10 episodes

This podcast is designed to answer YOUR questions about podcasting! I will also answer some of the more common questions about podcasting that I have received. If you have a question about podcasting, send it my way! If I use your question in our podcast, I will give you a shoutout on that particular episode AND I will put your website or podcast URL in the show notes for everyone to see. In addition, ALL submissions will be eligible for MONTHLY drawing where we will pay for your hotel stay of 3 or 4 nights at in LAS VEGAS or ORLANDO! (your choice)!* Just go to my website (below) and submit the contact form to ask your questions! ASK BOB! www.podcast-training.com/contact
*Restrictions apply. Does not include travel, taxes or meals - room rates only).

ASK BOB - Podcasting Q&A Bob Thibodeau

    • Leisure

This podcast is designed to answer YOUR questions about podcasting! I will also answer some of the more common questions about podcasting that I have received. If you have a question about podcasting, send it my way! If I use your question in our podcast, I will give you a shoutout on that particular episode AND I will put your website or podcast URL in the show notes for everyone to see. In addition, ALL submissions will be eligible for MONTHLY drawing where we will pay for your hotel stay of 3 or 4 nights at in LAS VEGAS or ORLANDO! (your choice)!* Just go to my website (below) and submit the contact form to ask your questions! ASK BOB! www.podcast-training.com/contact
*Restrictions apply. Does not include travel, taxes or meals - room rates only).

    How to Load Your Podcast to Apple Podcasts (iTunes)

    How to Load Your Podcast to Apple Podcasts (iTunes)

    Episode Notes
    Apple Podcasts is the "grand-daddy" of all podcast distribution outlets. 80%+ of podcasts are discovered in Apple Podcasts. Almost every "podchaser" platform in existence somehow links to Apple Podcasts as well as individual RSS feeds.

    If you are not listed on Apple Podcasts (formerly iTunes), you are missing out on a HUGE market of possible listeners!

    This is the audio version of a video teaching I recently provided my clients. You can receive the video file by clicking this link: WATCH THE VIDEO

    Support ASK BOB - Podcasting Q&A by contributing to their tip jar: https://tips.pinecast.com/jar/ask-bob-podcasting-qa

    • 13 min
    Methods Not To Use To Increase Downloads pt 2

    Methods Not To Use To Increase Downloads pt 2

    Methods Not To Use To
    Increase Downloads pt 2
    We have been talking about some of the ways podcasters used to use to increase their download numbers. Unethical ways. Methods that have mostly been done away with in actual numbers counting.

    But you still may hear of these methods by some unscrupulous people that will try to manipulate and beat the system.

    The IAB has implemented a series of changes that have become the industry standard in counting downloads. This is to bring almost every podcast hosting platform into compliance with industry accepted standards. This was to level the playing (and reporting) field to advertisers across the industry.

    In our last episode, I covered the first two unethical ways that some podcasters have tried to beat the system. Stay away from those methods.

    Trying to change your URL feed and trying to spam your social media accounts may give you a few more downloads, but the loss of reputation will far exceed the few additional downloads you will receive.

    In addition, every download now indicates 60 seconds or more of listening time. So just because someone has received your file into their iTunes (or Apple Podcasts) account does not mean they listened to the file – and will not be counted as a download.

    Today, I will give you two more methods to stay away from:

    3. DO NOT set your online player to "auto-play!"

    Youtube is an example of what I mean by auto-play.

    Many people who see something "automatically" begin to download will stop it. Some will click off of the page altogether (and may not ever come back). I've seen some podcasters load a player to every page of their website (and set them all to "auto-play)!

    Why do they do this?

    All in an effort to get "one more download." 

    The new IAB rules will not count any of these efforts unless the visitor to your website listens for at least 60 seconds. So all you are really doing is “spamming” a visitor who is trying to find out some additional information on you, your podcast or your website and services.


    4. Trying to increase download numbers by increasing the publication frequency!

    Every episode published could increase your downloads exponentially (according to the number of subscribers you have).

    For example, if you have 100 subscribers and publish 4 episodes per month, that is 400 downloads (assuming they all listen to every episodes for at least 60 seconds).

    Now, if your increase your publication schedule to 5 days per week, that would mean 2000 downloads per month! WOW! That is awesome, right?


    Statistics prove the shorter your podcast, the more listeners you will have.

    If you increase the number of published episodes each week, your potential listeners have to dedicate more of their time to try and listen. You may end up losing listeners in the process! All why increasing your workload!

    Instead, nurture your existing subscribers to share the episode link with THEIR followers. Let others do the work and you can see small, but steady increase in downloads!

    Join me next time as we go over a few ways (ethically) you can use to see an increase in your download statistics.

