Andrew Petty is Dying

Andrew Petty
Andrew Petty is Dying

It’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day and neglect the things that matter most. On Andrew Petty is Dying, life and leadership coach, Andrew Petty, helps us live our best lives now and escape deathbed regrets by tapping into the most powerful motivator of all--our Mortality. Join Andrew every two weeks for insights that cut through the clutter and interviews with fascinating people to help you become the person you were made to be and live the life you were made to live.

  1. 10/29/2024

    Ep. 103 | When the Solution Becomes the Problem, with Dr. Mike Barnes

    I met Dr. Mike Barnes in 2018, when I served as executive coach for the leadership at the Foundry, the addiction treatment center here in Steamboat Springs, CO, where he served as Clinical Director. My respect and appreciation for Mike grew quickly in the course of that partnership, built especially upon Mike’s willingness to learn from anything and anyone–despite the long alphabet salad of credentials behind his name and his position of esteem in the addiction treatment, trauma, and family therapy community. Since then, our paths have continued to cross, and I’ve continued to benefit greatly from his friendship and mentorship.  This year, he published his first book, When the Solution Becomes the Problem: Helping Families Struggling with Addiction and Trauma. Unlike most books on families and addiction that give prescriptive advice, this book partners with families to help them understand why implementing expert recommendations can be so challenging. By delving into the “why,” families gain insights into their current crisis and the factors contributing to it. Ultimately, the book aims to guide families away from the perspective of “we are a family with a loved one who struggles with addiction” towards embracing the identity of “we are a family in recovery from addiction and trauma.” By fostering understanding, empathy, and actionable guidance, it empowers families to break free from the cycle of addiction and trauma, promoting healing and a renewed sense of togetherness. It’s a pleasure to introduce you to Mike and provide a glimpse into an innovative and compassionate approach to helping families struggling with addiction and trauma.    Let’s Connect If this episode helped you, I'd love to know. Find me on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn, visit my website, or email me.   Connect with Mike Email | Instagram | Facebook | LinkedIn | Website    Get Mike’s Book   Follow Andrew Petty is Dying & Leave a Review Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Google Podcasts

    1h 10m
  2. 07/18/2024

    Ep. 102 | The "Big 6" Create Big Results, with Chris Ray

    At the beginning of 2024, Chris Ray embarked on a new Adventure. We captured Chris' thoughts and expectations at the beginning of the Adventure in Ep. 096. This is the promised "after" episode, in which Chris and I explore how the Adventure impacted him.  Chris' story showcases the power of the Big 6 to create big results in our lives. The Big 6 are essential ingredients in the recipe for a life we're outrageously proud of: Courage, Humility, Truth-telling, Self-permission, Self-responsibility, and Self-knowledge. Tune in to Ep. 095, How to Become Someone You Feel Genuinely Good About, for a deep dive into the Big 6.   I hope this episode is useful to you! As always, thank you for your time, trust, and attention.   Remember, you ARE going to die. But you’re not dead yet. So get after it!   How Did This Episode Land for You? I'd love to know. Find me on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn, visit my website, or email me.    Connect with Chris Email | Instagram | Facebook (public) | Facebook (private) | Website    Follow Andrew Petty is Dying & Leave a Review Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Google Podcasts | Stitcher   If You Liked This Episode, I Think You’ll Like These, Too Ep. 086 | The Best is Yet to Come: Rediscovering an Ancient Compass for a Life of Purpose and Adventure Today Ep. 090 | A Tale of Two Mountaineers: How Comfort Sabotages Our Contentment, and What To Do About It Ep. 092 | Crack the Contentment Code: Find the Path to Contentment Ep. 094 | Beyond Resolutions: A Heroic Path to Your Best Year Yet   New Here? If you're new to this show, welcome! I invite you to browse the archive of past interviews with fascinating people and short, topical solo episodes--all designed to equip you with the mindset and the means to become the person you were made to be and live the life you were made to live with guts, gusto, and abandon. We flip the script by inviting our ancient foe, Death, to become an unlikely ally in our heroic journey to leave it all out on the field of life. Mortality might just be the best motivator available--blasting us out of our ambivalence and complacency and toward the fullness of our potential. I’m so glad you tuned in today. Thank you for your time, trust, and attention. Don’t forget to follow this show, and I’ll see you next time on Andrew Petty is Dying.

