30 episodes

An experiment in AI-generated flash fiction. All stories are a collaboration between Jason Brownlee and ChatGPT. All story images are generated with DALL·E.


Bad, Bad, Bad, Good Podcast Jason Brownlee

    • Technology

An experiment in AI-generated flash fiction. All stories are a collaboration between Jason Brownlee and ChatGPT. All story images are generated with DALL·E.


    Parable of the Engineer and the AI Writer

    Parable of the Engineer and the AI Writer

    Once upon a time, in the realm of aspiring storytellers, there lived a software engineer named Jay. Jay was a masterful programmer, adept at crafting elegant code and solving intricate problems. However, a deep yearning burned within Jay's heart—to write fiction, particularly flash fiction that could leave readers spellbound with its clever twists and profound insights.
    Unfortunately, Jay lacked the training and background in creative writing. The words Jay penned were lacklustre, the characters remained shallow, and the plots unfolded predictably. A sense of frustration gnawed at Jay's core, creating an ever-present feeling of inadequacy.
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    But fate had an unexpected turn in store for Jay. A chance encounter led Jay to gain access to an extraordinary AI designed explicitly for creative collaboration. This AI was a marvel of technological ingenuity, capable of generating story concepts, crafting intricate premises, and even writing prose and dialogue. It seemed to be the perfect remedy for Jay's creative struggles.
    With the AI as a guiding partner, Jay embarked on a grand adventure, co-creating countless stories. The AI's capabilities were truly exceptional—it could compose sentences with elegance, construct intricate plotlines, and breathe life into vibrant characters. Together, Jay and the AI produced a plethora of tales, spanning various genres and themes.
    Yet, as each story reached completion, a sense of dissatisfaction permeated Jay's being. Despite the AI's remarkable abilities, the stories fell short. They lacked that elusive spark that transforms a tale into a masterpiece. Deep down, Jay knew that the stories were not good, regardless of the AI's seemingly flawless prose.
    Perplexed and disheartened, Jay found himself questioning the reason why, despite the AI's remarkable assistance, the skill of crafting captivating fiction remained just out of reach. It soon became evident that the issue lay within the realms of taste and judgement. Jay possessed a sense of discernment, as he could recognize that the stories he had written fell short of his aspirations. However, pinpointing specific elements to fix or edit, that would bridge the gap between the current state of the stories and his desired brilliance, proved to be an insurmountable challenge. 
    While the AI excelled at generating ideas and weaving beautiful words, it alone could not replicate the nuanced understanding of storytelling that arises only through deliberate practice and honed instincts. It needed the help from a true collaborator, a creative writer who knew what to ask for and how to ask for it.
    Jay came to a profound realisation—there was no shortcut to mastery. Real creative brilliance demanded countless hours of immersing oneself in literary wonders, analysing narratives, and ceaselessly experimenting with different techniques. It necessitated embracing mistakes, seeking constructive criticism, and persisting through inevitable failures.
    Ultimately, Jay understood that creative ability, whether in writing or any other artistic pursuit, could not be bestowed by a technological marvel. The AI could be a valuable tool, but genuine craftsmanship originated from within, nurtured through unwavering dedication, unyielding perseverance, and an insatiable thirst for improvement.
    The parable of Jay serves as a timeless reminder to all aspiring creatives that while technology can assist, it is the commitment to the craft that ultimately shapes greatness. No amount of advanced AI or quick fixes can replace the devotion required to invest the necessary 10,000 hours of deliberate practice needed to unlock the gates of mastery.
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    • 4 min


