BAL 2025, Ep01 - Why Did God Throw Satan to the Earth Instead of Somewhere Else ?

Bible Answers Live

In this edition of Bible Answers Live, Pastor Doug and Pastor Ross discuss why God sent Satan to Earth and where he is now. Join us as they also answer questions about testing God and praising God, and how we are to defend our faith in Him. Tune in and find out about these topics and more ! 1.- What is the “darkness” that came over the land in Isaiah 60 verse 2 ? 2.- How should Christians defend their faith in this evil world ? 3.- Based on Ecclesiastes 12 verse 7, does the soul cease to exist when the breath of life returns to God ? 4.- How can we both love our neighbor as in Matthew 5 verse 43 and 44, and not give holy things to them as in Matthew 7 verse 6 ? 5.- Why did God throw Satan to Earth instead of somewhere else ? 6.- Does the creation account say that “space” is water ? 7.- Abraham tested the Lord, but Samuel says you cannot test the Lord. Can you explain ? 8.- Should we keep asking for Jesus to forgive us when we make a mistake ? or do we trust that the Spirit changes us ? 9.- How did Noah breathe in the ark ? 10.- What does the Bible say about converting from paganism to worshiping God ? 11.- In John 20 verses 21 through 23, did Jesus give humanity the ability to forgive sins ? 12.- Where is Satan now and where has he been since he tempted Jesus ? 13.- Why does God need to be praised ? 14.- In 1 Peter 1 verses 10 to 11, is the Spirit of Christ the same as the Holy Spirit ? 15.- In Revelation 8 verse 1 when Jesus leaves Heaven to retrieve His people, does this take a half hour ? 16.- Can I take communion at home if I don’t belong to a church ? 17.- Why did Jesus tell us to pray that our flight may not be during the winter or the Sabbath ? 18.- Why will it not be possible to have children after the millennium, in Heaven ?

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