    Be sure to subscribe to this series so you will be notified when a new question is answered. If you have any questions about podcasting, visit my website at www.podcast-training.com and use the contact form to "Ask Bob!"

    If you would like to watch the video I made for this episode, you can view it on YouTube at this link: https://youtu.be/aPxO6Hgt9LU

    • 10 min
    How Can I Increase My Download Numbers

    How Can I Increase My Download Numbers

    How Can I Increase My Download Numbers? Before I get into answering that question, I want to take a couple of episodes to lay a foundation upon which we can build in answering that question. The foundation is one which will help you to focus on ethical ways to increase your download numbers.
    First, let me give you some background on recent changes that were made (and implemented across the podcasting industry) that affect how downloads are counted.
    Due to the popularity and growth of podcasting, advertisers wanted in on the possible exposure a podcast audience could be given to their services. But, back in 2014, there was no industry standard and an advertiser simply had to rely on the data provided by the podcasters.
    In an effort to bring some conformity, the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) came up with some standards that would help in this area. Although they were not mandatory, they released what is known as the “Podcast Measurement Technical Guidelines” (version 1.0 in 2016 and version 2.0 in 2018).
    The IAB then implemented a "certification and compliance" program that has now been adopted by the leading podcast hosting platforms. It is now the "industry standard" in counting downloads. The biggest thing you, as a podcaster, should be aware of is this: Any download stat you see means someone listened to that file for at least 60 seconds or more.
    If someone clicks off at 59 seconds, it does not count.
    This means you should not use "unscrupulous methods" in trying to increase your download statistics. Stay away from scammers who claim they can give you "thousands of downloads for $10" or whatever. Your reputation is more important in the podcasting world than your download numbers!
    In the next few episodes, I am going to share a few ways some people are still trying to beat the system. I need to share these with you because you will see them out there. It is important for you to be able to recognize "what not to do" before you start implementing ideas to increase your download numbers.
    Be sure to subscribe to this podcast so you will be notified when a new question is being answered! If you have a question about podcasting, go to my website at www.podcast-training.com and "Ask Bob" by filling out the contact form!
    If you want to view the video I made for this episode, you can view on YouTube at this link: https://youtu.be/CiQkQ8AcojE

    • 6 min
    Methods Not To Use To Increase Your Downloads pt 1

    Methods Not To Use To Increase Your Downloads pt 1

    Methods NOT TO USE to Increase Downloads pt 1 In the last episode, I covered some of the information on the Interactive Advertising Bureau and how the IAB has instituted guidelines for podcasters in relation to their download reporting.
    These methods have been widely accepted by many podcast hosting platforms and incorporated, basically industry wide. You would heed well to adhere with the standards if you want to be a podcaster of excellence.
    In order to accomplish that, here are some unscrupulous methods that some podcasters used to find popular in an attempt to increase their downloads.
    Here is my list of ways you should not use to increase your podcast downloads
    1. DO NOT try to update your podcast feed from http to https all at once.
    Yes, this is a nice thing to do to update your security protocol. But if you do so for all of your episodes, you will "spam" load every single episode into your subscribers feeds as a new download! The RSS Feed recognizes the URL as "new" (because of that added "s") and will send it out to every single one of your subscribers!
    This could cause many of them to cancel their subscription to your show!
    2. DO NOT spam your social media platforms many, many times per day in an effort to promote your podcast or your episodes!
    Although social media is a great way to promote your podcast, only a few times per day on each of your platforms should be used.
    If you are posting 10-15 or 20 times (or more) per day on each platform, you will be considered a "spammer" and may lose followers / subscribers in the process. You may get banned from the platform! DO NOT USE THOSE METHODS!
    In the next episode, I will cover a few more methods you SHOULD NOT USE before I get into some tried and proven methods you can use!
    Please subscribe to this series so you will be notified when a new question has been answered. If you have a question about podcasting, be sure to "Ask Bob" by going to my website at www.podcast-training.com and use the contact form!
    If you would like to watch the video I created for this episode, it is available on YouTube at this link: https://youtu.be/Rp8uTR9C9Jo

    • 8 min
    Why I Should NOT Start a Podcast pt 2

    Why I Should NOT Start a Podcast pt 2

    Last time, I started a discussion on “When You Should NOT Start a Podcast.”

    The number one reason I went into detail on last time was, “To make money.” I shared how approximately only 1% of the podcasters out there make a full time living from podcasting. These are podcasters who have built up a brand, a loyal following and have close to a million down loads per episode. Something most of us will never achieve.

    Today, I want to talk to those who think podcasting is interesting and it appears “easy to do.”

    Yes, it is easy to do. But if you want to produce a quality program, one that will bring in additional listeners and a podcast that will generate loyal listeners, it gets to be a little more than that!

