Neurodivergent Minds in Comedy

Neurodivergent Minds in Comedy

A podcast about learning and performing comedy as a neurodivergent performer - or doing comedy with us. Episodes are about how being neurodivergent - such as autistic or ADHD - affects comedy and improv performance, acting, teaching and coaching, teams, and learning all of the above. In these episodes we explore the intersection of autism, ADHD and more with performing, creativity, and how our neurodivergence affects existing in our surrounding performance communities. If you are a neurodivergent actor, comedian, writer, improviser, or performer working in comedy (or learning it), such as an autistic improv enthusiast or ADHD actor, this podcast might be useful to you. Episodes are not for diagnosing, making excuses, or therapy. They are for discussing, learning, and being inclusive in your acting, comedy and/or improv practice! Hosted by Jen deHaan, an autistic and ADHD comedy performer, improv enthusiast, and writer. Produced by and for This podcast uses the following third-party services for analysis: Podcorn - Podtrac -

  1. Suggestions for Protecting Your Mind While Doing Comedy


    Suggestions for Protecting Your Mind While Doing Comedy

    This episode provides general suggestions to comedians, especially neurodivergent ones like us autistic and ADHD actors in comedy and improv, to protect our minds while engaging in comedy and with others in the community. Find the video for this episode (has my face, not just captions): YouTube video (you can leave your input here!) Find the written article for this episode here: article (you can also leave your input here!) Checking in on yourself, in whatever spaces you’re participating in, is pretty good for mental health. These ten suggestions should be relevant beyond comedy communities, and will apply to people who aren't neurodivergent too. So even if you aren't autistic, for example, these should be relevant and hopefully somewhat useful. Some important notes about these suggestions for protecting your mind in comedy spaces: Some of these suggestions might contradict themselves. Or they might leave out some important points. This is confusing stuff, highly personal/unique, and in this case of course limited to one person’s experience and brain wiring! I heartily welcome you to add your own observations in the comments (anonymously from a throwaway account is fine, too!)Some of these suggestions might sound like I’m suggesting to “run away” from issues — but I am NOT advocating this and NOT suggesting we avoid addressing problems in comedy. Quite the opposite. These suggestions involve sticking within your community, but empowering yourself whilst doing so by forming new projects, outlets, or similar (as an option, or while addressing problematic stuff if it’s applicable). And as always: any suggestions are not universal!All ten sections below are SUGGESTIONS (from an autistic brain) even though many are not worded as such. These are worded like demands, because it’s what I ask of myself, what I use to check in. But they aren’t demands for YOU. Take a suggestion if you think it's helpful and applies to you. Ignore it if it doesn't apply to you.And as always, don’t replace this article or site for working with a professional. Also don’t use these resources for diagnosis of yourself or others. I’m not a mental health professional. You deserve compassion and respect no matter where you are with either your mental health or whether you are autistic, ADHD, or another neurotype! Ten Suggestions (as chapters!) Chapters: 00:00 Intro 01:00 About the podcast and episode 02:22 Episode and topic overview - why I/we need these suggestions 07:16 Suggestion One: Be Yourself and don't compromise on it. 10:43 Suggestion Two: Take care of yourself first, for others 13:53 Suggestion Three: Find your source of joy, but be open to pivoting 16:17 Suggestion Four: Find the humans who value YOU 19:33 Suggestion Five: Ignore the gatekeepers, and find your confidence 22:31 Suggestion Six: Protect your value 23:34 Suggestion Seven: Communicate openly and in good faith 28:36 Suggestion Eight: Ask for or seek accommodations 31:02 Suggestion Nine: Analyze where value comes from, especially if depressed 33:33 Suggestion Ten: Value your mental health 35:50 Conclusion and links 42:42 Link to podcast ( Comedy is wildly strange, and a beast of its own (despite giving retro-silicon-valley vibes). At least the tiny corner I've witnessed and participated in. Let’s keep our neurodivergent minds safer here. Your Voice - Neurodiversity SurveyLet me know what you...

