the code JOSH20 BiOptimizers - 10% off with discount code JOSH10 Fatty15 Essential Fatty Acids Supplement - Get 15% off with code JOSH15 Sleep BiOptimizers Sleep Breakthrough - 10% off with JOSH10 Zyppah Anti-Snoring Mouthpiece - 20% off with the code JOSH MitoZen Super SandMan Ultra™ (Melatonin Liposomal)+ | 10% off with WELLNESSFORCE Luminette Light Therapy Glasses - 15% off with JOSH Cured Nutrition CBN Night Oil - 20% off with JOSH20 Natural Energy MTE - Save 20% with JOSH TruKava - Save 20% with code JOSH20 Drink Update - Save 25% with discount code JOSH25 Lifeboost Coffee - Save 10% with JOSH10 EONS Mushroom Coffee - 20% off with the discount code JOSH20 EnergyBITS - 20% off with the code WELLNESSFORCE BUBS Naturals - Save 20% with JOSH20 Fitness + Physical Health Detox Dudes Online Courses - Up to $500 off with discount code JOSH Kineon - 10% off with discount code JOSH10 Create Wellness Creatine Gummies - 20% off with discount code JOSH20 BioPro+ by BioProtein Technology - Save $30 OFF WITH CODE JOSH Drink LMNT - Zero Sugar Hydration: Get your free LMNT Sample Pack, with any purchase ⁠Myoxcience - 20% off with the code JOSH20 Healthy Home SunHome Saunas - Save $200 with JOSH200 JASPR Air Purifier - Save 10% with code WELLNESS QI-Shield EMF Device by NOA AON - 20% off with the code JOSH Zyppah Anti-Snoring Mouthpiece - 20% off with the code JOSH Holy Hydrogen - $100 off with discount code JOSH SimplyO3 - 10% off with discount code JOSH10 LEELA Quantum Upgrade + Frequency Bundles - Get 15 days free with code JOSH15 TrulyFree Toxic- Free Cleaning Products - Get 40% off + Freebies with code WELLNESSFORCE Mental Health + Stress Release Mendi.io - 20% off with the code JOSH20 Cured Nutrition CBD - 20% off with the discount code JOSH20 NOOTOPIA - 10% off with the discount code JOSH10 CalmiGo - $30 off the device with discount code JOSH30 QUALIA - 15% off with WELLNESSFORCE LiftMode - 10% off with JOSH10 Personal Care⁠ The Wellness Company's Emergency Health Kits + More - Save 10% with code JOSH Canopy Filtered Showerhead + Essential Oils - Save 15% with JOSH15 Farrow Life - Save 20% with JOSH Timeline Nutrition - 10% off with JOSH ⁠⁠Intelligence of Nature - 15% off Skin Support with the code JOSH15⁠⁠ Young Goose - Save 10% with code JOSH10 Mindfulness + Meditation BREATHE - 33% off with the code PODCAST33 Neuvana - 15% off with the code WELLNESSFORCE Essential Oil Wizardry - 10% off with the code WELLNESSFORCE Four Visions - Save 15% with code JOSH15 Lotuswei - 10% off with JOSH Clothing NativeToWear - Save 20% with code JOSH20 Rhizal Grounded Barefoot Shoes - Save 10% with code WELLNESS Earth Runners Shoes - 10% off with the code JOSHT10 MYNDOVR - 20% off with JOSH   Free Resources M21 Wellness Guide - Free 3-Week Breathwork Program with Josh Trent Join Wellness + Wisdom Community

    35 min
  5. 25 FÉVR.

    Michael Chernow | Wired to Win: How to Transform Addiction Into A Superpower + Become Unstoppable