    Dreams, they say, hold the power to heal.
    The lab is a sterile, white-walled chamber filled with rows of sleek, high-tech equipment, bathed in the muted glow of monitors that cast an eerie, otherworldly hue. As a humble lab technician, I never fancied myself a scientist. Yet, Dr. Ethan Wallace, the lab director is a genius and he has pushed the boundaries of what we thought was possible.
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    The adaptive learning system we have in the lab is a remarkable fusion of bio-engineering and advanced artificial intelligence. Its systems effectively delve into the depths of the subjects' minds, using a series of algorithmically chosen sound cues and biofeedback measurements. It closely monitors variables such as skin conductivity, breathing patterns, and even body heat, enabling real-time adjustments to the dreamscapes. The system can discern the subjects' preferences, identifying patterns of excitement, contentment, and relaxation. Just imagine the gentle ebb and flow of ocean waves lulling you into a serene beachscape or the soft melodies of birds transporting you to a tranquil forest. With each subsequent dream, it improves its ability to artfully tailored the experiences to provide more of what brought them pleasure. It is akin to having a personal dream curator, ensuring that their deepest desires were woven seamlessly into the fabric of their slumber.
    I managed the subject selection process. The subjects we enrolled in our program represented a diverse range of individuals burdened by sleep disorders stemming from past psychological trauma. From those battling chronic insomnia to individuals haunted by PTSD, our goal was simple: to help them find solace in restful slumber once again. Each subject's dream experiences were meticulously recorded and analysed, allowing us to identify only the most suitable candidates for the dream protocol. We had admitted eighteen subjects in total in the first cohort, then twenty in each of the next four cohorts.
    As time went on, things became unsettling. The subjects increasingly became consumed by an insatiable need for more dreams. They found themselves willingly surrendering to extended sleep sessions. It was as if a chasm began to form between their dream world and reality, their attachment to the artificial bliss growing stronger with each passing night. They became disconnected, their waking hours losing their lustre as the dream world claimed their attention. During testing, we could see that their line between what was real and what existed became increasingly blurred, raising concerns about the lasting consequences of this immersive obsession.
    I could all see that the subjects found their grip on sanity slipping away. Delusions crept into their waking hours, casting shadows of doubt on their surroundings. Paranoia seeped into their thoughts, distorting their perceptions of others and themselves. Erratic behaviour became the norm as the dream world encroached upon their fragile grip on reality. What was meant to be a respite from their torment had transformed into a treacherous addiction, eroding their sanity and leaving them teetering on the precipice of an abyss they could no longer discern from their waking nightmare.
    With each passing day, my concern deepened as I witnessed the steady decline of the subjects' mental stability. The gravity of their addiction to the dream world became painfully clear, and I dreaded the irreversible consequences that awaited them. Despite the lab director's frantic attempts to restore balance, his relentless modifications to the system only seemed to exacerbate the situation. The line between his objective pursuit of a solution and the desperate haze of subjectivity blurred, leaving him grasping at straws. As the subjects spiralled further into the clutches of their distorted realities, I found myself trapped between a sense of duty to intervene and the cr

    • 4 min
    Honey Pot

    Honey Pot

    The signal was first thought a hoax, then government propaganda, and then we believed. 
    In the vastness of space, humanity made a remarkable discovery—a signal from far away that repeated itself, accessible to even the most sceptical given the right tools. After careful analysis, we determined that it originated from Barnard's Star, probably sent 6 years ago.
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    The message was plain and easy to read. The first bytes of were the primer needed to decode the body of the message. As we delved deeper into the transmission, the messages hinted at something extraordinary: the potential for faster-than-light communication developed by an emerging spacefaring civilization in our galactic neighbourhood.
    An intergovernmental committee was set up immediately and the best minds diligently followed the instructions provided, piecing together a mechanism for instant communication. Using the device, we initiated direct contact with the enigmatic beings from afar.
    To our astonishment, we soon discovered that the alien civilization, despite possessing advanced knowledge, had not ventured into deep space like we had imagined. Their explorations were limited to probes that had only reached the planets within their own local system. However, amidst their scientific endeavours, they intercepted our radio transmissions and became aware of our existence, leading them to seek our aid.
    As our communication with the extraterrestrial civilization continued, they revealed the true extent of their predicament. Their messages carried a sense of urgency and a plea for assistance. It was evident that they faced formidable challenges and looked to us for guidance.
    They implored us to lend our collective intellect in solving a perplexing mathematical puzzle, one that held the key to free energy, required to overcome their own problems of overpopulation and environmental destruction. They needed our "calculating machines", our computers, a capability they had only developed to the most rudimentary level.
    The urgency of their request became apparent as they explained that it would take an excruciating 50 years for any physical probe to reach their star system—a delay that their civilization simply could not afford. With a shared understanding of the significance of time, we embraced the weight of their plea, knowing that our collaboration held the potential to shape the destiny of both our worlds.
    As the magnitude of the task dawned upon us, scientists and policymakers engaged in heated deliberations, weighing the risks and costs entailed in extending our assistance. The price tag attached to aiding the alien civilization loomed large, demanding a significant investment into the development of custom processing chips. Within our ranks, a division emerged, with one faction advocating for a cautious approach—sending probes as scouts to gather more information before committing fully. In contrast, another group urged for a unified and forceful arrival, asserting that swift and decisive action was crucial. Amidst the impassioned debates, we grappled with the implications of our choices, acutely aware that the decision we made would reverberate across the annals of history.
    In the face of uncertainties and lingering reservations, the collective resolve of humanity prevailed, as we made the momentous decision to embark on a path of collaboration. Uniting our computational prowess and harnessing the world's resources, we devoted two years of the world's collected computation to unravel the intricate web of the mathematical puzzle presented by our interstellar counterparts.
    Eventually, elements of the solution were collected like a radiant beacon, an offering of our raw computational abilities. With anticipation, we shared the fruits of our labour with the alien civilization, hoping that our efforts would bridge the gap between our worlds and forge a bond of trus

