AuthenticallyYOU The Podcast

Daniel Reader
AuthenticallyYOU The Podcast

This is a place for me to open up conversations around things we as humans all struggle with. I want to normalise our struggles and all the things we feel we have to hide from the world through fear of rejection so that we can all come together and fully embrace ALL of our humanity, From our mess to our beauty. We are all one! Much love, Dan.

  1. Insecurities in a relationship


    Insecurities in a relationship

    YOUR refusal to take ownership of YOUR insecurities is causing you to constantly try and control your partner. Not only that but it is absolutely draining always looking for 'proof' that they are up to something, because of the 'fact' that you are clearly not good enough.I know because i've been there!'She could be with someone far better than me, what do I have to offer?!' Was what I used to believe about myself.After the breakdown of my second relationship 6 years ago I started to notice a pattern...The way I felt about myself had created the same result in both of my previous relationships!I realised that if I wanted to create a different result, then I had to start taking responsibility for the way I felt about me.One of the most powerful questions I asked myself was 'what kind of partner do I want to be?' We all struggle with the relationship we have with ourselves,But...Do you want to be the kind of partner that doesn't take ownership, blames the other person and tries to control their experience of life so that you feel better about yourself,OrDo you want to be the kind of partner that is able to communicate how you feel, without trying to control your partners experience of life and together support eachother to enjoy life to the full?!Remember the way you show up WILL and DOES create a very specific result in your relationships.You deserve to experience love and life to the full and it starts the moment you decide to take ownership of how you feel about you!As always, my inbox is open.Dan.

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This is a place for me to open up conversations around things we as humans all struggle with. I want to normalise our struggles and all the things we feel we have to hide from the world through fear of rejection so that we can all come together and fully embrace ALL of our humanity, From our mess to our beauty. We are all one! Much love, Dan.