    Wellness + Wisdom | Episode 718 Is it possible to harness an addictive personality and turn it into a powerful fuel source? Michael Chernow, Founder of Kreatures of Habit, joins Josh Trent on the Wellness + Wisdom Podcast, episode 718, to reveal how hitting rock bottom led him to discover the ultimate healing power of connection and self-love, why a structured routine can build the foundation for conquering life’s toughest challenges, how to break free from destructive patterns, and why choosing to show up for yourself is the first step toward lasting transformation. "When you strip away drugs and alcohol from someone who has an addiction, they're left with this ability to commit to anything they put their mind to. They've channeled their superpower down the wrong path and so you give them a little bit of a course correction and the sky's the limit." - Michael Chernow 20% Off Kreatures of Habit Kreatures of Habit helps you build intentional, healthy routines with simple, nutrient-packed products. Their flagship offerings include Meal One, a high-protein oatmeal for energy and nutrition, and Sleep Oats, designed to promote restful sleep and recovery. With a mission to blend convenience, taste, and functional wellness, Kreatures of Habit empowers individuals to optimize their health one habit at a time. The oats are packed with pea protein (gluten-free, vegan, dairy-free), contain probiotics and digestive enzymes, and help you reduce soreness and recovery time. Save 20% with code "WISDOM20" In This Episode, Michael Chernow Uncovers: [01:10] The Truth About Addicts Michael Chernow Kreatures of Habit - 20% OFF WITH CODE “WISDOM20" Why people don't think of addiction as a disease. How addicts have a great ability for commitment. Why addicts suffer from chemical imbalances. Dr. Russel Surasky [06:55] Connection Is The Cure What inspired Michael to start healing from drug addiction. Why connection is what helps heal addiction. How he wanted to impress the man who was helping him heal. [13:00] Faith in Higher Power Why addicts have a sense of control even though they're completely out of control. How connection to a higher power provides a new sense of control and hope. Why Michael talks to God every morning since he decided to get sober. How faith gave him a second chance in life. [17:50] Healing The Father Wound How Michael's father struggled with extreme hoarding. Why our father wound can become a fuel source. How we choose our parents. Why Michael is grateful for all of his past struggles. How we don't need to be great at everything. [25:45] The Consequences of Trauma Why trauma moves emotions and decisions along a lot quicker. How Michael first experienced drugs when he was 12 years old. Why Fentanyl is in every drug and causes people to die. [30:55] Why People Always Want to Win How Josh's porn addiction was related to a lack of self-love and safety. Why addictions are related to our parents. How porn addiction provides us with a momentary control. Why we're wired to want to win. How Michael understood that he can feel like he's winning through a healthy lifestyle and exercise. Why he was told to have a specific morning routine in order to get better. The Big Book [43:25] You Have a Choice Why we have the ability to feel great and we can choose to do the things that support us. How Michael's routine makes him bulletproof. Why we shouldn't sacrifice our health for our strict routine. [48:15] What Happens When You Hit Rock Bottom? How the new lifestyle made Michael love himself more immediately. Why he wanted to stop doing drugs after overdosing but couldn't control it. How he almost jumped out of the window to end his suffering. [53:10] Healing Can't Be Forced Why it's not healthy to be outside of the present moment. What made Michael decide not to do plant medicine healing. Why healing can only happen when we decide to heal. How his best friends relapsed after 10 years of being sober. Why he convinced his friend to do a plant medicine ceremony. How we can't force people to heal. [01:02:05] It Starts With Children How to Know Higher Worlds by Rudolf Steiner Why public school systems are not giving the right example to children. How kids should not even experiment with drugs because most of them contain fentanyl. [01:07:15] Kreatures of Habit Why Michael wanted to open a healthy restaurant catering to any diet. How the pandemic ruined the plans for the company. Why he put his children into Waldorf School. How he runs long-distance while brainstorming ideas. Why he decided to put oatmeal in a pouch. [01:15:30] Habits Are Hard to Sell Why people care more about who we are than what we say. How Michael decided to sell not just a product but a habit to start the day with. 439 Khalil Rafati | From Homeless To Limitless: One Man’s Spiritual Journey of Learned Helplessness to Powerful Humility How oatmeal was a catalyst for Michael that helped him heal. [01:21:30] The