    • 5 min
    The Field

    The Field

    The dying embers of the sun painted the sky with a warm, otherworldly hue. The orange glow cast elongated shadows over the rolling fields, beckoning me forward as I cruised down the lonely country road. Twilight settled upon the landscape, casting an air of quiet mystery. It was during this enchanting hour, where the veil between reality and the unknown seemed to thin, that I caught a glimpse of something extraordinary in the distance.
    My eyes strained to comprehend the sight that unfolded before me. There, in the field adjacent to the road, an ethereal presence danced in the fading light. It defied all description, perhaps a bright light or a reflection. Its radiant glow flickered across the field.
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    Tumbling down the silent road, I drew closer. The object remained still out in the field apparently hovering above the grass. Was it a fire or perhaps a fallen star, a celestial entity that had graced this humble corner of the world? Or perhaps it had been conjured into existence by the whims of a witch? The questions swirled within me, but the only way to satiate my curiosity was to investigate.
    I pulled the car over to the side of the road, my gaze transfixed on the enigmatic object that shimmered in the distance. Its otherworldly radiance seemed to pulse and shift, as if it were alive, evoking within me a mixture of wonder and trepidation. The allure was irresistible, an indescribable force compelling me to abandon the safety of my car and venture into the twilight-lit field.
    I left the car running, door open, headlights illuminating the patch of road ahead in the falling dusk. As I stepped over the fence and onto the cool grass, my senses sharpened, and every rustle of wind became a whisper of anticipation. Each cautious footstep carried me closer to the mysterious entity, its mesmerising light growing more intense with each passing moment. My heart pounded in my chest, matching the rhythm of the flickering radiance.
    The field seemed to stretch endlessly before me, the blades of grass swaying gently in the evening breeze. The world around me was oblivious to the thing that should not be. Uncertainty mingled with excitement, a delicate balance within me as I continued my approach. Each step was deliberate, as if the very ground beneath my feet held secrets waiting to be uncovered.
    Finally, after what felt like an eternity, I stood just a few feet away from the radiant spectacle. The object loomed before me, its brilliance casting an otherworldly glow upon my face, my hands, the grass. It was as if the entire universe had condensed into this singular point, a fleeting nexus where the ordinary and the extraordinary converged.
    With bated breath, I extended my trembling hand, fingertips barely grazing the space inhabited by the ineffable object.
    The world around me blurred, fading into a hazy backdrop. The enigmatic object wavered, its form becoming translucent. And then, in an instant, it vanished, leaving me standing alone in the twilight-lit field, bathed in a profound silence. I withdrew my hand unchanged, yet I felt transformed at the deepest level.
    With a sense of confusion, I turned my gaze back towards my car, its engine still humming and headlights illuminating the night. As I walked back, the weight of the experience lingered.
    Looking up from the ground, and then around me, I saw similar objects everywhere. They were sitting in the neighbouring fields, on the road, and more were falling from the heavens. The world had changed.
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    • 3 min
    The Writer

    The Writer

    Once upon a time, in a land where creativity danced with the winds, there lived a writer named Amelia. Her mind was once a tapestry of imagination, but a dark cloud had settled upon her, casting a suffocating shroud—a writer's block.
    Amelia's desk, once adorned with ink-stained paper, now lay barren, echoing her frustration. The whispers of inspiration that once graced her soul had faded, leaving her lost in a sea of unspoken words. Desperation consumed her, until fate intervened with a curious gift—a typewriter of ancient origin, rumoured to hold secrets of unbound creativity.
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    With trembling hands, Amelia brushed off the layers of dust that coated the typewriter's keys. As she sat before it, anticipation mingled with doubt. Could this mystical relic rescue her from the clutches of her writer's block?
    Intrigued by its promise, Amelia asked the typewriter to generate a story. A gentle click echoed through the room as the typewriter sprang to life, spinning tales with each keystroke. It possessed the power to conjure narratives on any topic, but Amelia found herself paralyzed by choice. What should she ask for? Which story would awaken the dormant muse within?
    Days turned into nights, and still, Amelia grappled with her indecision. The typewriter patiently waited, its silent presence a reminder of the possibilities. It yearned to unleash the stories locked within Amelia's weary soul, to set her words free from the prison of self-doubt.
    Yet, the more Amelia hesitated, the tighter the grip of writer's block clenched her heart. She longed for a magic phrase, a key to unlock the gateway to her creativity. But the true key was not held by the typewriter—it resided within Amelia's own uncertainty, her fear of failure.
    As time ticked by, a revelation flickered in the depths of Amelia's mind. The typewriter was not a magical cure, but a mirror reflecting her own inner struggle. It whispered that the only way to conquer her writer's block was to confront her fear head-on, to embrace the uncertainty and let the words flow unfiltered.
    With newfound determination, Amelia approached the typewriter once more, her heart filled with hope. Instead of asking for a story, she simply placed her trembling hands on the keys and began to write. She let her thoughts spill forth, unburdened by expectation or direction.
    Words poured from her fingertips, bypassing the barrier of doubt, cascading onto the page like a symphony of emotions. The typewriter, ever the faithful companion, hummed in response, recognizing that it was Amelia herself who held the power to banish the shadows of her writer's block.
    And so, Amelia's journey continued, not reliant on the typewriter's generative enchantment but fueled by her own resilience and perseverance. With each stroke of the keys, her writer's block gradually dissolved, replaced by a newfound freedom—the freedom to create without constraint, to embrace the vulnerability of the blank page.
    The typewriter remained a treasured relic, a reminder of Amelia's triumph over her creative stagnation. Its presence served as a beacon, whispering that the writer's block she once endured was not an insurmountable obstacle but a stepping stone on her path to self-discovery.
    And thus, Amelia emerged from the depths of her writer's block, her words flowing like a river, carrying her stories to distant lands and eager hearts. For it was not the typewriter that held the power to unlock her creativity—it was her unwavering spirit, her determination to forge ahead, even in the face of uncertainty.
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    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit badbadbadgood.substack.com

