Tony Kornheiser and Michael Wilbon face off in the nation's capital on the day's hottest topics.
Hôtes et personnes invitées
So I was sitting at home after my daily workout watching Pardon the Interruption, when Tony Kornheiser turns to the camera and tells the world about PTI being available on iTunes. And I thought to myself, well that sounds great and all but I'll bet they will have commercials or something of the sort that will waste my time and keep me from the gripping words of my two favorite sports analysts. But, no. There are no commercials and the show is able to flow from topic to topic unhindered by another add for Guinness Draft (although I think the commercials are brilliant, I think that they should back off and let Red Stripe get some time). But I digress, Pardon the Interruption on the iPod is pretty much the best thing that has happened to the podcast scene, making me be able to listen to their epic banter while I'm working out instead of having to start early and finish with them halfway through their show. I love PTI on iTunes.
Best show ever
9 févr.
Tony and Michael are the GOAT
The best
24 janv.
Tony and Wilson are always a kick to listen to. Their perspectives are interesting and they bring a certain morality to their discussions. I look forward to hearing them every day!
stick a fork in it
27 janv.
We have the recent announcement that Around the Horn will be mercifully canceled, a show that became a parody of itself in it's woke safe space, sports moralizing. A show that proudly promoted a diversity of guests that surprise surprise all had the near same exact opinions, a "sports debate show" that never offered a counter argument or viewpoint outside of a largely liberal agenda. MSNBC sports balk talk. Headed by host Tony Reali who increasingly becoming so incredibly self-important and lacking zero self-awareness becoming one of the biggest shmucks on ESPN. Less Fonzie more Screech. PTI the bigger brother to ATH has fallen into the similar irrelevancy and absurdity. Long time host Michael Wibon, the bloated corpse of a TV personality, whose predictable schtick or takes - subpar black head coach fired after multiple years below 500 win %, Wilbon doing his best Al Sharpon, bellowing the firing was "racism." eye roll. Tony Kornheiser, once had a likable curmodgeonish charm, now all that good natured charm is gone. In a recent story on tennis star Djokovic, who rightly fought against mandatory vaccination, Kornheiser, still hiding in his attic, did a hatchet job misconstruing facts, twisting truth in an attempt to portray Djokovic in the worst light possible. Tony Kornheiser, who likely idolized Muhammad Ali who famously fought against serving in Vietnam taking on a political cause at a cost to his professional boxing career is now recognize being on the right side of history. Kornheiser, maybe in his feeble old age isn't able to see the parallels to Djokovic, and will likely be cast as one of those crusty reporters, how unAmerican Ali was. Kornheiser, hang up your hat before you further embarrass yourself, it shouldn't be hard with you still in your attic.