Hardship in Entrepreneurship Why entrepreneurs can live a balanced life. How the beginning journey as an entrepreneur is usually extremely busy, but it shouldn't be like that forever. Why Michael wakes up early to focus on himself. How putting our business first will hurt the business. Why performance is based on how we feel. [01:27:25] The Key to Productivity The only thing we can't purchase is time. How going to sleep earlier and waking up earlier gives us more productive time. Why we're more productive and creative in the morning. How waking up before everybody else gives us more control. The 5 AM Club by Robin Sharma Why we need a "time to go to bed" alarm. [01:35:15] Inner Child Healing How Michael met his inner child during a breathwork session. Why his 7-year-old inner child was frozen. How spending time with his sons is what can heal his wounded inner child. Why he feels like he failed in spending time with his children. [01:42:10] Your Children Can Help You Heal How Michael dedicates every other weekend to being alone with his sons. Why hunting created a strong bond between him and his children. How our children don't care about the money we earn or how hard we work. Why children can help us heal our relationships. Leave Wellness + Wisdom a Review on Apple Podcasts Power Quotes From The Show Wired to Win "We're wired to want to win. I take action every single morning to put myself in a successful position to manage whatever is thrown my way." - Michael Chernow You Can't Buy Time "What's the one thing in life that there is no way anyone has ever been able to purchase? Time. We're all given the exact same amount of time in a day. So if you want to to win in life, it requires an hour of self-indulgent, self-care time. Because when you can dedicate to that, you are going to show up a better human being." - Michael Chernow Why Addicts Feel In Control "When you are in active addiction, you have a sense of complete control, even though you're totally out of control. That sense of control comes from the ability to change how you feel. You know that there is a substance that will numb your feelings. So when you feel bad, you can easily make yourself feel good. When you feel good, you can easily make yourself feel great. And so in essence, you're playing God. You're controlling how you feel no matter what is going on around you." - Michael Chernow Links From Today's Show  Michael Chernow Kreatures of Habit - 20% OFF WITH CODE “WISDOM20" Dr. Russel Surasky The Big Book How to Know Higher Worlds by Rudolf Steiner 439 Khalil Rafati | From Homeless To Limitless: One Man’s Spiritual Journey of Learned Helplessness to Powerful Humility The 5 AM Club by Robin Sharma   Josh's Trusted Products | Up To 40% Off Shop All Products Biohacking⁠ MANNA Vitality - Save 20% with code JOSH20 HigherDOSE - 15% off with the code JOSH15 PLUNGE - $150 off with discount code WELLNESSFORCE Pulsetto - Save 20% with code "JOSH" SaunaSpace - 10% off with discount code JOSH10 Ultrahuman Ring Air - 10% off with code JOSH Wellness Test Kits Choose Joi - Save 50% on all Lab Tests with JOSH Blokes - Save 50% on all Lab Tests with JOSH FertilityWize Test by Clockwize - Save 10% with code JOSH Tiny Health Gut Tests - $20 off with discount code JOSH20 VIVOO Health Tests - Save 30% off with code JOSH SiPhox Health Blood Test - Save 15% off with code JOSH Nutrition + Gut Health Organifi - 20% off with discount code WELLNESSFORCE SEED Synbiotic - 25% off with the code 25JOSHTRENT 🎉 Paleovalley -  Now 20% off till February 28th! (normally 15% off) EQUIP Foods - 15% off with the code WELLNESS15 DRY FARM WINES - Get an extra bottle of Pure Natural Wine with your order for just 1¢ Just Thrive - 20% off with the code JOSH Legacy Cacao - Save 10% with JOSH when you order by the pound! Supplements MANNA GOLD - $20 off with the code JOSHGOLD Adapt Naturals - 15% off with discount code WELLNESSFORCE MitoZen - 10% off with the code WELLNESS FORCE Activation Products - 20% off with the code JOSH20 BiOptimizers - 10% off with discount code JOSH10 Fatty15 Essential Fatty Acids Supplement - Get 15% off with code JOSH15 Sleep BiOptimizers Sleep Breakthrough - 10% off with JOSH10 Zyppah Anti-Snoring Mouthpiece - 20% off with the code JOSH MitoZen Super SandMan Ultra™ (Melatonin Liposomal)+ | 10% off with WELLNESSFORCE Luminette Light Therapy Glasses - 15% off with JOSH Cured Nutrition CBN Night Oil - 20% off with JOSH20 Natural Energy MTE - Save 20% with JOSH TruKava - Save 20% with code JOSH20 Drink Update - Save 25% with discount code JOSH25 Lifeboost Coffee - Save 10% with JOSH10 EONS Mushroom Coffee - 20% off with the discount code JOSH20 EnergyBITS - 20% off with the code WELLNESSFORCE BUBS Naturals - Save 20% with JOSH20 Fitness + Physical Health Detox Dudes Online Courses - Up to $500 off with discount code JOSH Kineon - 10% off with discount code JOSH10 Create Wellness Creatine Gummies - 20%