    1h 14m
  3. 04/23/2024

    Ep. 099 | How to Stay Positive and Free from Fear when the News is Overwhelmingly Bad and Fear-based

    How can we stay positive and free from fear when the news is overwhelmingly bad and fear-based? I got this topic idea in the form of a question from a good friend and a former guest on this show, Frederic Tate. You can find him on Ep. 056 Ignore at Your Own Risk: How Your Relationship with Death Affects Your Quality of Life, with Dr. Frederic Tate. Frederic’s a fascinating guy with a fascinating story. I thoroughly enjoyed that interview, and I wholeheartedly recommend that episode.  Frederic's experience is that it is difficult to stay positive and free from fear when he perceives the news to be overwhelmingly bad and fear-based. Many of you can relate. It is a wild time to be alive on planet earth.  In this episode, I offer 5 specific ways to stay positive and free from fear when the news is overwhelmingly bad and fear-based: Practice solitude. Consume the news in small doses and pick your sources thoughtfully. Invest much more of your time, energy, and attention in things that are within your realm of influence than in things that aren’t.  Nurture meaningful relationships and cultivate more as needed.  Cultivate a relationship with the Transcendent.  I elaborate quite a bit on each of those five points, and point three has several supporting subpoints, so tune into the full episode for the full benefit–including a discussion of some of the particular perils and pitfalls to avoid that are uniquely associated with the globalized age we live in.   Remember: You ARE going to die. But you're not dead yet. So get after it!   Let’s Connect Find me on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn, visit my website, or email me.    Follow Andrew Petty is Dying & Leave a Review Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Google Podcasts   If You Liked This Episode, I Think You’ll Like These, Too Ep. 022 | Tune Out to Tune In: Hearing & Heeding Your Inner Voice in a World Full of Noise Ep. 081 | How to Change the World: An Antidote to Apathy and Despair in an Age of Doom and Gloom

    28 min
  4. 03/26/2024

    Ep. 098 | The Brave Habit: Cultivating Bravery in Daily Life, with Todd Henry

    What is bravery, and why is it so important? What are some of the common counterfeits of bravery? How can we detect and eliminate them from our own lives? How can we get braver?  As an “arms dealer for the creative revolution," Todd Henry is the author of seven books and a veteran podcaster of 19 years who speaks internationally on creativity, productivity, and passion for work, and helps people and teams generate brilliant ideas.  Todd's new book, The Brave Habit, is a concise, persuasive, and timely treatise on bravery. In today's conversation, we explore bravery through the lens of The Brave Habit in pursuit of actionable insights for all of us. Todd also shares how an encounter with Mortality when he was 15 radically altered his perception of risk and what's most important.   I first invited Todd to be on the show in early 2020. The timing wasn't right for a variety of reasons, though, and then COVID hit and all bets were off for a while. I'm grateful four years later to be able to bring you Todd's wisdom and insights today.    In this episode, you will learn how to: Cultivate authentic bravery in your daily life to unlock more of your potential in service to others.  Overcome fear by taking action and embrace the exhilarating freedom on the other side. Embrace the impact of mortality on life choices and discover the transformative power it holds.   Key moments in this episode include: 00:00:00 - The Deceptive Nature of Fear 00:00:54 - Importance of Bravery 00:02:04 - Cultivating the Brave Habit 00:04:43 - Todd Henry's Journey to Brave Habit 00:07:38 - The Definition of Bravery 00:13:40 - Starting Over with Daily Creative 00:14:44 - The Right Thing to Do 00:17:32 - Bravery as a Habit 00:18:53 - Close Encounter with Mortality 00:23:32 - Connecting with Todd Henry's Work  Remember: You ARE going to die. But you’re not dead yet. So get after it!   Let’s Connect Find me on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn, visit my website, or email me.    Connect with Todd Email |  Website | Instagram | Facebook | LinkedIn | Twitter Get your copy of The Brave Habit.    Follow Andrew Petty is Dying & Leave a Review Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Google Podcasts | Stitcher   If You Liked This Episode, I Think You’ll Like These, Too Ep. 005 | How to Become the Boss of Your Fear: Bravery-building to Live With More Guts and Gusto Ep. 077 | The Big 6 (Part 1): Essential Ingredients in the Recipe for a Life You'll be Outrageously Proud of When You Die

