Aspie Answers

Aspie Answers
Aspie Answers

Introducing Aspie Answers - where I myself as a young woman who has Aspergers Syndrome that's now classified as Autism from the DSM-5 Manual. My podcast is going to be all about autism and mental health that'll create an awareness and understanding along with acceptance and inclusion. I'll also be sharing some of my lived experiences with autism and mental health along with some guided tips and advice along the way for you all. If you want to support me and come along on my journey as well as this podcast feel free to do so with this link:

  1. Ableism In Disney? What Is Disney And Pixar Movies Portraying As A Message To People

    2023. 03. 14.

    Ableism In Disney? What Is Disney And Pixar Movies Portraying As A Message To People

    As we know that it should come to no surprise whatsoever that we live in a world where society, movies and messages on bulletin telling or sharing with us that we should be living in a world where it is highly catered and meeting the needs of able-bodied. More than that, people with disabilities are so often underrepresented in the media, TV, literature, and film. People with disabilities are habitually only cast if their disability serves to explain some tragic backstory or denote a questionable morality. Contrary to popular belief, disability studies and educational reform have become a major priority in the literary, critical, medical, and political world. Just recently in 1990, the Americans with Disabilities Act was passed to give civil rights to people with disabilities. This shows how oblivious many were to the severity of disabilities in society before this time, and also how people with disabilities have been ostracized and abused through out centuries. Popular theorists such as Ronald J. Berger and Lennard J. Davis introduce terminology and views on how to better understand disabilities. According to Berger, “disability studies- an interdisciplinary field of inquiry that includes representation from social sciences, the humanities, and the medical, rehabilitation, and education professions- is vital to an understanding of humankind” (Berger, Introducing Disability studies. 2013). Berger is definitely opening the doors and helping those with disabilities find their place in society. Davis, on the other hand, focuses on the “construction of normalcy” saying, “the problem is not the person with disabilities; the problem is the way normalcy is constructed to create the problem of the disabled person” (Davis, The Disability Studies Reader. 2006). Basically, society gets to label what is normal and what is not. I was terrified of the evil grasshopper from A Bug’s Life but what does that say about me or about how Disney portrays some animals as able bodied and good and the ones that are missing a language as savage and evil? ​ Or more importantly, what does this say about us as people (particularly those privileged as being seen as able-bodied and “normal”) that we often do not question or notice inequalities and illusions to slavery within our imaged utopias and cartoon wonderlands that we watch and admire while we were young! On top of the more obvious examples, there seems to be an underlying theme of dehumanization of certain characters/groups of characters in Disney films and TV. Here, I will look at how Disney portrays disabilities and the treatment the characters receive. The first Disney movie I would like to Discuss is Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. All of the seven dwarfs have some kind of disability on top of having a growth impairment. The two main dwarfs are Dopey and Doc. Doc is the leader amongst the seven and suffers a speech impediment, having trouble pronouncing words correctly and often stuttering. He is also slightly bigger than the other dwarfs which makes the others look weaker. Doc’s disabilities are a perfect representation of Berger’s ableism-“assumes that some people (and bodies) are normal and superior while other people are abnormal and inferior” (Berger, Introducing Disability studies. 2013). Due to Doc’s condition he was the most able dwarf and all the other dwarfs were secondary to him. Disney’s representation of Doc shows that disabilities like or similar to his makes all the others lesser and more reliable to the “normal” or “most normal” person. On the other hand, Dopey is the complete opposite of Doc and ableism. Dopey’s disability would put him in the intellectual disability category. Intellectual disability is significant limitations intellectual functioning and adaptive behavior, which covers many everyday social and practical skills, this is also the term now used for mental retardation. Dopey shows

  2. 2023. 03. 14.

    To Enable or Not To Enable - That's The Question!