    1 h 52 min
  6. 21 FÉVR.

    AMA | Mindset Reset: How To Use Self Affirmative Language To Live Your Best Life

    Wellness + Wisdom | Episode 717 Wellness + Wisdom Podcast Host, Josh Trent, shares why your self-narrative and language are the ultimate mindset reset for personal growth and emotional well-being, and practical tools and exercises for self-love and manifesting your dreams. Is there a topic that you'd like us to cover in the next AMA episode? Record your message HERE. 🧖‍♀️ Experience Red Light Therapy at Home Save 10% on your SaunaSpace order with the code "JOSH10" Unlike the traditional methods, near-infrared light works with your body’s biology to create radiant heat from the inside out. By using near-infrared’s shorter wavelengths in a way that mimics natural sunlight, the light penetrates deeply to raise your core temperature faster.   ☀️ Live Life Well from Sunrise to Sunset with Organifi! Save 20% with code WELLNESSFORCE on everyone's favorite Superfoods brand, ORGANIFI, including their Sunrise to Sunset Bundle and their Women's Power Stack that includes HARMONY + GLOW for true hormonal balance and great health radiating through your beautiful skin. Click HERE to order your Organifi today.   🏃‍♂️ Complete Mineral Matrix: The Perfect Formula For Your Every Day Save 20% on MANNA Vitality with the code "JOSH20" + harnesses the power of nature through their Mineral Matrix blend, a unique composition of natural ingredients such as Shilajit, Ormus, and marine minerals. This blend is designed to support overall mental and physical performance, including cognitive function and energy levels, for an overall boost in vitality.   🧘‍♀️ Are You Stressed Out Lately? Take a deep breath with the M21™ wellness guide: a simple yet powerful 21 minute morning system that melts stress and gives you more energy through 6 science-backed practices and breathwork. Click HERE to download for free.   *Review The Wellness + Wisdom Podcast to WIN $150 in wellness prizes! *Join The Facebook Group Join Liberated Life Tribe We ALL have problems. Stop hiding. Start living life liberated. Learn how to set yourself free from self-sabotage, limiting beliefs, thoughts + behaviors so you will have lifelong confidence + clarity of purpose through a thriving community + practical tools, guiding you to play a new reality game. What you get: • Discover lifelong confidence, clarity, and a true sense of purpose with practical tools and a supportive community. • Learn to rewrite your reality + master a new “reality game.” • Unlock your highest potential in your physical, mental, emotional, spiritual + financial SELF beyond your wildest dream through accessing the power of surrender to trust life + create new results. Join the Tribe Listen To Episode 717 As Josh Trent Answers Your Questions [00:00] The Power of Self-Narrative Words we use determine the trajectory of our life Thoughts and words become things biologically Shared personal limiting beliefs: 'Who am I to do this?', 'Money causes pain', 'Expect the worst to happen' Jim Carrey's use of positive self-talk and visualization [05:30] Science of Language + Neuroplasticity Language is the spoken or written form of information Neuroplasticity: brain's ability to change through thoughts Reframing anxiety: 'I'm experiencing anxiety' instead of 'I'm anxious' Reticular Activating System: brain seeks out what we focus on CBT proves positive self-talk changes brain hardware [09:50] I-Affirmative Statements + Prayer Practice speaking 'I' in the affirmative Four-part prayer structure: ask, believe, offer service, let go Using I-affirmative statements in nonviolent communication God/Universe always responds 'yes' to our statements [14:30] Mirror Exercise + Self-Love Stand naked in front of a mirror and say 'I love you' 20 times Alternative phrases: 'I am loved', 'I am whole', 'I am accepted' Avoid saying 'I am enough' as it implies mediocrity Practice mirror exercise for 7 days Leave Wellness + Wisdom a Review on Apple Podcasts Links From Today's Show  Love Yourself like Your Life Depends on It by Kamal Ravikant Liberated