    43 min
  2. Announcement (Bonus): New Podcast Name for One Year Anniversary


    Announcement (Bonus): New Podcast Name for One Year Anniversary

    This marks one year of making podcast episodes! There are some changes happening next week, and here's what those changes are. And the things not changing (most of it isn't change). Yeah, STUFF IS HAPPENING! This kinda-but-not-really-an-episode talks about how this series started, and what I have planned with the name change for the podcast project. Go here for the written essay of this episode. Your Voice - Neurodiversity SurveyLet me know what you have experienced as a neurodivergent in comedy! Answer three questions here! Previous surveys are available here - do any of them at any time! Where to go to find stuffThis article (and website) has a podcast that accompanies it. You can find it at - and a link to the episode near the top of this page.For bonus content related to comedy and neurodiversity, you can become a supporter of Or you can also support the work with one time tip here (use the “buy me a coffee” button).For FREE podcast and show updates, go to This is significantly delayed because of the personal crisis mentioned earlier in this article. But I’ll start releasing what I’ve made soon - I just want to do it properly and not rush things.For updates about improv you can find online, join the newsletter at AboutThis podcast and website was created by Jen deHaan — an autistic + ADHD improviser and performer. This episode was and produced by Join the FREE StereoForest newsletter for all podcast and show updates at This podcast is released on Tuesdays, usually twice per month, at and wherever you find podcasts. Bonus content to support this podcast is available via This podcast uses the following third-party services for analysis: Podcorn - Podtrac -

    9 min
  3. Inclusive, beneficial icebreakers for performers


    Inclusive, beneficial icebreakers for performers

    Icebreakers. They're common in an improv class, at the top of a jam, or maybe when a team is just getting to know each other. Some people love them. Some people hate them. Some of us have a love/hate relationship depending on the day or the icebreaker in question. Many of the people who really dislike icebreakers are neurodivergent people, which is why such a seemingly simple thing is getting an episode. But many students, neurodivergent or not, need icebreakers to feel comfortable in the scenes that are in their near future when they're in a room with strangers (or near-strangers). They might not know they kinda need them, either. Icebreakers might be needed to make a room feel a bit safer, a bit more beneficial, a bit more comfortable. But some people, especially some of us neurodivergents with communication difficulties and differences and trauma history, feel uncomfortable doing them. So what now? References from episode Find the written essay for this episode on Your Voice - Neurodiversity Survey Please add your voice to this work! It’s better for the wider community when there is more input. * Let me know what you have experienced as a neurodivergent improviser! Answer THREE QUESTIONS here! * Check out this week's survey about icebreakers here. Neurodiversity and Improv - Podcast & Articles is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Become a Supporter Follow this podcast for free anywhere you find podcasts or join as a subscriber (free) on this site,, or you can also choose one time support here (buy me a coffee button). Paid subscribers get access to the full written archive of articles. Going forward paid supporters will receive written versions of this content with some bonus references, the podcast will of course remain free. Nice! If written article access is something you'd particularly need to access and cannot financially afford, please let me know and I'll help. Your support of any kind directly helps this content exist and continue and supports newer diverse voices in improv! Thank you so very much! OR — If you enjoy this podcast, please consider leaving a review on Apple Podcasts! About This podcast was created, and the episode was written, by Jen deHaan — an autistic + ADHD improviser. This episode was and produced by Join the free StereoForest newsletter for all improv podcast and show updates at This podcast is released every second week on Tuesday, on and wherever you find podcasts. Subscribe to the website for free newsletter updates. Transcript Button near the podcast embed on the episode page, on Apple Podcasts, or on the episode page at StereoForest. Thanks for reading Neurodiversity and Improv - Podcast & Articles! This post is public so feel free to share it. This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or...

    21 min
  4. Alexithymia and Improv (part 2)


    Alexithymia and Improv (part 2)

    In part one of this episode series on emotions in improv, we looked at what alexithymia is, who experiences it and the variety of expression, and how it affects improv performers and the shared improv practice. This episode, part two, now explores some ideas of what students can do if they approach exercises with assigned emotions, and what teachers can do to make their classes and exercises more inclusive for those with alexithymia. References from episode You can find the written essay for this episode at here. I mention “emotion charts” (moods, feelings, etc) in the episode. This is what I mean (there are tons on the interwebs, here are just a couple): Example 1, Example 2. There are many out there that you can print out, or purchase a laminated poster of and so on. Your Voice - Neurodiversity Survey Please add your voice to this work! It’s better for the wider community when there is more input. * Let me know what you have experienced as a neurodivergent improviser! Answer THREE QUESTIONS here! * This week's survey on alexithymia and emotions in improv here. Neurodiversity and Improv - Podcast & Articles is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Become a Supporter Follow this podcast for free anywhere you find podcasts or join as a subscriber (free) on this site,, or you can also choose one time support here (buy me a coffee button). Paid subscribers get access to the full written archive of articles, including the written essay for this episode. Going forward paid supporters will receive written versions of this content with some bonus references, the podcast will of course remain free. Nice! If written article access is something you'd particularly need to access and cannot financially afford, please let me know and I'll help. Your support of any kind directly helps this content exist and continue and supports newer diverse voices in improv! Thank you so very much! OR — If you enjoy this podcast, please consider leaving a review on Apple Podcasts! About This podcast was created, and the episode was written, by Jen deHaan — an autistic + ADHD improviser. This episode was and produced by Join the free StereoForest newsletter for all improv podcast and show updates at This podcast is released every second week on Tuesday, on and wherever you find podcasts. Subscribe to the website for free newsletter updates. Transcript Button near the podcast embed on the episode page, on Apple Podcasts, or on...