    26 min
  5. 02/12/2024

    Ep. 096 | Look Up, Let Go, and Live, with Chris Ray

    Do you ever feel powerless against your hurts, hang-ups, and habits?  Chris Ray's hurts, hang-ups, and habits literally killed him. Remarkably, his encounter with Mortality wasn't permanent, and Chris returned transformed. Chris is no longer powerless against his hurts, hang-ups, and habits because he has learned to look up and let go.  If we have ears to hear, we can learn the same lessons from Chris’ story without a harrowing ordeal of our own. If we have the courage to add Action to our Insights, we can experience transformation, too.  I met Chris through a mutual friend here in Steamboat. His warmth, openness, and lack of pretense were simultaneously a bit disarming and a refreshing change. Chris exudes his unique brand of warmth, openness, and lack of pretense, but I realize that it's a combination of qualities that I often encounter in those in the Recovery community. It occurs to me, too, that I belong to that community now, due to the alcohol-free Adventure I've embarked on in 2024. I certainly don't claim to embody those qualities yet like Chris does, but I hope to someday, and Chris is a wonderful role model in that respect.  Tune in to Ep. 094, Beyond Resolutions: A Heroic Path to Your Best Year Yet, to learn more about my recovery journey en route to considering how you can go beyond resolutions to your best year yet, too.  I would be remiss if I didn't publicly thank Chris for his part in encouraging me to accept this new Call to Adventure.  In this episode, discover how a brush with death led to an unexpected journey of adventure and self-discovery. Follow Chris' path from addiction to recovery and to a life-changing retreat in Costa Rica. Hear how looking up and letting go transformed his perspective on life, and find out why he decided to drop social media altogether. This is not just a travel story – it's a powerful lesson in embracing the unknown and finding peace through letting go. And the best part? Chris is not done yet. This is Part 1 of 2–before and after the Costa Rica Adventure. Tune in to find out what he's discovering about himself and how it could inspire your own journey.    Some Key Moments: 00:00:00 - Facing Mortality and Recovery Journey 00:03:20 - Transformative Recovery Journey 00:08:14 - Soboat's Growth and Impact 00:12:47 - Galvanizing Near-Death Experience 00:13:41 - Spiritual Awakening and Rebirth 00:14:14 - Surrendering to Something Greater 00:17:38 - Wrestling with Experience 00:19:31 - Appreciating Life After Encountering Death 00:23:02 - Dependence on a Higher Power 00:27:45 - Embracing Faith and Intuition 00:29:37 - The Search for Balance 00:32:28 - Redemptive Effects of Suffering 00:33:01 - The Call to Adventure 00:39:53 - Embracing the Present and Letting Go 00:42:25 - Gaining Perspective and Embracing Community 00:44:11 - Embracing Involuntary and Voluntary Adventures 00:45:32 - Post-Costa Rica Adventure 00:46:36 - Hero's Journey and Personal Growth 00:47:30 - Curiosity and Mundane Adventures 00:51:27 - Disconnecting and Embracing the Unknown   Do the Work, Just Don’t Try to Do It Alone Look up, let go, and live! Only you can do the work, but you can't do the work alone. None of us can. I always offer one free coaching session. Visit my website to schedule your free session.  Thank you for your time, attention, and trust. Don't forget to follow this show and share it with your friends. I'll see you next time on Andrew Petty is Dying--Lord willin' and the creek don't rise!    How Did This Episode Land for You? I'd love to know. Find me on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn, visit my website, or email me.    Connect with Chris Email | Instagram | Facebook (public) | Facebook (private) | Website    Follow Andrew Petty is Dying & Leave a Review Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Google Podcasts | Stitcher   If You Liked This Episode, I Think You’ll Like These, Too Ep. 086 | The Best is Yet to Come: Rediscovering an Ancient Compass for a Life of Purpose and Adventure Today Ep. 090 | A Tale of Two Mountaineers: How Comfort Sabotages Our Contentment, and What To Do About It Ep. 092 | Crack the Contentment Code: Find the Path to Contentment Ep. 094 | Beyond Resolutions: A Heroic Path to Your Best Year Yet   New to Andrew Petty is Dying? Welcome! I invite you to browse the archive of past interviews with fascinating people and short, topical solo episodes--all designed to equip you with the mindset and the means to become the person you were made to be and live the life you were made to live with guts, gusto, and abandon. We flip the script by inviting our ancient foe, Death, to become an unlikely ally in our heroic journey to leave it all out on the field of life. Turns out, Mortality might just be the best motivator available--blasting us out of our ambivalence and complacency and toward the fullness of our potential.

    54 min
out of 5
32 Ratings


It’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day and neglect the things that matter most. On Andrew Petty is Dying, life and leadership coach, Andrew Petty, helps us live our best lives now and escape deathbed regrets by tapping into the most powerful motivator of all--our Mortality. Join Andrew every two weeks for insights that cut through the clutter and interviews with fascinating people to help you become the person you were made to be and live the life you were made to live.

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