Life Tribe   Josh's Trusted Products | Up To 40% Off Shop All Products Biohacking⁠ MANNA Vitality - Save 20% with code JOSH20 HigherDOSE - 15% off with the code JOSH15 PLUNGE - $150 off with discount code WELLNESSFORCE Pulsetto - Save 20% with code "JOSH" SaunaSpace - 10% off with discount code JOSH10 Ultrahuman Ring Air - 10% off with code JOSH Wellness Test Kits Choose Joi - Save 50% on all Lab Tests with JOSH Blokes - Save 50% on all Lab Tests with JOSH FertilityWize Test by Clockwize - Save 10% with code JOSH Tiny Health Gut Tests - $20 off with discount code JOSH20 VIVOO Health Tests - Save 30% off with code JOSH SiPhox Health Blood Test - Save 15% off with code JOSH Nutrition + Gut Health Organifi - 20% off with discount code WELLNESSFORCE SEED Synbiotic - 25% off with the code 25JOSHTRENT Paleovalley - 15% off with the link only EQUIP Foods - 15% off with the code WELLNESS15 DRY FARM WINES - Get an extra bottle of Pure Natural Wine with your order for just 1¢ Just Thrive - 20% off with the code JOSH Legacy Cacao - Save 10% with JOSH when you order by the pound! Supplements MANNA GOLD - $20 off with the code JOSHGOLD Adapt Naturals - 15% off with discount code WELLNESSFORCE MitoZen - 10% off with the code WELLNESS FORCE Activation Products - 20% off with the code JOSH20 BiOptimizers - 10% off with discount code JOSH10 Fatty15 Essential Fatty Acids Supplement - Get 15% off with code JOSH15 Sleep BiOptimizers Sleep Breakthrough - 10% off with JOSH10 Zyppah Anti-Snoring Mouthpiece - 20% off with the code JOSH MitoZen Super SandMan Ultra™ (Melatonin Liposomal)+ | 10% off with WELLNESSFORCE Luminette Light Therapy Glasses - 15% off with JOSH Cured Nutrition CBN Night Oil - 20% off with JOSH20 Natural Energy MTE - Save 20% with JOSH TruKava - Save 20% with code JOSH20 Drink Update - Save 25% with discount code JOSH25 Lifeboost Coffee - Save 10% with JOSH10 EONS Mushroom Coffee - 20% off with the discount code JOSH20 EnergyBITS - 20% off with the code WELLNESSFORCE BUBS Naturals - Save 20% with JOSH20 Fitness + Physical Health Detox Dudes Online Courses - Up to $500 off with discount code JOSH Kineon - 10% off with discount code JOSH10 Create Wellness Creatine Gummies - 20% off with discount code JOSH20 BioPro+ by BioProtein Technology - Save $30 OFF WITH CODE JOSH Drink LMNT - Zero Sugar Hydration: Get your free LMNT Sample Pack, with any purchase ⁠Myoxcience - 20% off with the code JOSH20 Healthy Home SunHome Saunas - Save $200 with JOSH200 JASPR Air Purifier - Save 10% with code WELLNESS QI-Shield EMF Device by NOA AON - 20% off with the code JOSH Zyppah Anti-Snoring Mouthpiece - 20% off with the code JOSH Holy Hydrogen - $100 off with discount code JOSH SimplyO3 - 10% off with discount code JOSH10 LEELA Quantum Upgrade + Frequency Bundles - Get 15 days free with code JOSH15 TrulyFree Toxic- Free Cleaning Products - Get 40% off + Freebies with code WELLNESSFORCE Mental Health + Stress Release Mendi.io - 20% off with the code JOSH20 Cured Nutrition CBD - 20% off with the discount code JOSH20 NOOTOPIA - 10% off with the discount code JOSH10 CalmiGo - $30 off the device with discount code JOSH30 QUALIA - 15% off with WELLNESSFORCE LiftMode - 10% off with JOSH10 Personal Care⁠ The Wellness Company's Emergency Health Kits + More - Save 10% with code JOSH Canopy Filtered Showerhead + Essential Oils - Save 15% with JOSH15 Farrow Life - Save 20% with JOSH Timeline Nutrition - 10% off with JOSH ⁠⁠Intelligence of Nature - 15% off Skin Support with the code JOSH15⁠⁠ Young Goose - Save 10% with code JOSH10 Mindfulness + Meditation BREATHE - 33% off with the code PODCAST33 Neuvana - 15% off with the code WELLNESSFORCE Essential Oil Wizardry - 10% off with the code WELLNESSFORCE Four Visions - Save 15% with code JOSH15 Lotuswei - 10% off with JOSH Clothing NativeToWear - Save 20% with code JOSH20 Rhizal Grounded Barefoot Shoes - Save 10% with code WELLNESS Earth Runners Shoes - 10% off with the code JOSHT10 MYNDOVR - 20% off with JOSH   Free Resources M21 Wellness Guide - Free 3-Week Breathwork Program with Josh Trent Join Wellness + Wisdom Community