    • 4 min
    The Object

    The Object

    The massive object loomed on the outskirts of the solar system. It appeared as a colossal hollow cylinder, suspended in the darkness of space. Its surface, a dull impenetrable silver, seemed to absorb the attention of the whole world. We first detected it near the distant planet Neptune, where it quietly traversed the expanse of the solar system.
    What struck us most was its trajectory. The object followed the same elliptical path as our planets, gracefully aligned with the orbital plane of our celestial neighbours. It defied any random occurrence or natural phenomenon. This was a calculated journey, a deliberate entrance into our cosmic neighbourhood.
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    As it made its approach, we could tell it was decelerating. It was slowing down, defying the natural laws of motion. It was as if the vastness of space itself was exerting a gentle yet firm pull on the colossal visitor, bringing it to a halt. The implications of such a deliberate and controlled manoeuvre were chilling, hinting at a level of intelligence and intent beyond our comprehension.
    Enormous doesn't even begin to describe it. The object was on a whole other level, a true titan of the cosmos. This behemoth is nearly as big as one-quarter of our moon. It sits out there, silent and majestic, in the orbit of our star between Venus and Mars. It's like a celestial sentry, stationed between two neighbouring planets, and there's little doubt that we are the focus of its attention.
    I can't help but feel this mix of wonder and fear when I think about it. The magnitude of it all is overwhelming. Who could have built such a thing? And how? But the object gives nothing away. It just sits there, an enigma that's captured the attention of the entire world.
    For years, we've tried every trick in the book to make contact with it. We've beamed signals of all kinds—radio waves, mathematical codes, and even our favourite songs from the past century. But it's as if the object is deaf to our attempts, ignoring our ever more desperate pleas for a response. Not a single signal has been returned, not a single whisper from the abyss.
    Scientists and engineers have racked their brains, theorising about the object's origins and purpose. Most think it's an alien probe, silently collecting information about our planet and its inhabitants. Some believe it once carried life, but that life has long perished, leaving nothing but a relic. The possibilities are endless, yet frustratingly out of reach.
    As governments worldwide scrambled for answers, they've attempted bold manoeuvres, even daring to land on the object's surface. But to no avail. Its impenetrable exterior, made of some unknown material, has thwarted every attempt to gain access. The object remains a fortress, guarded by secrets we may never uncover. And still, it just sits there, an enigmatic sentinel among the stars, casting its shadow upon our collective imagination.
    Nearly a decade has passed since its arrival, and yet it remains an unyielding enigma in our solar system. Despite countless attempts to decipher its purpose or provoke a response, the colossal entity defies all efforts. It maintains its stoic presence, silently sitting in orbit, refusing to yield any secrets. The passage of time only adds to the mystery, leaving us to wonder what lies dormant within its imposing form and what its enduring presence signifies for the future of humanity.
    A seismic shift has occurred in the wake of the mysterious object's arrival. The realisation that we are not alone in the universe has ignited a fervent focus on space exploration and technology. The world has become consumed by advancements, with governments, private industries, and visionary pioneers pouring resources into developing space stations, spacecraft, and even establishing a permanent base on the moon. 
    The past few years have seen an unprecedented leap in progress, with breakthroug

    • 5 min

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