Audiofiabe per bambini

Fiabe e favole narrate, di autori famosi e non. Fairy tales and stories narrated in italian. Sul mio sito trovate anche i testi e altre informazioni. Le audiofiabe sono messe a disposizione gratuitamente, vi sarò grato per un vostro commento sul guestbook
Reason to own an ipod
This is just what I wanted to help myself and my children learn Italian in a fun way... Thanks Walter!
the best thing about these is that the text is right there when you listen to them, displayed on my iphone!
Well Done
Exactly what I was looking for!
I aggree
I stumbled on these by accident and I have to aggree with the two other reviews that the quality of the podcast is excellent and they are a great way to learn the language. And while I don't know of an online source for the text that goes along with these stories I was able to use my copy of 'The Complete Grimms Fairy Tales' to follow along with those tales by the Brothers Grimm.
- CreatorWalter Donegà
- Years Active2006 - 2020
- Episodes25
- RatingClean
- Copyright℗ & © 2006-2020 Walter Donegà Tutti i diritti riservati - I files audio sono concessi in uso per solo scopo personale. Non è consentito utilizzare i files audio e/o i testi delle fiabe per opere derivate. I files audio e i testi non possono essere né copiati né linkati da altri siti. E' vietata la pubblicazione su qualsiasi mezzo senza l'esplicito consenso dell'autore.
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