Bricking News with Alex Nunes and Jason's Bricks in 5

Jason’s Bricks in 5
Bricking News with Alex Nunes and Jason's Bricks in 5

Our Weekly Lego centric podcast covers recent Lego News, our own lego collections, we answer questions in our Ask Alex segment, and review other Lego fans builds and collections in our Community Commentary segment. There is lots of other fun topics and everyone's favorite segment, Rants. You can watch episodes on our youtube channels or listen here.

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    5개의 평가


    Our Weekly Lego centric podcast covers recent Lego News, our own lego collections, we answer questions in our Ask Alex segment, and review other Lego fans builds and collections in our Community Commentary segment. There is lots of other fun topics and everyone's favorite segment, Rants. You can watch episodes on our youtube channels or listen here.

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