Back in 2009, famed author Michael Lewis wrote a profile of basketball player Shane Battier in which he dubbed him “the no stats all star.” What would make someone a no stats all star? An individual whose game play puts the team above himself (how rare is that)? It just took some deeper analytics to realize that how the TEAM performed (Sven even how the competition underperformed) came down to this one unassumingly shrewd variable. In this conversation with Marisa and Steven, Shane shares how those instincts from the court have translated into really meaningful lessons in leadership for all of us. Wondering if the only route to big leadership is big ego? This episode is for you.
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- 节目
- 频道
- 频率一周一更
- 发布时间2024年11月26日 UTC 08:00
- 长度41 分钟
- 季2
- 单集18
- 分级儿童适宜