    #autism #internalableism #ableism #actuallyautistic  #toenableornottoenable    *DISCLAIMER*  Before I continue this video I am about to share with you all today, I  want to say that I am no medical doctor. I'm your normal Jo Blogs,  sharing my lived experiences in what I go through on the daily and if  you see or hear anything out of the ordinary, do seek professional  advice for yourself or your loved one ordo get professional help for  yourself or your loved one as I don't condone self-harm.    Now, today I want to share with you all my lived experiences with  internalized ableism that I struggle with sometimes on a daily and hell  it's not easy. It never is as well as life isn't easy but it's what we  do in our lives that counts and what we do with our pages and chapters  in our lives to create a beautiful story to share. I will share this how  I experience it directly by me to myself.  also again defined ableism  and internalized ableism along with what my aims and goals for  internalized ableism or ableism in general    VIDEOS AND PLAYLIST THAT WAS MENTIONED IN THE VIDEO:   (7:18) All About Ableism/WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW (Part 2)  (6:22) All About Internalised Ableism/ [What You Need To Know] Part 6  Series 1   5:15 ) Anxiety Disorders - Help Central   (5:56)  Self Identity & Self Esteem in Autistic Children, Teens,  & Adults/How YOU CAN Help   (4:30)  Friendships & Socialisation Help Central   Socialization/How do I prepare myself for social situations? {2018]  ( 4:03 ) Shapeshifting in female Aspies how & why they do this?   ( 4:53 ) Aspergers Syndrome & Meltdowns/Sensory Overload/Tantrums  & more.   (4:54) What an Autistic Shutdown feels like for me!   ( 2:40) Autistic Females And  Masking [2018]   (10:18)  An Autistic Perspective of Autism & Executive Function  along with EF Hacks [2019]  (15:43) Stimming Help Central Playlist     (13:54)  To Tell or NOT To Tell   Thanks for watching and your support!  Special credits to:  Images: The stars burst in my intro belongs to the owner Lala and then  link her channel   IMAGE: Subscribe+Notification Bell+Social Media Greenscreens! Credit to: EDITINGHACKSBYLALA Channel Name: JanTube Channel Link: Image from: Where to find her: Twitter: Instagram: Website:

  3. 2022. 12. 14.

    25 Examples Of Ableism To Avoid As An Ally To People With Disabilities

    #25examplesofableismtoavoid #ableism #peoplewithdisabilities There will always be ableist remarks that are still fairly common and are commonly said to people with disabilities and that it feels like kicking someone when they are down. Since at least one out of five people will become disabled in their lives —and ableism is still largely unaddressed and unknown — if you are the loved one of someone with a disability, you will want to be aware of how to proceed with compassion. Here is a list of 25 examples of ableism so you can be a good friend / medical practitioner/family member etc and avoid the harm ableism causes. So, I'm going to share with you at least 25 common examples that are being done by people who are ableist and not knowing that they are doing and hopefully this video will at least make you think twice about what you're doing to people with a disability hidden, mental or physical. We need to be mindful of others. So, here are a few do's and don'ts if you will to keep in mind when being around people with a disability. VIDEOS AND PLAYLIST TO WATCH FROM THIS VIDEO: (1:59) ALL ABOUT ABLEISM/WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW (PART 2) (2:21) What NOT TO SAY & DO VS WHAT YOU CAN SAY AND DO TO... (4:42) Pet Peeves/Misconceptions for people with Anxiety Disorders [2018] (13:18) Celebrating Autism/ This is Who I AM & WHAT I AM (13:55) Approval or confirmation needed or required (Validation) (15:08) Aspergers Syndrome & Meltdowns/Sensory Overload/Tantrums & more.. (16:50) Friendships & Socialisation Help Central Thanks for watching and your support! Special credits to: Images: The stars burst in my intro belongs to the owner Lala and then link her channel IMAGE: Subscribe+Notification Bell+Social Media Greenscreens! Credit to: EDITINGHACKSBYLALA Channel Name: JanTube Channel Link: Image from: Where to find her: Twitter: Instagram: Website: *ABOUT ME* Hello, I'm Aspie Answers from NZ.I have Aspergers Syndrome that is now clinically known in the DSM5 Manual of Diagnostics as Autism. I make videos as an advocate on autism and mental health from the perspective of an autistic adult. Sharing my autism, mental health experiences along with taking you all on a journey with me to help other autistic people, autism families or anyone to help improve understanding of autism and mental health. This channel is focused on raising autism awareness & acceptance of autism and mental health as well as inclusion. To try and change attitudes and mindset towards autism and mental health, to educate and advocate to people about autism and mental health for those who are new to the autism world. So if you are on the spectrum, know someone with autism or are working professionally in the autism field or just someone who wants to know more and want to learn more about autistic people then consider subscribing and turning on the notification bell to see all future videos. 💫More Autism Videos? OR OR More Mental Health Videos? Mental Health Awareness Playlist- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My social medias of where you can find me: 🔴 F