    Are you a good speaker?

    Do you have experience at public speaking?

    You may notice all of the "ah's"and "umm's" you use. But I can guarantee you, your listeners will. And if they get annoyed with your grammar, they will click off and never come back.

    So, a way to stop doing that is to join a group like "Toastmasters." They will guide you down the path of how not to use those fillers!

    Next is the technology involved.

    Podcasting is "technology." You must become proficient at using the technology available to you. If you are putting out a terrible product, nobody will want to listen to you.

    Use a good microphone. Use a headset to cut down any echo (especially if you are conducting interviews).

    Add an "intro" and an "outro" to your podcast.

    Edit your program and eliminate any mistakes or "bloopers."

    Yes, it may take you some time to learn how to do this. But the payoff in the end will be increased listenership and subscribers!

    Lastly, do not start a podcast because "everybody else is doing it."

    That is probably not a good reason to start a podcast.

    Apple Podcasts reports they will soon have over ONE MILLION podcasts hosted on their platform! But, they also report that about 20% (or 200,000) podcasts have less than 7 episodes!


    Because people started their podcast journey and decided it was not for them! Often, they spent good money in starting their podcast. Domain name; hosting platform; microphone and headsets, etc. Only to quit after just a few episodes.

    I hope these tips helped to clarify some seldom talked about topics concerning podcasting. Especially the reasons for NOT starting a podcast! 

    If you have a podcasting question, send it along to me. You can leave your questions in the comments section below. But a better way of communicating with me and making sure I am able to see your questions rapidly is by using the contact form on my website. Go to https://podcast-training.com/contactand click on the contact tab. Fill out the form and be sure to send me your questions.                                                

    If your question is used on this podcast, I will be giving you credit for bringing it to our attention and you will receive a FREE download of my book, “The Complete Guide to Podcasting.”  That is a $37 value and you will receive it for FREE if you send along your questions and used on this “ASK BOB” program. If you include your website or podcast information, I will be referencing that as well and putting your information in the show notes of the podcast. 

    Who knows, you may see some increased traffic to your website, your podcast, etc. just from asking a question.  If I get asked the same question, the first person to ask it will be getting the credit. 

    So IF you have a question,...

    • 5 min
    Why I Should NOT Start a Podcast? pt 1

    Why I Should NOT Start a Podcast? pt 1

    This was a unique question and I thought it was deserving of a somewhat detailed answer!  It seems like everyone is giving information on who needs to have a podcast, why you should have a podcast and how to start a podcast. But nobody is talking about reasons NOT to start a podcast!

    Some of the misguided assumptions about people wanting to start a podcast includes fame and fortune. So in this series of episodes, I want to cover some very good reasons you should NOT start a podcast!  If you find yourself wandering down a few of the trails I’m going to identify here, you should rethink your motivation for wanting to start a podcast!

    As I covered in previous episodes, podcasting IS the new communication medium for this generation. It is easy to enter. It is fairly easy to produce. It is easy to promote. All of this makes it fairly easy for someone to just “hit record” and they are a podcaster!  But the same accessibility also means there are many, many podcasters out there. And many of them, truthfully, are not that great.

    Only the top 1% or so of podcasters every make enough money from their podcasting to be in a position to quit their regular job and live off of their podcast.

    Less then 20% of podcasters make "any" money from their podcast!

    So if you are looking for a way to add some additional income to the family budget, and quickly, don't go into podcasting! Spend that time working at a part time job and get that extra income quickly that way!

    Next time, I will discuss the “Skill and Knowledge Requirements” as reasons “When Should I Not Start a Podcast!”

    If you have a podcasting question, send it along to me. You can leave your questions in the comments section below. But a better way of communicating with me and making sure I am able to see your questions rapidly is by using the contact form on my website. Go to https://podcast-training.com/contactand click on the contact tab. Fill out the form and be sure to send me your questions.                                               

    If your question is used on this podcast, I will be giving you credit for bringing it to our attention and you will receive a FREE download of my book, “The Complete Guide to Podcasting.”  That is a $37 value and you will receive it for FREE if you send along your questions and used on this “ASK BOB” program. If you include your website or podcast information, I will be referencing that as well and putting your information in the show notes of the podcast. 

    Who knows, you may see some increased traffic to your website, your podcast, etc. just from asking a question.  If I get asked the same question, the first person to ask it will be getting the credit. 

    So IF you have a question, don’t wait!  Ask today. Just go to

    https://podcast-training.com/contactand fill out the contact form.

    Be sure to subscribe to this podcast so you can be notified every time we release a new episode and answer someone’s question!

    So, until we talk again, “Keep Listening, You’re Awesome!”

    • 6 min

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