    31 min
  5. Alexithymia and Improv (part 1)


    Alexithymia and Improv (part 1)

    Alexithymia involves how a person identifies and experiences emotions, so it has a lot to do with an improv practice. Part one of this two part episode series explores what alexithymia is, how it affects improv, and suggests some ways to practice improv if you experience it. Part two, released in two weeks, covers some ideas of what students can do if they approach exercises with assigned emotions, and what teachers can do to make their classes and exercises more inclusive for those with alexithymia. References from episode You can find the written essay for this episode at I mentioned the “Notes” episode series in this episode, which might be helpful if you are initiating discussions with a coach or team about emotions in scenes and alexithymia. You can find those episodes here: * Getting & Giving Notes (part 1) - Ep #15 * Getting Notes You Don't Understand (part 2) - Ep #16 * Giving Notes to Students (part 3) - Ep #17 Your Voice - Neurodiversity Survey Please add your voice to this work! It’s better for the wider community when there is more input. * Let me know what you have experienced as a neurodivergent improviser! Answer THREE QUESTIONS here! * This week's survey on alexithymia and emotions in improv here. Neurodiversity and Improv - Podcast & Articles is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Become a Supporter Follow this podcast for free anywhere you find podcasts or join as a subscriber (free) on this site,, or you can also choose one time support here (buy me a coffee button). Paid subscribers get access to the full written archive of articles. Going forward paid supporters will receive written versions of this content with some bonus references, the podcast will of course remain free. Nice! If written article access is something you'd particularly need to access and cannot financially afford, please let me know and I'll help. Your support of any kind directly helps this content exist and continue and supports newer diverse voices in improv! Thank you so very much! OR — If you enjoy this podcast, please consider leaving a review on Apple Podcasts! About This podcast was created, and the episode was written, by Jen deHaan — an autistic + ADHD improviser. This episode was and produced by Join the free StereoForest newsletter for all improv podcast and show updates at This podcast is released every second week on Tuesday, on and...

    29 min
  6. Giving Notes to Students (part 3)


    Giving Notes to Students (part 3)

    Notes (feedback) can be confusing for some student performers because of communication differences. This episode discusses what teachers can do to help improve and resolve some of the typical communication issues around questions and notes. Why can’t a student just ask for clarification? That can be loaded in some improv cultures (for now), and as such it can put a lot of burden on some students. Classes can be structured to make this a bit easier for everyone, while also still maintaining structure and accounting for time limitations. Your Voice - Neurodiversity Survey Please add your voice to this work! It’s better for the wider community when there is more input. * Let me know what you have experienced as a neurodivergent improviser! Answer THREE QUESTIONS here! * And of course, check out this week's survey here. Previous surveys are available here (including this one where you can provide your input on this episode’s subject - notes!) * If you enjoy this podcast, please consider leaving a review on Apple Podcasts! Thank you! Become a Supporter Follow this podcast for free anywhere you find podcasts or join as a subscriber (free) on this site,, or you can also choose one time support here (buy me a coffee button). Paid subscribers get access to the full written archive of articles. Going forward paid supporters will receive written versions of this content, the podcast will of course remain free. Nice! If written article access is something you'd particularly need to access and cannot financially afford, please let me know and I'll help. Your support of any kind directly helps this content exist and continue and supports newer diverse voices in improv! Thank you so very much! About Created and episode written by Jen deHaan, an autistic + ADHD improviser. Edited and produced by Join the StereoForest newsletter for all improv podcast and show updates at This podcast is released every second week on Tuesday, on and wherever you find podcasts. Plugs Classes and free improv jams and shows: I do one-sided improv stuff so you don’t have to at Discount Improv. Check it out, it’s new! Follow for updates: * * * Join the a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer"...