  4. 2022. 12. 14.

    Three Kinds of Ableism

    #ableism  #mentalableism #physicalabelism #aspieanswers   Before we dive into the complex and much-hidden concept of ableism, we all need to first understand the very basics of ableism. I did share with you all the very basics of ableism and what you all need to know based on my first video series of this which you can find here above me in the right-hand corner of the screen.                                                          But in brief, ableism is defined by Wikipedia as, "discrimination and social prejudice against people with disabilities.” What does that really mean, though? Before we can get into that, we must first understand that there are 3 main types of Ableism, each regarding a different type of affected ability and each discriminated against differently. The three types kinds of ableism that were shared today were: Physical ableism, mental ableism, and cultural ableism.   Thanks for watching and for your support!   Special credits to Images: The stars burst in my intro belong to the owner Lala and then link her channel IMAGE: Subscribe+Notification Bell+Social Media Greenscreens! Credit to: EDITINGHACKSBYLALA Channel Name: JanTube Channel Link: Image from:   Where to find her: Twitter: Instagram: Website:   *ABOUT ME*  Hello, I'm Aspie Answers from NZ. I have Aspergers Syndrome which is now clinically known in the DSM5 Manual of Diagnostics as Autism.  I make videos as an advocate of autism and mental health from the perspective of an autistic adult. Sharing my autism, and mental health experiences along with taking you all on a journey with me to help other autistic people, autism families, or anyone to help improve their understanding of autism and mental health.  This channel is focused on raising autism awareness & acceptance of autism and mental health as well as inclusion. To try and change attitudes and mindsets towards autism and mental health, to educate and advocate to people about autism and mental health for those who are new to the autism world.  So if you are on the spectrum, know someone with autism, are working professionally in the autism field or just someone who wants to know more and want to learn more about autistic people then consider subscribing and turning on the notification bell to see all future videos. 💫More Autism Videos? OR   OR   More Mental Health Videos?  Mental Health Awareness Playlist- My social media of where you can find me:  🔴 Facebook: 🔴 Twitter: 🔴 Instagram:    DONATE TO THE CAUSE AND FUTURE PROJECTS:  💰 Patreon:    BUY MY MERCH BY VISITING HERE:   Website now live: htttps:// or (COMING SOON)

  5. 2022. 12. 14.

    Ableism and Negative Attitudes and Beliefs

    #ableism #negativeattitudesandbeliefs #stigma #stereotyping    An “ableist” belief system often underlies negative attitudes, stereotypes, and stigma toward people with psychosocial disabilities. “Ableism” refers to attitudes in society that devalue and limit the potential of persons with disabilities. Ableism is disablism (Brit. English), androphobia, anapirism, and disability discrimination) is discrimination and social prejudice against people with disabilities or who are perceived to have disabilities. Ableism characterizes persons as defined by their disabilities and as inferior to the non-disabled. On this basis, people are assigned or denied certain perceived abilities, skills, or character orientations.  There are stereotypes, generally inaccurate, associated with either disability in general, or with specific disabilities (for instance a presumption that all disabled people want to be cured, that wheelchair users necessarily have an intellectual disability, or that blind people have some special form of insight). These stereotypes in turn serve as a justification for ableist practices and reinforce discriminatory attitudes and behaviors toward people who are disabled. Labeling affects people when it limits their options for action or changes their identity and self-worth along with their self-esteem.    Thanks for watching and for your support! Special credits to:  Images: The stars burst in my intro belong to the owner Lala and then link her channel IMAGE: Subscribe+Notification Bell+Social Media Greenscreens! Credit to: EDITINGHACKSBYLALA Channel Name: JanTube Channel Link: Image from:   Where to find her: Twitter: Instagram: Website:   *ABOUT ME*  Hello, I'm Aspie Answers from NZ.I have Aspergers Syndrome that is now clinically known in the DSM5 Manual of Diagnostics as Autism.  I make videos as an advocate on autism and mental health from the perspective of an autistic adult. Sharing my autism, mental health experiences along with taking you all on a journey with me to help other autistic people, autism families or anyone to help improve understanding of autism and mental health.   💫More Autism Videos? OR    OR   More Mental Health Videos?  Mental Health Awareness Playlist- My social medias of where you can find me:   🔴 Facebook: 🔴 Twitter: 🔴 Instagram:   DONATE TO THE CAUSE AND FUTURE PROJECTS:  💰 Patreon:    BUY MY MERCH BY VISITING HERE:  Aspie Answers Website now live:  or (COMING SOON)

