In this enchanting episode of 'Filmmaker Mixer,' hosts Andrew Lamping and Jeff Stolhand sit down with filmmaker and stop-motion animator Michael Granberry to delve into his dark fantasy film, 'Les Bêtes.' The story follows a mysterious rabbit with a set of magic keys who summons a host of strange creatures to entertain a wicked king and his decadent court. Inspired by the works of Ladislas Starevich, this stop-motion animated film is a mesmerizing blend of eerie storytelling and intricate animation. Join us as Michael Granberry shares his inspirations, the challenges of stop-motion animation, and the creative process behind bringing 'Les Bêtes' to life. Tune in for a captivating discussion on the art of crafting a visually stunning and thematically rich animated fantasy.
- Show
- FrequencyUpdated Weekly
- PublishedJanuary 8, 2025 at 12:00 PM UTC
- Length34 min
- Season14
- Episode6
- RatingClean