    20 min
  7. 18 FÉVR.

    Mark Gober | The End of Upside Down Thinking: New Science Flips The "Reality" We Think Is Real...

    Wellness + Wisdom | Episode 716 Is the very fabric of our reality rooted in consciousness and are we missing its true power? Mark Gober, joins Josh Trent on the Wellness + Wisdom Podcast, episode 716, to uncover why our minds are more than just physical organs, how unseen forces shape our everyday experiences, and what it really means to live in alignment with our soul’s purpose. "All reality is consciousness which means there's one source of everything, there's one cause of everything. That means that all thinking comes from the oneness of consciousness. You exist as an individual and you don't at the same time." - Mark Gober 🧖‍♀️ Experience Red Light Therapy at Home Save 10% on your SaunaSpace order with the code "JOSH10" Unlike the traditional methods, near-infrared light works with your body’s biology to create radiant heat from the inside out. By using near-infrared’s shorter wavelengths in a way that mimics natural sunlight, the light penetrates deeply to raise your core temperature faster.   ☀️ Live Life Well from Sunrise to Sunset with Organifi! Save 20% with code WELLNESSFORCE on everyone's favorite Superfoods brand, ORGANIFI, including their Sunrise to Sunset Bundle and their Women's Power Stack that includes HARMONY + GLOW for true hormonal balance and great health radiating through your beautiful skin. Click HERE to order your Organifi today.   🏃‍♂️ Complete Mineral Matrix: The Perfect Formula For Your Every Day Save 20% on MANNA Vitality with the code "JOSH20" + harnesses the power of nature through their Mineral Matrix blend, a unique composition of natural ingredients such as Shilajit, Ormus, and marine minerals. This blend is designed to support overall mental and physical performance, including cognitive function and energy levels, for an overall boost in vitality.   🧘‍♀️ Are You Stressed Out Lately? Take a deep breath with the M21™ wellness guide: a simple yet powerful 21 minute morning system that melts stress and gives you more energy through 6 science-backed practices and breathwork. Click HERE to download for free.   *Review The Wellness + Wisdom Podcast to WIN $150 in wellness prizes! *Join The Facebook Group In This Episode, Mark Gober Uncovers: [01:15] Brain + Consciousness Mark Gober Where consciousness comes from. How the brain is connected to consciousness. Why we are a vehicle of consciousness. An End to the Upside Down Thinking by Mark Gober An End to the Upside Down Cosmos by Mark Gober [04:15] The Unlimited Possibilities of Reality 301 Cory Allen: Now Is The Way How the brain processes consciousness and affects how we perceive the world. Why acknowledging the possibilities of reality can make us happier. How Mark was agnostic until he was 30. Laura Powers Why he opened up to new possibilities and needed to pursue a different path. [14:05] Why Do We Exist? How patents cover novel ideas that have never been done in the past. What led Mark to leave his career in investment banking. How he didn't feel like his decision to leave his job wasn't risky. [19:15] The Purpose of Suffering How Mark questioned God and the human existence when he was young. Why his previous career prepared him to do what he does now. An End to Upside Down Medicine by Mark Gober What the true purpose of suffering is. What the Bleep Do We Know!? (2014) [24:55] Low-Frequency Emotions How our consciousness shapes our reality. Why we can't understand God. How time is a construct of the mind. Dr. David Hawkins Why it's natural to feel low-frequency emotions. How the growth process allows us to move through negative emotions faster and with understanding. [33:15] What Keeps You Humble? Why there is more to life after we die. How research is a humbling process for Mark. Why he questions conventional medicine. Where Is My Mind? Podcast [38:45] Consciousness Is Fundamental Why experience can stand the test of time. The simplest solution is usually the best. Why consciousness is the only thing we know with certainty. How we can explain all reality with consciousness. 692 Paul Chek | Spirit Gym: How To Find The Truth of Your Soul + Live Your Dream [42:10] Play A New Game How Josh defined what game he wants to play. Why Mark wants to share his discoveries and wisdom with others. How questioning paradigms helps him learn and grow. [47:30] Everything Happens FOR You Why we need to take responsibility for the things that happen. How experiencing a feeling fully helps us let go of it. Why our lineage influences our lives. [50:35] Does Language Shape Reality? Why people can't describe near-death experiences or plant medicine journeys with words. An End to Upside Down Contact by Mark Gober Why people communicate with extraterrestrial beings telepathically. How to use language consciously. Why Mark struggles with the possibility of misleading other people. [55:35] What Is Thinking? How we experience thoughts. Why what we know about thinking are only hypotheses. How all thinking comes from the same source of consciousness. The Science of Channeling by Helane Wahbeh + Eben Alexander Why we can channel an entity outside of ourselves. How our thoughts might not always be our own. [01:00:45] The Purpose of Evil Entities Why we receive more metaphysical support as we expand our consciousness. How we get possessed by demons or entities. 