Anis Nabilah - "The term 'Celebrity Chef' does not sit well with me"

The Hungry Immigrant

Anis Nabilah, a trailblazing Malaysian chef and media personality, shares her journey from becoming the first Malaysian chef on Food Network Asia to starring in over 50 TV shows across Asia. With 15 years of experience, she reflects on what it means to be a "celebrity chef," handling public attention, and representing her culture on a global stage. Through challenges and triumphs, Anis continues to make her mark in the culinary world with passion and authenticity.


0:00 - Intro

01:55 - Anis Nabilah: The ‘celebrity chef’?

12:52 - What truly defines a chef?

16:50 - How to deal with the public’s attention? From TV shows to her online presence

20:00 - People’s opinion on Anis; “she’s not Malay enough”






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