Animated Conversations: Exploring the Power of Personal Projects with Wesley Louis from The Line
In this episode of Animated Conversations, Andy Williams sits down with Wesley Louis, the co-founder of The Line, an incredible animation studio based in London (think of them as 'The Beastie Boys of British Animation' - irreverent, individual, and always following their own creative instincts). Andy and Wes discuss the power of personal projects and how they can help animators grow their skills, develop their voice, and land new clients. Wesley shares his experience producing personal projects with The Line and why he likes to think of them as 'Soul Projects'. Through their conversation, Andy and Wesley offer valuable insights and advice for animators looking to carve their own path.
- 节目
- 发布时间2024年4月16日 UTC 12:15
- 长度1 小时 1 分钟
- 季1
- 单集9
- 分级儿童适宜