430 Zach Bush MD | Sacred Commerce & Community: How To Thrive In 2022 Why evil entities cause chaos so that we can find order. I Am Serena by Serena Faith Masterson How our souls choose difficult paths to learn how to help other people. [01:06:40] Challenge The Norm 634 Dr. John Demartini | Human Potential: Your Practical + Spiritual Guide To Getting The Life You Desire 624 Teal Swan | Ancestral Healing: Multidimensional Genetics, Conscious Parenting + The Impossible Task of Single Mothers How Mark has to face the people who will go against the information that he shares. An End to Upside Down Liberty by Mark Gober How challenging the political system was the most challenging for Mark. Why only a few people in our society have special privileges. How democracy is a form of tyranny and violates natural law. [01:12:25] The Truth About The Government Most Dangerous Superstition by Larken Rose Mises Institute Why people are too irresponsible to be trusted. How government is a service provider. Why near-death experiences change people's lives. How we review our lives when we die and become the person we impacted the most. Dannion Brinkley After by Bruce Greyson How we treat other people should be informed by the fact that we are all one. [01:22:25] We Are Not Truly Free Crimson Tide (1995) Why we should do no harm to anyone's private property. How taxation is an organized theft. Why the tax system violates natural law by being involuntary. How the political system is a monopoly. [01:31:35] How To Become Liberated Why we don't truly own anything. How shifting our consciousness is what sets us free. Why anarcho-capitalism is the answer to having more freedom. How our problems are not being solved by the current system. Why we need to realize the government doesn't provide safety. [01:37:35] The Dangers of Pseudo-Science Why seeking the truth may reveal what we didn't want to find. How AI is biased towards the mainstream narratives. Why the scientific methods of studying virology are not accurate. The role of isolation in virology. Why the method of virus research hasn't changed since the 1950s. [01:44:20] The End of Upside Down Thinking 312 Kevin Kelly: What Technology Can Teach Us About Self Love How AI is a reflection of the collective consciousness. 714 Ben Stewart | Story Creates Reality: How Can We Awaken In The Midst of Crisis + Write A New Story For Humanity? How data provides a great business opportunity. Why we need courage to ask better questions. How our conscious experience in this moment right now is the only thing we can be sure of. [01:51:00] The Path of Evolution How to get through fear. Why we can't stay a slave to our physiology. The four paths of evolution according to yogic teachings. Why we need to experience the opposite of what we want to know what we want. [01:57:05] The Essence of Wellness Why darkness is what allows us to see the light. Wellness is living in alignment with our soul purpose. How our consciousness impacts our physical health. Why financial well-being is essential in our growth. The importance of being comfortable with not knowing the answer. Leave Wellness + Wisdom a Review on Apple Podcasts Power Quotes From The Show The Body Is Consciousness "If everything's consciousness, how could there be a brain that's receiving consciousness? That's implying the separation that might not be there. Maybe the brain is picking up consciousness from beyond the body, which means that a human being is a vehicle or a vessel of consciousness on one level. And on another level, the body itself might be consciousness." - Mark Gober Consciousness Creates Reality "If everything is consciousness, then everything is malleable to some degree. And therefore the way in which we direct our consciousness in theory, is going to affect reality because reality is consciousness and nothing's actually physical." - Mark Gober Time Is a Construct of The Mind "The sequence of past to present to future, or beginning, middle, and end, is a construct of the mind. If we think about the past, it's a memory. It doesn't exist. It's just something in our mind right now. And the future is the same thing. It's something we hold in our mind right now, and the present is something we hold in our mind right now." - Mark Gober Links From Today's Show  Mark Gober An End to the Upside Down Thinking by Mark Gober An End to the Upside Down Cosmos by Mark Gober 301 Cory Allen: Now Is The Way Laura Powers An End to Upside Down Medicine by Mark Gober What the Bleep Do We Know!? (2014) Dr. David H