    30 min
  7. Getting Notes You Don't Understand (part 2)


    Getting Notes You Don't Understand (part 2)

    Welcome to part two of this three-part series of episodes about receiving notes as neurodivergent improvisers. (Note: This episode is offered as an early release to supporters, and opens up to everyone on August 27! ) Getting notes can be hard for students, particularly when there is a communication gap between neurotype. This episode lists five reasons students might have to make this part of a session difficult, and some things students can try to make the process a little bit easier. Resources mentioned in episode series: * Neurodiversity & Improv Episode 13: Improv and being Misunderstood * Double Empathy Problem: Autism and the double empathy problem: Implications for development and mental health * THIS WEEKS Survey - direct link to StereoForest page for this episode * General Survey page: on Your Voice: * Let me know what you have experienced as a neurodivergent improviser! Answer THREE QUESTIONS here! * The current survey on characters in improv is linked here on too. Become a Supporter Follow this podcast for free anywhere you find podcasts or join as a subscriber (free) here: You can get bonus content, early access, and more by supporting the show! Go to to become a paid supporter, join our community, and access additional content and resources and gain access to supporter only community channels. If this is something you'd particularly like to access and cannot financially afford, please let me know and I'll help. You can also support this show AND other improv podcasts (and save money!) on StereoForest. There’s a special tier to access to both StereoForest and this podcast’s bonus content and save a bit of money joining both. Your support of any kind directly helps these improv shows exist! Thank you so much. About Created and episode written by Jen deHaan, an autistic + ADHD improviser. Edited and produced by Join the StereoForest newsletter for all improv podcast and show updates at This podcast is released every second week on Tuesday, on and wherever you find podcasts. Plugs Classes and free improv jams and shows: Follow for updates: * a...

    30 min
  8. Getting & Giving Notes (part 1)


    Getting & Giving Notes (part 1)

    This three-part series of episodes is about receiving notes as a neurodivergent improviser. This episode covers WHY getting notes is hard in improv, particularly when there is a communication gap between neurotypes (such as between an autistic and allistic humans, or when verbal processing disorder exists, and so on). There’s sometimes a communication gap because different neurotypes fundamentally communicate in different ways. So this series is specifically about notes given as feedback or advice or teaching after a scene or set is over. * Part 1 (episode 15) defines what the issue is, and WHY it's important to think about for improv students and teachers. * Part 2 (episode 16) is about what issues exist for students, and some tips for things students can try. * Part 3 (episode 17) is about what issues teachers need to know about, and some tips for things coaches/schools/directors can try. And encouraging a bit more patience and effort to make sure the communication is effective - so a note can be understood. Which is the entire point! We want the notes, teachers want us to take the notes... how can we get notes interpreted and used more frequently. I’ll do these episodes sequentially this time, and each one will be two weeks apart. I will also link to surveys in the show notes and newsletter that you can use to submit your own experiences, comments, questions, or advice. Transcript Transcript available on this page, and an alternate version is on the episode page on StereoForest after the public show release on August 13. Resources mentioned in episode * Neurodiversity & Improv Episode 13: Improv and being Misunderstood * Double Empathy Problem: Autism and the double empathy problem: Implications for development and mental health * Learning Theory - Learning Styles (Please share your resources, alternate theories, etc!) * THIS WEEKS Survey * Survey page: on * StereoForest: * Subscribe (free): * Flat Improv: Become a Supporter Follow this podcast for free anywhere you find podcasts or join as a subscriber (free) here: You can get bonus content, early access, and more by supporting the show! Go to to become a paid supporter, join...

    31 min


A podcast about learning and performing comedy as a neurodivergent performer - or doing comedy with us. Episodes are about how being neurodivergent - such as autistic or ADHD - affects comedy and improv performance, acting, teaching and coaching, teams, and learning all of the above. In these episodes we explore the intersection of autism, ADHD and more with performing, creativity, and how our neurodivergence affects existing in our surrounding performance communities. If you are a neurodivergent actor, comedian, writer, improviser, or performer working in comedy (or learning it), such as an autistic improv enthusiast or ADHD actor, this podcast might be useful to you. Episodes are not for diagnosing, making excuses, or therapy. They are for discussing, learning, and being inclusive in your acting, comedy and/or improv practice! Hosted by Jen deHaan, an autistic and ADHD comedy performer, improv enthusiast, and writer. Produced by and for This podcast uses the following third-party services for analysis: Podcorn - Podtrac -

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