  6. 2022. 12. 12.

    Brief History of Ableism and The Attitudes Towards Disabled People

    #briefhistoryof #ableism #attitudestowardsdisabledpeople   Today, I talked a little bit about the history of ableism and where it all began. I also shared the three different types of models that are used in the medical field, the medical model, the social model, and the traditional model. I then shared my thoughts about this topic briefly.    Thanks for watching and for your support!   Special credits to Images: The stars burst in my intro belong to the owner Lala and then link her channel IMAGE: Subscribe+Notification Bell+Social Media Greenscreens! Credit to: EDITINGHACKSBYLALA Channel Name: JanTube Channel Link: Image from:   Where to find her: Twitter: Instagram: Website:     *ABOUT ME*   Hello, I'm Aspie Answers from NZ.I have Aspergers Syndrome which is now clinically known in the DSM5 Manual of Diagnostics as Autism.  I make videos as an advocate on autism and mental health from the perspective of an autistic adult. Sharing my autism, and mental health experiences along with taking you all on a journey with me to help other autistic people, autism families or anyone to help improve their understanding of autism and mental health.  This channel is focused on raising autism awareness & acceptance of autism and mental health as well as inclusion. To try and change attitudes and mindset towards autism and mental health, to educate and advocate to people about autism and mental health for those who are new to the autism world.  So if you are on the spectrum, know someone with autism or are working professionally in the autism field or just someone who wants to know more and want to learn more about autistic people then consider subscribing and turning on the notification bell to see all future videos.   💫More Autism Videos? OR   OR   More Mental Health Videos?  Mental Health Awareness Playlist- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My social medias of where you can find me: 🔴 Facebook: 🔴 Twitter: 🔴 Instagram:    DONATE TO THE CAUSE AND FUTURE PROJECTS:  💰 Patreon:    BUY MY MERCH BY VISITING HERE:   VISIT MY WEBSITE: or (COMING SOON)

  7. 2022. 12. 12.