    2 h 8 min
  8. 14 FÉVR.

    AMA | Rewriting Your Inner Script: Break Free from Limiting Beliefs + Embrace Liberation

    Wellness + Wisdom | Episode 715 Wellness + Wisdom Podcast Host, Josh Trent, shares strategies to rewrite your inner scripts by adopting empowering beliefs and utilizing neuroplasticity to alter negative thought patterns through repetition. Is there a topic that you'd like us to cover in the next AMA episode? Record your message HERE. 🧖‍♀️ Experience Red Light Therapy at Home Save 10% on your SaunaSpace order with the code "JOSH10" Unlike the traditional methods, near-infrared light works with your body’s biology to create radiant heat from the inside out. By using near-infrared’s shorter wavelengths in a way that mimics natural sunlight, the light penetrates deeply to raise your core temperature faster.   ☀️ Live Life Well from Sunrise to Sunset with Organifi! Save 20% with code WELLNESSFORCE on everyone's favorite Superfoods brand, ORGANIFI, including their Sunrise to Sunset Bundle and their Women's Power Stack that includes HARMONY + GLOW for true hormonal balance and great health radiating through your beautiful skin. Click HERE to order your Organifi today.   🏃‍♂️ Complete Mineral Matrix: The Perfect Formula For Your Every Day Save 20% on MANNA Vitality with the code "JOSH20" + harnesses the power of nature through their Mineral Matrix blend, a unique composition of natural ingredients such as Shilajit, Ormus, and marine minerals. This blend is designed to support overall mental and physical performance, including cognitive function and energy levels, for an overall boost in vitality.   🧘‍♀️ Are You Stressed Out Lately? Take a deep breath with the M21™ wellness guide: a simple yet powerful 21 minute morning system that melts stress and gives you more energy through 6 science-backed practices and breathwork. Click HERE to download for free.   *Review The Wellness + Wisdom Podcast to WIN $150 in wellness prizes! *Join The Facebook Group Listen To Episode 715 As Josh Trent Answers Your Questions [00:00] Limiting Beliefs + Mental Health 90% of human thoughts are negative Limiting beliefs hold people back from reaching their full potential Childhood experiences often shape limiting beliefs Challenging and replacing limiting beliefs is crucial for personal growth The wellness pentagon concept for maintaining mental health [11:15] Rewriting Inner Scripts Identifying and challenging limiting beliefs Replacing old beliefs with new, empowering ones The importance of acting 'as if' to reinforce new beliefs Neuroplasticity and its role in changing thought patterns The power of repetition in rewiring the brain [22:15] Overcoming Resistance + Embracing Change Facing resistance when implementing new beliefs The importance of grounding exercises and self-compassion Sharing vulnerabilities as a path to growth The value of community support in personal development Leave Wellness + Wisdom a Review on Apple Podcasts Links From Today's Show  704 How To Play A New Reality Game In 2025 Josh's Trusted Products | Up To 40% Off Shop All Products Biohacking⁠ MANNA Vitality - Save 20% with code JOSH20 HigherDOSE - 15% off with the code JOSH15 PLUNGE - $150 off with discount code WELLNESSFORCE Pulsetto - Save 20% with code "JOSH" SaunaSpace - 10% off with discount code JOSH10 Ultrahuman Ring Air - 10% off with code JOSH Wellness Test Kits Choose Joi - Save 50% on all Lab Tests with JOSH Blokes - Save 50% on all Lab Tests with JOSH FertilityWize Test by Clockwize - Save 10% with code JOSH Tiny Health Gut Tests - $20 off with discount code JOSH20 VIVOO Health Tests - Save 30% off with code JOSH SiPhox Health Blood Test - Save 15% off with code JOSH Nutrition + Gut Health Organifi - 20% off with discount code WELLNESSFORCE SEED Synbiotic - 25% off with the code 25JOSHTRENT Paleovalley - 15% off with the link only EQUIP Foods - 15% off with the code WELLNESS15 DRY FARM WINES - Get an extra bottle of Pure Natural Wine with your order for just 1¢ Just Thrive - 20% off with the code JOSH Legacy Cacao - Save 10% with JOSH when you order by the pound! 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    33 min
sur 5
856 notes

À propos

The Wellness + Wisdom Podcast is a global collective for humans to thrive in our modern world. In this podcast together we gather, apply and embody the wisdom needed for authentic well-being in the 21st century. Each episode is artfully crafted to go an inch wide and a mile deep into the "Pentagon of Wellness" - Physical, Emotional, Mental, Spiritual + Financial. Your host, Josh Trent, asks the questions few have the courage to ask so you can garner the truth about how to live a life of confidence, freedom + optimal wellness. Together, we'll walk the path of courage to cross the gap between knowing, and doing. Learn from world class leaders about: Breathwork, Behavior Change, Wellness, Nutrition, Behavioral Psychology, Habits, Mindset, Fitness, Health, Philosophy, Religion, Organics, Biohacking, Transformation, Psychedelics, Mindfulness, Meditation, Neuroscience, Mental Health, Spirituality, Personal Growth, Consciousness + More. Every episode is built from Josh's proprietary science + spirit lessons from The Wellness Pentagon™ , (EI²)™ Emotional Intelligence + Inventory and more. Please take a moment to subscribe by heading over to joshtrent.com/podcast or search for “Josh Trent” on any podcast player.

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