DC Multicast
This is a multi-part series covering the entirety of DC Comics’ theatrical movie catalog. Joining host Keith Chow is artist and video game developer Adam Starcaster to analyze every DC movie from 1951’s Superman and the Mole Men through 1989’s gamechanging Batman and beyond!
- 11 épisodes
À propos
This is a multi-part series covering the entirety of DC Comics’ theatrical movie catalog. Joining host Keith Chow is artist and video game developer Adam Starcaster to analyze every DC movie from 1951’s Superman and the Mole Men through 1989’s gamechanging Batman and beyond!
- Chaîne
- CréationHard NOC Media
- Années d’activité2 k
- Épisodes11
- ClassificationContenu explicite
- CopyrightCopyright © 2024 Hard NOC Media.
- Site web de l’émission
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