    Types of Ableism, Impacts of Ableism And What Can Be Done

    #ableism #typesofableism #impactsofableism #solutions    I shared briefly the different types of ableism that we should know about or educate ourselves better on. You may have heard some of these terms for different types of this or not but here to share with you today about them and also the impact that it has on people with different disabilities. The one important one of the ableism types that I shared is benevolent ableism as well as sharing what the problem with this one is and how we can help others with different disabilities. VIDEOS AND PLAYLIST I SUGGESTED WATCHING TO LEARN MORE:  (1:54)     Ableism Playlist  (6:15)        All about Ableism/What you need to know (Part 2) (8:48)  Aspie Let's Talk/Why WE SHOULDN'T SUPPORT AUTISM SPEAKS   Thanks for watching and for your support!   Special credits to Images: The stars burst in my intro belong to the owner Lala and then link her channel  IMAGE: Subscribe+Notification Bell+Social Media Greenscreens! Credit to: EDITINGHACKSBYLALA Channel Name: JanTube Channel Link: Image from:  Where to find her: Twitter: Instagram: Website:   *ABOUT ME*   Hello, I'm Aspie Answers from NZ. I have Aspergers Syndrome which is now clinically known in the DSM5 Manual of Diagnostics as Autism.  I make videos as an advocate/navigator of autism and mental health from the perspective of an autistic adult. Sharing my autism, and mental health experiences along with taking you all on a journey with me to help other autistic people, autism families, or anyone to help improve their understanding of autism and mental health.  This channel is focused on raising autism awareness & acceptance of autism and mental health as well as inclusion. To try and change attitudes and mindsets towards autism and mental health, to educate and advocate to people about autism and mental health for those who are new to the autism world.  So if you are on the spectrum, know someone with autism, are working professionally in the autism field or just someone who wants to know more and want to learn more about autistic people then consider subscribing and turning on the notification bell to see all future videos.    💫More Autism Videos? OR   OR   More Mental Health Videos?  Mental Health Awareness Playlist- = My social medias of where you can find me:   🔴 Facebook: 🔴 Twitter: 🔴 Instagram:    DONATE TO THE CAUSE AND FUTURE PROJECTS:  💰 Patreon:    BUY MY MERCH BY VISITING HERE:  Aspie Answers VISIT MY WEBSITE: or (Coming Soon)

  8. 2022. 12. 12.

    All About Internalized Ableism/ [What You Need To Know]

    #internalisedableism #allaboutinternalisedableism #whatyouneedtoknow   OBJECTIVES   * What is internalized ableism?   *Why and how it happens?   *What can we all do to stop it or fight against it?    DISCLAIMER  I'm no medical doctor as I'm your normal Jo Blogs. So, if you see anything out of the ordinary-past or present in yourself or your loved one, seek professional help or seek second opinion as I don't condone self-harm.    VIDEOS AND PLAYLISTS SUGGESTED BY ME:  (6:22) Aspergers Syndrome & Meltdowns/Sensory Overload/Tantrums & more..   (7:37) Stimming Help Central Playlist (7:51) P2 The BIG Answers to getting rid of Intrusive Thoughts   (12:28) Normal Request DECLINED   Thanks for watching and your support!   Special credits to:  Images: The stars burst in my intro belongs to the owner Lala and then link her channel  IMAGE: Subscribe+Notification Bell+Social Media Greenscreens! Credit to: EDITINGHACKSBYLALA Channel Name: JanTube Channel Link: Image from:  Where to find her: Twitter: Instagram: Website:    *ABOUT ME*   Hello, I'm Aspie Answers from NZ.I have Aspergers Syndrome which is now clinically known in the DSM5 Manual of Diagnostics as Autism.  I make videos as an advocate on autism and mental health from the perspective of an autistic adult. Sharing my autism, and mental health experiences along with taking you all on a journey with me to help other autistic people, autism families or anyone to help improve their understanding of autism and mental health.  This channel is focused on raising autism awareness & acceptance of autism and mental health as well as inclusion. To try and change attitudes and mindsets towards autism and mental health, to educate and advocate to people about autism and mental health for those who are new to the autism world.  So if you are on the spectrum, know someone with autism or are working professionally in the autism field or just someone who wants to know more and want to learn more about autistic people then consider subscribing and turning on the notification bell to see all future videos.    💫More Autism Videos? OR   OR   More Mental Health Videos?  Mental Health Awareness Playlist- My social medias of where you can find me:  🔴 Facebook: 🔴 Twitter: 🔴 Instagram:    DONATE TO THE CAUSE AND FUTURE PROJECTS:  💰 Patreon:    BUY MY MERCH BY VISITING HERE:  Aspie Answers VISIT MY WEBSITE: or (COMING SOON)



Introducing Aspie Answers - where I myself as a young woman who has Aspergers Syndrome that's now classified as Autism from the DSM-5 Manual. My podcast is going to be all about autism and mental health that'll create an awareness and understanding along with acceptance and inclusion. I'll also be sharing some of my lived experiences with autism and mental health along with some guided tips and advice along the way for you all. If you want to support me and come along on my journey as well as this podcast feel free to do so with this link:

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